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Developmental Self-Assessment Paper

Developmental Self-Assessment Paper

This profile will provide a foundational understanding of the various influences and backgrounds that have shaped my developmental journey. To begin with, I am an African living in Stockton, California. I am a strong believer in God, a Christian, to be precise. We have no disease or health issues in my family. My parents are African; we moved to America when I was a child. My parents were raised in African households where they celebrated and honored African culture. However, since I grew up in America, I took up more of the American culture and infused it with the African culture that my parents taught me. Growing up in California, my experiences have been heavily influenced by the diversity and vibrant cultural mix the city offers. Growing up in a melting pot of various communities, I have been exposed to various traditions and perspectives. Nevertheless, my parents are devoted Christians and made sure that I would grow up to be one as well.

I was born in the 1990s, making me a millennial; I grew up in the early twenty-first century, a time marked by rapid technological advancements and the prevalence of the internet and social media. I have also seen the impact of globalization on cultures and the interconnectedness it brings to people worldwide. Other pertinent aspects include my family’s history, which includes stories of resilience and the pursuit of the American Dream—my parents immigrated to the United States seeking better opportunities. This history has greatly influenced my understanding of the value of hard work and the importance of education in achieving one’s goals.

Biophysical Dimension

In terms of growth and development, I experienced typical physical growth and development milestones through childhood and adolescence. I had a healthy growth pattern, reaching my expected height and weight for my age. In summary, my developmental stages, from infancy through adolescence, were within normal ranges. My general health has been fortunate because I have good overall health. I often maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and prioritize my mental and physical well-being. Nonetheless, I have had minor health issues like occasional colds or allergies but have not faced any major health concerns. In addition, I have been proactive about preventive healthcare measures, such as vaccinations, regular check-ups, and healthy lifestyle choices.

Further, my biophysical strengths include a robust immune system and good cardiovascular health due to my active lifestyle. In addition, I have a strong family history of longevity and generally good health. Regarding hazards impacting my life, even though I have been fortunate with my health, I am mindful of potential hazards, such as environmental pollution in urban areas, stress from work, and the sedentary lifestyle that comes with long hours spent in my profession. Further, my biophysical dimension reflects a generally healthy and active lifestyle, with a focus on preventive health measures to mitigate potential hazards that come with urban living and a demanding career.

Social Dimension

My family has been a central support system throughout my life. They have instilled in me a strong sense of cultural pride, values of hard work, and a deep connection to my African heritage. My family has always been supportive of my education and career choices, fostering an environment where personal growth and ambitions are encouraged. In addition, I have a diverse friend circle that reflects the multicultural landscape of California. My friends offer varied perspectives and support. This network has been instrumental in my personal growth, offering different viewpoints and experiences that have broadened my worldview.

Further, my educational journey has been robust, exposing me to various cultural and intellectual influences. I have attended schools with diverse student bodies, promoting an understanding of different cultures. Additionally, with my family’s history, I ensure to actively engage in community activities, volunteering in programs that support the immigrant population in my city. In regard to societal institutions and hazards, while I have benefited from the rich cultural tapestry of my environment, I also faced societal challenges. The hazards include occasional experiences of discrimination or bias due to her multicultural background. Moreover, I have witnessed socioeconomic disparities within my community, which have significantly influenced my perspective on social justice and equity. My social dimension showcases a rich support network from family, friends, educational institutions, and community involvement. However, I am not immune to the societal challenges and biases present in my environment, which have shaped my views on social issues and equity.

Psychological Dimension

According to my parents, my birth was eagerly anticipated and marked a key life event for my family, just like any other child of an immigrant does. Erikson’s theory suggests that the infant’s trust in their environment is established here. A secure attachment between me and my parents during infancy fostered a sense of trust, contributing positively to my emotional development.

During my infancy and early childhood, I was in Piaget’s sensorimotor and preoperational stages, where I developed object permanence and language skills. Besides, as per attachment theory, strong attachment to my caregivers positively influenced my emotional development, providing a secure base for exploration. In middle childhood and adolescence, Erikson’s theory describes the psychosocial conflict in these stages as industry vs. inferiority and identity vs. role confusion (Ashford et al., 2018). Accordingly, my experiences in school and interactions with peers shaped my sense of competence and self-worth. My multicultural background led to questions about my identity, contributing to my exploration of cultural values and personal beliefs.

Erikson’s theory on young adulthood and middle adulthood emphasizes intimacy vs. isolation in young adulthood and generativity vs. stagnation in middle adulthood (Eriksson et al., 2020). As such, my pursuit of higher education and career reflects my efforts to form intimate relationships while contributing to society through my work. As I move into later stages of development, specifically older adulthood, Erikson’s theory highlights the conflict of integrity vs. despair. Accordingly, I might reflect on my life choices, seeking a sense of fulfillment and wisdom. My experiences and relationships will contribute to my sense of accomplishment or potential regrets. In addition, my emotional and moral development throughout my life has been influenced by my cultural background, family support, and social interactions. Notably, Kohlberg’s moral development theory suggests my progression in moral reasoning is shaped by my cultural values and life experiences (Mathes, 2021). Overall, my psychological development integrates various theories, emphasizing the importance of attachment, identity formation, cultural influences, and moral reasoning across different life stages. These aspects have played a significant role in shaping my overall psychological well-being.

