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Discussion Response-The Importance of Screening

Discussion Response-The Importance of Screening


Thank you for sharing your post. Nurse Practitioners are champions of prevention, and whether by intervention, vaccination education, secondary or primary, NPs have always played a critical part in patient health optimization. The US healthcare system has historically been designed to move toward disease diagnosis and treatment. The system relies heavily on procedures and medications though this is changing because of the quality requirements imposed by the overseeing bodies such as the CMA and Joint Commission. Payers increasingly want to know how well NPs and other medical practitioners are screening their patients for preventable conditions. Meanwhile, screening guidelines have become more refined and have continued to require experience and expertise in their interpretation in ways that will be beneficial to the patients (Gardenier & Cadet, 2020).

The basis of guidelines is evidence from research, and as new pieces of evidence are unearthed, NPs must adapt accordingly to the guidelines. However, asking patients and NPs to recall specific details a decade later is not the ideal way of optimizing screening outcomes. In colon cancer screening, for example, the details are focused on specialists as the audience, yet NPs need to know when and to whom a patient is to be referred. As the US healthcare system moves toward value-based care and away from fee-for-service care, NPs will need to find novel ways to ensure screening takes place in ways that are optimal for the population (Gardenier & Cadet, 2020).

When clinical guidelines in screening are used in practice, they provide NPs guidance in choosing the best treatment for the delivery of safe care. Additionally, guidelines focus on the available options of care, prevent the occurrence of adverse events, minimize preventable mistakes, and help weigh the harms against the benefits of treatments and diagnostic procedures for optimal care (Kredo et al., 2016). For example, NPs can follow the guidelines’ recommendations in creating a treatment plan to perform a diagnostic procedure, improve patient outcomes, or measure care standards. Guidelines on screening also aid NPs in becoming familiar with the set patient priorities’ available treatment, the establishment of goals, the creation of treatment plans, or the execution of interventions.


Gardenier, D., & Cadet, M. J. (2020). Are Screening Guidelines Too Complicated? The Journal for Nurse Practitioners16(7), 491-492.

Kredo, T., Bernhardsson, S., Machingaidze, S., Young, T., Louw, Q., Ochodo, E., & Grimmer, K. (2016). Guide to clinical practice guidelines: the current state of play. International Journal for Quality in Health Care28(1), 122-128.


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Discussion Response-The Importance of Screening

To improve public health, there is a need to treat and manage diseases and also screen and prevent them. One of the ways to screen and prevent the occurrence of health conditions is through community nursing. This is defined as the practice of providing clinical, personal, and educational services to the people in their communities, that is, at home (Lee et al., 2017). The nurse practitioner understands the importance of this process and makes stances to make this successful. The role of nurse practitioners in promoting and achieving community health is discussed as follows.–

Discussion Response-The Importance of Screening

The nurse practitioners stress the importance of screening. According to research, most irreversible conditions can be solved in the first stages (Kim & Chang, 2017). Therefore, screening is a very important step in promoting the health of people in the community. What is mostly lacking in the communities is knowledge of the importance of screening. The nurses educate the people about why they should get screened for vital conditions and the benefits accrued to this (Griffin-Sobel, 2017). Additionally, some of the screening machines are not available in many community settings. Most of these are only seen in healthcare organizations, which forces people to have to go to the hospital for this. Nurses should work with other organizations to help purchase and install these machines at the community level (Griffin-Sobel, 2017).

Screening is sometimes underrated, and most people do not see the importance of having them. However, as seen above, it serves a very important role in disease prevention and health promotion. It is the role of the nurses to educate the community about screening and convince people to go for it. The existence of machines at the home level will help screen patients without bothering them with transport costs. This is a very important role of the nurse practitioner in community nursing.


Griffin-Sobel, J. P. (2017). Gastrointestinal cancers: Screening and early detection. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 33(2), 165-171.
Kim, S., & Chang, D. E. (2017). Border screening vs. community level disease control for infectious diseases: Timing and effectiveness.
Lee, G., Pickstone, N., Facultad, J., & Titchener, K. (2017). The future of community nursing: Hospital in the home. British Journal of Community Nursing, 22(4), 174-180.

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