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Differentiated Instruction and Universal Design

Differentiated Instruction and Universal Design

Universal learning design can be described as a practical strategy for designing learning encounters in a manner that all learners can access. On the other hand, differentiation instructions is a responsive assessment of individual learner needs whereby modifications are retrofitted into the learning setting (Valiandes et al., 2018). The two strategies belong together as they both play a vital function in providing all learners access to the learning setting. Typically, universal design for learning handles macro upfront planning, but differentiation instruction entails micro-planning, which takes place when tutors comprehend the learners’ needs in their class. Nevertheless, the two methods concentrate on transforming the learning setting to house the learners instead of anticipating the students to adjust for reasons of fitting into the learning setting.

Moreover, differentiated instruction depends on the alteration of four elements constituting learning elements: product, process, and content. The instructor’s comprehension of the learners’ requirements, such as their interests, readiness, and learning profile, directs the modification. Regarding content, tutors could differentiate the strategies the learners use in accessing the major content (Valiandes et al., 2018). For instance, learners could obtain new information and concepts through tape listening or novel reading, independent reading or reading with a partner, talking with experts or conducting online research, and participating in small-group instruction or large groups. Additionally, instructors could present the content in diverse ways, such as through images, videos, and audio.

Regarding the process, tutors differentiate how learners make sense of and comprehend the content. For instance, the teacher could differentiate the speed of working with learners, the type of support, and the group category. In product, the tutors differentiate how learners showcase their content comprehension or authentic evaluation. For instance, the instructor can provide varying test versions. Furthermore, in learning settings, the teachers change the learning environments to meet the learners’ emotional necessities. Examples include movement in the learning process for kids who cannot sit still and having some learners study outside the class, depending on their needs.

On the other hand, representation, engagement, as well as action, and expression are the major universal design learning elements (Evmenova, 2018). Representation constitutes presenting information in numerous formats. Examples comprise audio, textbook, video, hands-on, and giving text. In engagement, universal design learning (UDL) motivates instructors to find numerous learner motivation strategies, like allowing learners to make decisions, providing assignments that feel pertinent to their lives, and establishing opportunities for learners to move around the class. Additionally, in action and expression, the approach suggests providing more than two strategies for learners to interrelate with the material and show the things they learned. For instance, learners could select between giving an oral presentation, sitting for a pencil and paper test, or taking a group project. In UDL, learning must be obtainable in general education and minimize stigma by presenting various options to all learners.

In conclusion, some elements of differentiated instruction and universal learning design relate, while others differ. The two strategies belong together as they both play a vital function in providing access to the learning setting for all learners. In differentiated instruction, instructors could differentiate four elements: learning elements, product, process, and content. When it comes to universal design learning, representation, engagement, action, and expression are the major universal design learning elements. Notably, learning information is presented in numerous formats, and teachers provide more than two strategies for learners to interrelate with the material. In engagement, universal design learning motivates instructors to find numerous strategies for learners’ inspiration.


Evmenova, A. (2018). Preparing teachers to use universal design for learning to support diverse learners. Journal of Online Learning Research4(2), 147-171.

Valiandes, S., Neophytou, L., & Hajisoteriou, C. (2018). Establishing a framework for blending intercultural education with differentiated instruction. Intercultural Education29(3), 379-398.


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Compare and contrast the main elements of differentiated instruction and those of universal design for learning.

Differentiated Instruction and Universal Design

Provide examples of each.

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