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Discussion – Pluralism

Discussion – Pluralism

Pluralism in politics is the formation of interest groups with shared goals to influence the creation, elimination, or change of the aspects of a public policy for the benefit of its members. People who believe that the government should serve their self-interests use access points, such as Congress and the court, to influence the formation of public policies that align with their wants and needs.

Pluralism constitutes many interest groups, which compete for the government to be attentive to their needs and wants (Dautrich et al., 2016). When people of different natures of interest groups compete in the above manner, they compel the federal government to form public policies that will address their concerns and end the persistent quarrels that have ensued. Therefore, it is because of interest groups with competing desires in many countries that governments are compelled to form public policies.

Pluralism is necessary for democracy to function correctly in the United States. In a proper democratic governing system, every political party, which can be termed as an interest group, is allowed to express their opinions publicly, as long as it is respectful. Democracy has been the source of America’s political stability to date because citizens can share their views openly without fear of retaliation from the government. Suppose the United States federal government wants to sustain the current positive perception Americans and persons from other nations have concerning the fairness of its ruling system. In that case, it should allow democracy to reign.

However, democracy can only be executed successfully in the United States if the federal government enables citizens to form interest groups that give their opinions concerning public issues without the fear of being harassed (Escobar, 2017). Thus, pluralism is essential in the United States as it advances democratic practices in the ways explained.


Dautrich, K., Yalof, D. A., & Bejarano, C. (2016). The enduring democracy. Cengage Learning.

Escobar, O. (2017). Pluralism and democratic participation: What kind of citizen are citizens invited to be? Contemporary Pragmatism14(4), 416-438.


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Discussion – Pluralism

What is pluralism? How does the concept of pluralism apply to interest groups in American politics? Why is pluralism important to the proper functioning of American democracy?

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