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Dissecting an Organization – The Federal Government

Dissecting an Organization – The Federal Government

The federal government, just like most modern governments, plays a crucial role in shaping politics and economics in society. It significantly influences individual and group behavior. Other roles include developing infrastructure, regulating markets, raising the tax, and protecting the environment, among many other roles (Champoux, 2020). Different government departments are charged with delivering these functions. The US federal government takes the organizational form, with the president acting as the CEO, while cabinet secretaries are the departmental heads.

Organizational power relations are exhibited in the running of the US federal government. A notable aspect of power relations in the US government is the sanctioning dimension, whereby a party can influence the functions of the other through rewards, penalties, or both (Champoux, 2020). For instance, the president’s responsibility is to appoint cabinet secretaries, but the Senate can sanction the president’s choice based on the reputation of the individual cabinet secretaries.

Another organizational behavior characteristic of the federal government is the formation of coalitions. A coalition comprises individuals or interest groups with a common goal(s) (Champoux, 2020). A coalition can be formed by people scattered across the organization who share the same vision. The government’s Executive Branch relies on coalitions to push its agenda. For instance, the president automatically expects party members who sponsored their candidature to support them in the House (The White House, 2021). Other alliances with other parties are based on shared interests or tit for tat basis.

Also, ethical issues when making critical decisions affect the government’s running. The decision-making process raises many questions when choosing between alternatives, setting goals and creating the alternatives themselves. The US president is subjected to a stringent ethical standard, such that the Senate can remove them from power if they are unfit to continue holding public office (The White House, 2021).

In summary, the federal government exhibits many organizational features of a modern organization. Fundamental among them is the hierarchical nature through which the government is managed. The hierarchical structure allows the smooth coordination of government functions. Power is also managed efficiently to ensure everyone executes their roles without failure. Finally, government officials, including the president, are held to a stringent ethical standard to ensure they do not damage organizational reputation.


Champoux, J. E. (2020). ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR: integrating individuals, groups, and organizations. Routledge.

The White House. (2021). The Executive Branch. The White House.


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Dissecting an Organization

Dissecting an Organization

When one thinks of organizations, it would be natural to first consider businesses. However, we are surrounded by and probably part of many other types of organizations, including religious groups, social clubs, volunteer organizations and government. Even families can be viewed through the lens of organizational behavior.
Consider the Executive Branch of the federal government. What ideas from our reading do you see evident in the way the Executive Branch is organized? How do these principles contribute to the successful function or dysfunction of this branch of government?
In response to your peers, what are some of the different organizations of which you are a part? How are they organized, and why? What is your role?

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