Discussion Response – Elderly Aging
I agree that aging increases the likelihood of losing eyesight and hearing ability. Many elderly people wear hearing aids and spectacles, and some get to a stage of completely losing their hearing and sight senses. Although these changes mainly affect their physical well-being, they may significantly impact the elderly person’s emotional and mental well-being. According to Burry (2022), sensory impairments among the elderly increase the risk of developing cognitive health issues. Cognitive impairment reduces self-esteem among most older adults, especially those who were used to relying on themselves to get things done before they became old and those who held a respectable position in society. They may therefore detach themselves from the community and choose to stay at home with their families with limited interaction with the community. Some may also refuse to wear a hearing aid in public to avoid disclosing their hearing impairment leading to isolation because they cannot engage in conversations. Sensory impairment is a normal part of the aging process hence the need to ensure that the elderly accept the changes in their senses so that they can get help before they completely lose their senses. For instance, the complete loss of sight can be prevented if an older adult gets the right treatment when they start developing sight issues. Therefore, the extent of the sensory issues among the elderly may be influenced by the care they get. Access to regular checkups and quality treatment may delay the deterioration of sensory loss and the impact of the sensory loss on the elderly person. For example, a supportive environment may make it easier for the elderly person to accept the changes in their senses, such as loss of hearing and sight, thus improving their emotional well-being and self-esteem.
Burry, M. (2022, July 11). Hearing and vision loss equals a ‘substantial’ risk for dementia, studies indicate. Healthy Hearing. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from https://www.healthyhearing.com/report/53361-Hearing-and-vision-loss-dementia-cognitive-decline-studies-older-adults-sensory-impairment
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Discussion Response – Elderly Aging
What Do You Know About The Aging Process?
Do the elderly lose their sense of taste and smell as they age?
What happens when a person loses their ability to see/hear well?