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Different Types of Leaders

Different Types of Leaders

Leadership involves leading people or an organization, and there are many leaders all over the world who have different leadership skills as well as goals. Over the past years, there have been leaders who are dictators and rule with all the power, leaving no room for the people’s opinions. The other types of leaders are democratic and servant leaders, who consider the opinions of others.

Leaders with a “motivation to lead” tend to focus on their own goals and will not allow the followers to express themselves but only wish people to follow orders, while leaders with a “motivation to serve” consider the well-being and wishes of their followers. However, when a leader decides on how they will lead people, they should understand that it also affects their relationship. For instance, servant leaders are known to have better relationships with followers since they prioritize their needs. However, leaders who mainly focus on their own needs and power have a poor or negative relationship with their followers as well as hurting them.

As a follower, the difference between being led by a leader motivated to lead and one motivated to serve can be influenced by factors such as trust and employee engagement. When led by a “motive to lead” leader, there might be no hope of growing individually since most time is spent listening and following orders (Avolio & Walumbwa, 2009). However, while experiencing servant leadership, there is room for growth in different fields, and I also get to give my opinions. Hence, servant leadership is much more distinct as compared to motivation-to-lead (Dierendonck & Patterson, 2010). Conclusively, servant leadership has a more positive outcome as there is much interaction and not just giving orders to be followed. The methods used would depend on the personal traits, values, and, in some cases, the culture of the leader.


Avolio, B. J., & Walumbwa, F. O. (2009). Authentic leadership: Moving HR leaders to a higher level. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 273–304.

Dierendonck, D. van, & Patterson, K. (2010). Servant leadership: Developments in theory and research. Palgrave Macmillan.


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Different Types of Leaders

Different Types of Leaders

As followers, how might you experience differences when a leader is leading you with a “motivation to lead” versus a leader with a “motivation to serve?” Add supporting citations to strengthen your claims.

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