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Discussion – Ethnographic Research

Discussion – Ethnographic Research

Ethnography is “the study of social interactions, behaviors, and perceptions that occur within groups, teams, organizations, and communities” (Reeves et al., 2008, p. 512). The main objective of using ethnography is to gain insight into the actions of human beings, their perspectives, and their natural habitats. Initially, ethnography was used mainly in anthropology. It has been adopted increasingly by social scientists for research. The main distinguishing aspect of ethnography is its ability to uncover details about a certain social phenomenon instead of just testing pre-formulated hypotheses. Ethnographic research can also be used for low numbers of cases and is ideal for unstructured data. It is mainly qualitative in nature because the phenomenon under study is explained to the readers explicitly. Observation of respondents is a critical aspect in ensuring that ethnographic researchers obtain quality data (Spotless Interactive, 2021). Our assignment writing services will allow you to attend to more important tasks as our experts handle your task.

Data Collection

When setting up an ethnographic study, social scientists should choose the most appropriate data collection method. There are three models that can be used for this purpose: observation, interviewing, and archival research. Observation involves the presence of the researcher in the lives and activities of the respondents (Guth, 2013). Despite their involvement, the researchers still need to create a professional distance. Interviews allow researchers to obtain information from respondents using questions. Archival research involves analyzing the existing material that is related to the social phenomenon (Sangasubana, 2011).

It is also important for the researcher to identify a research question. The research question guides the study and provides readers with an idea of the social phenomenon under study. After identifying the research question, the researcher should assess their knowledge in the area. The researcher then identifies the ideal sources of information regarding the phenomenon. Once the ideal sources are identified, it is important to approach their gatekeepers to obtain consent for access. Finally, the consideration of time and financial resources is critical for the study’s success. The researcher should assess whether they have enough time to carry out the study by reviewing their additional commitments and obligations (Sangasubana, 2011). If financial resources are insufficient, it is important to identify and approach an external source for additional funds. Addressing these aspects prior to starting the study raises the chances of success.

Various stages characterize the process of ethnographic research. As earlier mentioned, the researcher must identify the research question, which formulates the problem. Problem formulation sheds light on the study’s focus, which is the area that the researcher desires to explore. This is followed by a selection of the study’s setting. The chosen setting should allow the researcher to observe the respondents without any hindrances or barriers. The researcher is encouraged to select a setting within which they fit perfectly but not necessarily familiar. Once the ideal setting has been identified, gaining access follows. This can be achieved through formal consent, or an individual who is known to the researcher can recommend them. The individual can also access the group as a volunteer prior to presenting as an ethnographic researcher. Once access is gained, the researcher must choose the best mode of presentation (Sangasubana, 2011). They can take part in activities within the group as they seek acceptance in the respondents’ daily lives.

The process of gathering as well as recording information begins after all the initial steps are completed. It is not always possible to record all information immediately. The researchers should carry a pen and notebook to note down key aspects. Proper recording should happen immediately after they leave the scene to avoid forgetting. Additional equipment such as cameras and recorders can help to store information prior to recording. Various elements should be included in the notes taken during observation. A running description that provides the entire day’s observations is important. The description should avoid analysis of events and people. Instead, they should emphasize accurate details due to a lack of sufficient time to conduct instant analysis. The notes should also include episodes that were forgotten and recalled while on the field. The researcher should also note down minute details that facilitate further use of the information. It is also important to note subjective aspects that surfaced while on the field. Noting these feelings down allows the researcher to eliminate possible bias during analysis. Finally, it is necessary to include methodology notes that highlight ideas that may affect the entire process positively or negatively (Sangasubana, 2011). Adhering to each of these elements while recording data creates a smooth process, especially in analysis, and increases the validity of the research.

Handling Data

Once the researchers have collected the necessary data through observation or any other preferable model, they need to analyze it. The process of data analysis is usually inductive because the researcher starts by understanding the other parties as opposed to using pre-conceived notions. Data analysis should instinctively kick off during data collection because the researcher can identify common themes (Sangasubana, 2011). These pre-identified themes determine whether the researcher will pursue them for in-depth investigation.

According to Sangasubana (2011), coding is the first step and involves the categorization of words into meaningful groups. Besides the categorization process, the words are organized for comparison, contrast, and identification of patterns. The first level of coding reduces the data into manageable amounts. This is followed by sorting, which allows the researcher to group all descriptive labels into minute sets. The sorting process facilitates theme development, and the researcher can begin to identify connections between the groups. The researcher then proceeds to the identification of outliers or aspects that do not fit with the rest. The next step is the generalization of theories and constructs. At this point, the existing literature is considered to aid in adding meaning to the coded data. Finally, the researcher creates memos that include remarks which identify areas that need more clarification or assistance with the identification of biases (Sangasubana, 2011).

With reference to a study that has used ethnography, researchers can use different methods to not only collect but also analyze data. A study was conducted to determine the development aspects that affect tourism performance at the economic and managerial levels. The researcher used interviews to collect data from respondents in the tourism industry. The main methodology was ethnographic content analysis. Content analysis is governed by five main aspects; definition of analysis units, sampling, reduction, deduction, and narration (Butnaru, 2015). The content analysis process adhered to the data analysis steps that have been outlined in the previous paragraph. This study confirms the effectiveness of ethnographic research.

Sample Study

Topic: Factors that affect consumers’ decisions to purchase online.


Research Methodology

The study will rely upon the ethnographic content analysis method. Netnography will feature in this study, which is mainly carried out online. Netnography is defined as ethnography that is created for the study of online communities (Kozinets, 2002). Data will be collected from online sites that offer items or services for sale. The main sites will include social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), Amazon, Alibaba, and Aliexpress. Each of these will provide varied perspectives regarding online shopping. Data will be collected by observing shopping trends on different platforms. The qualitative data that will be collected shall be sorted and coded to identify common themes. It will then be analyzed to understand its meaning and significance to the topic.



Butnaru, G. I. (2015). The ethnographic and content analysis method is used to determine the development factors of economic and managerial tourism performance. Procedia Economics and Finance, 20, 104-111. doi:

Guth, D. W. (2013). A Simple Guide to Ethnography. Retrieved from

Kozinets, R. (2002). The Field Behind the Screen: Using Netnography for Marketing Research in Online Communities. Journal of Marketing Research, 39, 61-72. doi:DOI:10.1509/jmkr.

Reeves, S., Kuper, A., & Hodges, B. D. (2008). Qualitative research methodologies: ethnography. BMJ, 337, 512-514. doi:doi:10.1136/ bmj.a1020

Sangasubana, N. (2011). How to Conduct Ethnographic Research. The Qualitative Report, 16(2), 563-573. doi:

Spotless Interactive. (2021). When and How to Use Ethnographic Research. Retrieved from


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Ethnographic Research

Ethnographic Research

PSYC601 D001 Spring 2021
For the third assignment, construct a 9-11 page paper that:

a) demonstrates proficiency in setting up an ethnographic research project;

b) describes a strategic site for ethnographic research and

c) conducts ethnographic research (via observation only) and presents some preliminary findings.

Your paper should utilize sound critical thought, refer to course materials, and be written in APA format (to include a title page, abstract, appropriate in-text citations and a reference page).

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