Determining Manners of Death – Mexico
Bordering North America, Guatemala, and Belize, Mexico is a democratic and representative country. According to WHO, as of 2016, Mexico had a populace of 119.5 million inhabitants. Additionally, according to Statista, the gross national income per capita in Mexico in 2020 was 8.5 thousand U.S. dollars. In 2020, Mexico’s total expenditure was dramatically higher than that of 2019 because of the Coronavirus. The expenditure was a GDP of 6.4%. The probability of dying at different age groups is as follows; between infancy and fifteen years, males have a probability of 8% while females have a 7%. Between the ages of fifteen years and seventy years, males have 47%, while females have 34% (Aburto et al., 2018). Additionally, as of 2020, the top three causes of death in Mexico include heart conditions as the leading cause, followed by Coronavirus and diabetes mellitus coming in third. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.
How Do the Causes of Death in Mexico Deteriorate One’s Health?
There are different types of heart diseases, including cardiac arrest, coronary heart disease, and high blood pressure, just to name a few. Some of these heart diseases lead to less flow of blood to the heart; this results in occasional chest pains, particularly when one engages in heavy labor or exercise (Mendoza-Herrera et al., 2019). Additionally, when one experiences a heart attack, an estimated ten years are lost from one’s life. Further, heart diseases cause one to have a weak immune system which only gets worse as one ages. Therefore, any exposure to bacteria or viruses may prove dangerous to people with heart conditions.
Secondly, for the past few years, the world has been plagued by a global pandemic as a result of Coronavirus. Although most people are recovering after being infected with Covid-19, some individuals are not so lucky. Such individuals are at more risk of developing complications like pneumonia, acute myocardial injury, septic shock, multiple organ failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and even death (Salinas-Escudero et al., 2020). The reasons putting them at risk of developing these complications include underlying medical conditions and old age. Additionally, the virus can cause severe damage to the heart, lungs, and brain, all of which increase the risk of developing long-term health challenges.
Lastly, diabetes mellitus, this condition is brought about by the presence of too much sugar in the bloodstream, meaning that the body is unable to take up sugar into its cells. This build-up of sugar in the bloodstream can cause damage to a wide range of body organs. Complications brought about by diabetes mellitus include neuropathy, retinopathy, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, nerve damage, among others.
The Risk Factors in Mexico That Cause the Population to Most Likely Die from These Causes
Regarding diabetes mellitus, according to González-Villalpando et al. (2014), some of the risk factors in Mexico that cause individuals to most likely die from it include raised blood pressure, raised blood glucose, tobacco use, and obesity. Subsequently, for Coronavirus, according to a study done by Salinas-Escudero et al. (2020), some of the Coronavirus risk factors that led to death were old age, especially for men, contraction of pneumonia, intubation, particularly for patients in the intensive care unit, chronic kidney disease, and getting health care from public health facilities.
Finally, for the leading cause of death in Mexico, heart disease, some of the risk factors were either dietary or metabolic (Mendoza-Herrera et al., 2019). Metabolic risk factors incorporate excess body weight, high systolic blood pressure, impaired kidney function, and high fasting plasma glucose. Subsequently, the dietary risk factors include a high intake of sodium, sugar-sweetened beverages, trans fatty acids, and processed foods. Additional dietary risk factors are low intake of fiber, vegetables, whole grains, and fruits, among other healthy organic foods (Mendoza-Herrera et al., 2019).
Recent Outbreaks in Mexico
Over the course of the Coronavirus pandemic, Mexico has continued to top the charts of countries with the most infected number of people. According to Statista, as of January 2022, Mexico has reported over four million infected people and approximately 300 000 deaths. The most recent outbreak in Mexico is that of a Covid-19 variant known as the Omicron variant. This outbreak has brought about a surge in the number of infected people, particularly following the end of the year 2021.
Additionally, in reference to the Ministry of Health, in December 2021, another vector-borne disease caused by rickettsiosis had started and soared up to a 100%. Rickettsiosis, also known as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, is transmitted by a tick that is found chiefly on dogs and sometimes on other kinds of mammals. Several cases were reported in Mexicali, Tijuana, Ensenada, Vicente Guerrero, and San Quintin, where sadly, fifteen of the infected people died.
Life Expectancy of Individuals in Mexico
As of 2019, the life expectancy of an individual in Mexico was to live up to 75 years. Nonetheless, women are expected to live longer than men, with a life expectancy of 78 years, while that of men was 72.2 years.
Aburto, J. M., Riffe, T., & Canudas-Romo, V. (2018). Trends in avoidable mortality over the life course in Mexico, 1990–2015: a cross-sectional demographic analysis. BMJ open, 8(7), e022350.
COVID-19 in Mexico: cases by state | Statista. Statista.
González-Villalpando, C., Dávila-Cervantes, C. A., Zamora-Macorra, M., Trejo-Valdivia, B., & González-Villalpando, M. E. (2014). Risk factors associated with diabetes in the Mexican population and phenotype of the individuals who will convert to diabetes. salud pública de méxico, 56, 317-322.
Mendoza-Herrera, K., Pedroza-Tobías, A., Hernández-Alcaraz, C., Ávila-Burgos, L., Aguilar-Salinas, C. A., & Barquera, S. (2019). Attributable burden and expenditure of cardiovascular diseases and associated risk factors in Mexico and other selected mega-countries. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(20), 4041.
Mexico: Rickettsiosis cases and deaths up in Baja California this year – Outbreak News Today. Outbreak News Today.
Salinas-Escudero, G., Carrillo-Vega, M. F., Granados-García, V., Martínez-Valverde, S., Toledano-Toledano, F., & Garduño-Espinosa, J. (2020). A survival analysis of COVID-19 in the Mexican population. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 1-8.
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Determining Manners of Death – Mexico
Familiarize yourself with the World Health Organization (WHO) by visiting its website
First, identify a country to research (select one in which you do not reside). Provide a brief statistical overview of the country you selected, including population, gross national income per capita, total expenditure on health, and the probability of dying in varying age groups.
Second, determine what the three (3) top causes of death in that country are.
Finally, research and answer the following questions, providing support for your answers:
How do the causes of death in that country deteriorate one’s health?
What are the risk factors in the country that cause the population to most likely die from these causes?
Has the country had any recent outbreaks (i.e., Swine Flu)?
What is the life expectancy of individuals in that country?
Provide citations and references for your material in APA style.
The following guidelines will be used for grading:
20% of students must identify a country, provide a brief overview of the statistics, and identify the three top causes of death in the country selected.
Students answer the following questions and provide support for their answers:
How do the causes of death in that country deteriorate one’s health?
What are the risk factors in the country that cause the population to most likely die from these causes?
Has the country had any recent outbreaks (i.e., Swine Flu)?
What is the life expectancy of individuals in that country?