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Discussion – Leadership Traits

Discussion – Leadership Traits

Leadership is the act of influencing or inspiring others to perform purpose-driven actions. A leader plays the role of leading a group of people. Leaders are expected to be ethical because ethics directly relate to leadership. A person’s personality affects their attitude and behavior; therefore, the leader can be subjected to faults when not ethical. An ethical leader places integrity and honesty above all else and takes action against injustice. A leader’s qualities include integrity, intelligence, empathy, communication, self-awareness and confidence, courage, and influence (Baker, 2019). In the words of Former President John Quincy Adams, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” Get in touch with us at We offer assignment help with high professionalism.

The quote describes a leader as a person who inspires people to do more. It targets the influential trait of a leader (Ciulla, 2014). The leader’s actions should convince other people not to settle for less by infusing their minds with how much better their lives could improve for the better. The communication trait is also related to the quote. The leader should have excellent communication skills. Furthermore, communication skills allow the leader to converse with the people, creating room for influencing people’s attitudes and behaviours.

A leader’s actions depend on his behavior and personality. Actions based on integrity, empathy, self-confidence, and courage will influence peoples’ opinions of the leader. Leaders should be honest and ethical; they should understand and show compassion towards people in their community (Baker, 2019). The leader should not be afraid to stand for what is right and just. When leaders carry themselves with these good traits, people emulate them. Also, people are doing more, learning more, and becoming better individuals (Ciulla, 2014).

Regarding this quote, I aspire to be a leader as described. I desire to be a leader who will grow alongside the people by being ethical and applying all leadership traits. For this reason, we should not cover up for shortcomings by leaders but speak up against their bad characteristics and ask them to do better

In conclusion, a leader’s action significantly affects their community, and they should aspire to be better. Leaders should aspire to make their communities better by influencing the people within that community with their actions.


Baker, C., 2019. What makes a good leader? Early Years Educator, 21(7), pp.33-34

Ciulla, J., 2010. Ethics, the heart of leadership. 3rd ed. ABC-CLIO,LLC.


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Discussion - Leadership Traits

Discussion – Leadership Traits

Explain your interest in leadership.

Feel free to share any experience you may have leading, whether this is at work, a sports team, a volunteer team, or a personal experience. What leadership quote inspires you?

Feel free to share any quote you know, or you may use your internet search engine to find it.

Then, relate this quote to this week’s topic.
When you make your initial post, please fully answer the question and make substantive responses – i.e., at least 200 words.

Who Is a Leader and What Skills Do Leaders Need?/Leadership Traits and Ethics

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