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Discussion Responses – Metaparadigm of Nursing

Discussion Responses – Metaparadigm of Nursing

Response to Classmate 1


Thank you for sharing your post. Watson claims that caring is at the heart of nursing practice and that it promotes health more effectively than a simple medical solution. She feels that a holistic approach to health care is essential to nursing practice. Nurses, according to her notion, can display and practice caring. Loving for patients encourages development; a caring atmosphere embraces a person for who they are while also anticipating what they might become. The Human Caring Theory places a larger weight on a person’s spiritual dimension. Soul, in this context, refers to a higher feeling of self, analogous to the psychological idea of self-actualization (Wei.,2019). Watson’s existentialistic/humanistic ontological point of view transforms into a mystical one at this point because, as she points out, caring moments can help a person grow his or her inner healing capacity and reach an intuited mystic and even miracle-like experience. The development of a person and the realization of his or her potential are mentioned in this theory, but these potentials must be adequately defined.


Wei, H., & Watson, J. (2019). Healthcare interprofessional team members’ perspectives on human caring: A directed content analysis study. International journal of nursing sciences6(1), 17-23.

Response to Classmate 2


Great work with your post! The paradigm is a key concept that guides the evolution of a scientific field. Metaparadigms shape a discipline’s education, research, and practice steps. There is a need for every nurse to recognize the need to take readings to create a relevant structure, in this case, a deteriorating patient, as the foundation for nursing action—for example, persuading others on the team that a patient with deterioration exists to create a concerted action environment and beginning interventions to improve health functioning. This helps and even guides the multidisciplinary team in decision-making. They must promote awareness of nursing’s metaparadigms and construct their nursing philosophy based on these paradigms. It is self-evident that teaching students the core principles of nursing and the unique abilities needed to define nursing care entails more than just teaching them nursing theory(Deliktas,2019). Though it is widely used in the profession, what are the perceptions of the nurses at work, and do they practice all metaparadigms of nursing during their daily experiences, or do the components overlap each other and your personal view on the practice of nursing and metaparadigms.


Deliktas, A., Korukcu, O., Aydin, R., & Kabukcuoglu, K. (2019). Nursing students’ perceptions of nursing metaparadigms: A phenomenological study. The Journal of Nursing Research27(5), e45.


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Discussion Responses – Metaparadigm of Nursing

Please see the attached discussion posts of two classmates. Read the posts and respond to Classmate 1 and Classmate 2 separately

Discussion Responses-Metaparadigm of Nursing

Discussion Responses-Metaparadigm of Nursing

  •  minimum of 150 words per response, not including references
  • Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years
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