Spiritual Dimension

Regarding my values and meaning, I was raised as a devoted Christian and remained so; however, my multicultural upbringing instilled a deep appreciation for diverse beliefs and spiritual practices. My values revolve around familial connections, respect for individual beliefs, and a quest for harmony between different cultural and spiritual perspectives. Early exposure to Christian values, teachings, and rituals within my family and community during my childhood and adolescence laid the groundwork for my spiritual beliefs. My faith provided a sense of guidance, a moral compass, and a framework for understanding the world. As I entered young adulthood, I might have deepened my faith through personal exploration, seeking a more mature understanding of my Christian beliefs. This stage often involves questioning and reaffirming one’s spiritual values, aligning them with personal experiences and growth. Besides, my life journey has involved a quest for understanding and reconciling my multicultural heritage. This search for meaning/purpose and identity has been a significant driving force, leading me to explore the interconnectedness of different belief systems and their implications on personal purpose and societal interconnectedness.

In terms of inspiration and connection, I find inspiration in the stories of resilience within my family, shaped by their immigrant experiences. In addition to my religion and faith in God, I feel a strong connection to the universe through the lens of different cultural spiritualities, finding inspiration in nature, community, and the rich tapestry of human experiences. Further, my spiritual dimension emphasizes the interconnectedness between self and others, drawing from both Eastern and Western philosophies. I perceive the ultimate reality as a convergence of various spiritual truths, emphasizing the importance of compassion, empathy, and interconnectedness among all beings. Throughout my developmental path, my spiritual dimension has been a source of exploration, seeking to reconcile and harmonize diverse spiritual and cultural perspectives. This journey has shaped my values, my search for meaning and purpose, and my interconnectedness with both myself and the broader universe.

Major Events or Factors in the Larger Environment

Concerning social movements that have significantly influenced my identity formation, shaping my perceptions of privilege, discrimination, and the complexities of navigating life as an African individual in a multicultural society, I accredit that to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Accordingly, the BLM movement gained prominence, especially after the killing of George Floyd in 2020. This movement brought issues of racial injustice, police brutality, and systemic racism to the forefront. As an African individual, I felt a profound impact, witnessing societal discussions on racial inequality and participating in movements advocating for social change. Secondly, the political climate, particularly the election dynamics, has impacted me, like the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, which were notably polarizing (Schwalbe et al., 2020). These elections highlighted issues of race, immigration, and social justice, influencing the societal narrative and impacting the African-American community.

Immigration policies and debates have also had a notable influence on my development. Given my family history of immigration, I have been affected by the ever-evolving political landscape surrounding immigration policies. Witnessing the debates and policies around immigration has influenced my views on identity, belonging, and the rights of marginalized communities. In addition, living in California, which is known for its diversity, I have experienced the celebration of multiculturalism as well as the challenges faced by minority communities. The dynamics of a diverse environment might have influenced my sense of belonging and identity. Further, opportunities for education and careers are sometimes influenced by societal biases or inclusivity initiatives. Consequently, I have encountered challenges or opportunities based on the prevailing social and cultural dynamics. These societal factors have influenced my identity formation, shaping my perceptions of privilege, discrimination, and the complexities of navigating life as an African individual in a multicultural society. They have also influenced my personal growth, career choices, and advocacy for social justice and equality.


Ashford, J. B., LeCroy, C. W., & Williams, L. R. (2018). Human behavior in the social environment: A multidimensional perspective. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks.

Eriksson, P. L., Wängqvist, M., Carlsson, J., & Frisén, A. (2020). Identity development in early adulthood. Developmental Psychology56(10), 1968.

Mathes, E. W. (2021). An evolutionary perspective on Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. Current Psychology40(8), 3908-3921.

Schwalbe, M. C., Cohen, G. L., & Ross, L. D. (2020). The objectivity illusion and voter polarization in the 2016 presidential election. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences117(35), 21218-21229.


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Developmental Self-Assessment Paper

This assignment will take what you have learned so far in the course and apply it to yourself. Citations and references in APA format are required. The paper should be typed, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. The length of the text of the paper should be approximately 8 pages, plus a title page and references.

The following rubric will help you in creating this assignment.

1. Introduction: basic identifying information and information on your ethnic/cultural background, regional background, historical time period, and any other pertinent aspects.
2. Biophysical Dimension: information about your growth and development, general health, diseases, biophysical strengths, and hazards that have impacted your life.
3. Social Dimension: information about various social systems in your environment (family, friends, support systems, school, neighborhood, organizations, community, societal institutions, ethnicity/culture, etc.) that impacted your development; include information on strengths and hazards.
4. Psychological Dimension: Integrate information from specific periods over your lifespan (pregnancy and birth, infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, older adulthood) with relevant concepts from Life course: key life events and turning points, Erikson’s psychosocial theory, Piaget’s cognitive theory/information processing, Emotional development, Kohlberg’s/Gilligan’s moral development theories, Attachment Theory
5. Spiritual Dimension: integrate information about experiences and issues related to your values, search for meaning, purpose, inspiration, and connection between self, other people, the universe, and ultimate reality with your developmental path.
6. Identify major events or factors in the larger environment, such as political or social movements or issues related to oppression or privilege, that have influenced you and discuss how they have affected your development.

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