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Discussion – Infinite Person

Discussion – Infinite Person

According to Janaro and Altshuler (18), an infinite person is described as a person who does not commit any crime against humanity, does not have rigid prejudices, and does not jump to quick judgments or conclusions. An infinite person does not restrict others from exercising their right to express their opinion, assemble, practice their religion, and follow their preferences as long as their freedom does not limit the freedom of others. Martin Luther King is one of the most famous leaders who can be described as infinite. He fought against slavery because he considered it a crime against humanity and led African Americans to advance their rights in a nonviolent way. He established a national platform to pass his peaceful message against slavery and listened to what his opponents were saying so that he could provide a reasonable response.

I would describe myself as an infinite person because my personality traits align with the characteristics of an infinite person. For instance, I have never committed any crime against humanity, and I actively participate in peaceful demonstrations pushing for the apprehension of people who are found guilty of committing such crimes. I also take my time before making a judgment or conclusion to ensure that my actions are not guided by hasty decisions that could be wrong. I also focus on eliminating any thoughts that could create rigid prejudices, especially when dealing with people with a different opinion from mine.


Janaro, R. P., and T. C. Altshuler. The art of being human: The humanities as a technique for living. 2016.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Discussion – Infinite Person

What does it mean to be an “infinite” person? Describe either someone you know personally or a famous person in our culture who seems to fit that label. Are YOU an “infinite” person? If so, how? If not, why not? Please write between 2 – 4 paragraphs.

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