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Discussion – Feedback Critique

Discussion – Feedback Critique

Who critiqued you, and what is your relationship to them

The feedback is from a friend, Sheryl, with whom we grew up together. She talked about the challenges she faced while growing up and rising against all odds to excel in her education and career. She managed to rise to one of the top positions at her workplace hence being able to help her mother and herself better their lives. In our society, we are defined by upbringing, whereby a child growing up with poor living conditions may not succeed in life. Poverty during childhood stages is not a defining factor in the outcome of life as an adult. When the barriers are addressed during early childhood and interventions to help reduce poverty are instituted, the child is likely to succeed in adult life (Brooks-Gunn & Duncun, 1997). This is the case with Sheryl. Her mother worked so hard to ensure that Sheryl went to school. She also worked hard to ensure the availability of basic needs.

What I Perceived during My Feedback Session with them

During the feedback session, I got to understand that my friend suffered a major heartbreak when her dad abandoned them. She also had the hardest time when she lost her only brother. It is clear that her mother was affected by the death of her son. I was able to perceive that her brother must have been the only source of hope for the family, and that is why, following his death, Sheryl vowed to work hard and be disciplined to better her mother’s life. I was also able to perceive that despite her being hardworking, her husband must have played a critical role in her getting her second job and rising to one of the top positions in the organization.

The Answers that surprised me

I was surprised by the fact that she was raised by a single mother and she lost her only brother to cancer. Sheryl looked very composed and displayed a high sense of discipline in everything she did, which was contrary to the opinion that children from single-parent households are likely to be indisciplined and lack self-esteem as a result of an absentee parent. In addition, children of single parents usually end up engaging in drugs because there is no one at home to affirm their ability in life and instill discipline since the available parent is out there fending for the family, hence less/no time for instilling discipline.

Answers that didn’t surprise me

I was not surprised by the fact that she was able to get a new job and clenched one of the topmost positions in the organization immediately after she met her husband, who held the highest position in the organization. This is what is witnessed currently in the world. Nepotism usually creates opportunities for replication of the highest positions in the organizations. This can also be replicated in the entire department being dominated by close relatives (Safina, 2015). Nepotism is a major setback to organizational growth. Sheryl was not able to rise to a higher position in her first company because she did not have someone close to help her.

The Influence, Positive or Constructive, this had on My Self-Perception

Generally, the feedback offered strong, insightful arguments in relation to beating all odds and succeeding in life. Positively, I was challenged by the fact that with hard work and discipline, Sheryl was able to excel in her education. Despite being raised by a single mother, she also turned out to be a better person, which is usually associated with negativities. On the contrary, one wonders why she stagnated at her initial workplace. Is it because she did not have a godfather, or was it because she did not meet the organization’s standards? Secondly, I felt that having her husband as a senior executive in the organization was the reason why she was appointed in her current position and not through merit.


Brooks-Gunn, J., & Duncan, G. J. (1997). The Effects of Poverty on Children. JSTOR Journal 7(2), 55-71.

Safina, D. (2015). Favouritism and Nepotism in an Organization: Causes and Effects. Science Direct Journal, 23(2), 630-634.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Discussion – Feedback Critique

Please do the following to complete this assignment:

Culture Discussion Response – Indian Culture

Provide the Feedback Form to at least one person in your life. Consider family members, co-workers, partners, or friends.
Once the form has been completed, PLEASE use proper spelling and grammar based on the questions below:

1. Who critiqued you, and what is your relationship to them?
2. What did you perceive during your feedback session with them?
3. What answers surprised you?
4. What answers didn’t surprise you?
5. Did this have any influence, positive or constructive, on your perception of yourself?

At the end of the paper, copy and paste the content from the completed Feedback Forms returned by your respondent.

*P.S. The form that will go to this paper is linked below.*


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