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Discussion – Delegation

Discussion – Delegation

While working in an outlet selling car parts, I encountered a delegator who failed to adhere to the guidelines of delegation. As the sole proprietor of the entity, the director instructed the shop attendants to manage all affairs pertaining to the outlet. These aspects included financial management, stock management, procurement, and marketing. However, the delegator did not take the time to teach the shop attendants about the main aspects that they should observe when carrying out these roles. Whenever the attendants had questions regarding procurement or stock management, the director complained that they were not doing their job as required. These frequent complaints demonstrated a lack of warmth and encouragement (USC Price, 2018).

Failure to adhere to these guidelines created chaos within the entity. The shop attendants were fearful and could not ask for advice regarding the delegated tasks. This led to wrong or expensive procurement processes that increased the cost of goods. In addition, communication was difficult, making it impossible to consult. Furthermore, the shop also lacked stock due to the need to receive approval from the director regarding items that should be purchased. When the shop attendants sought this approval, they would be turned away without an explanation for things that needed amendment. The back and forth wore the delegates out, and they lacked morale. While the two delegates were ready to learn, the director made the process difficult and futile. The lack of clarity regarding the objectives, expectations, and guidelines undermined the entire process (Fouts, 2017). The lack of patience with the shop attendants as they learned made it difficult to run the entity without avoidable issues and the work environment difficult as well.


Fouts, M. (2017). Guidelines On How To Delegate Effectively. Forbes.

USC Price. (2018). 5 Delegation Guidelines when Delegating Tasks to New Employees.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Interpersonal Skills and Effective Communication

Interpersonal Skills and Effective Communication

Discuss a situation in which you were involved as the delegator (or delegatee) wherein the guidelines of the delegation were violated or, alternatively, discuss a situation in which you were involved as the delegator (or delegatee) wherein the guidelines of the delegation were followed effectively. \What was the outcome?

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