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Designing a Comprehensive Care Coordination Plan for Cognitive Impairment in Aging

Designing a Comprehensive Care Coordination Plan for Cognitive Impairment in Aging

This assessment focuses on designing a comprehensive care coordination plan for cognitive impairment in aging, specifically Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. This assessment aims to create a patient-centered approach by addressing key healthcare issues, interventions, community resources, ethical considerations, and health policy implications. Through evidence-based strategies and alignment with Healthy People 2030 objectives, the plan seeks to enhance the quality of care for individuals facing cognitive challenges in aging and elder care..

Patient-Centered Health Interventions for Cognitive Impairment in Aging and Elder Care

Healthcare Issue One: Early Detection and Diagnosis

One crucial aspect is the early detection and diagnosis of cognitive impairment. To address this, a comprehensive intervention involves implementing regular cognitive screenings for seniors during routine medical check-ups. This intervention’s timeline includes integrating cognitive assessments into annual wellness visits and promoting awareness among healthcare providers (Bogza et al., 2020). Community resources for this issue include local memory clinics, senior centers, and educational workshops on recognizing early signs of cognitive decline.

Healthcare Issue Two: Medication Management and Adherence

For individuals diagnosed with cognitive impairment, managing medications and ensuring adherence becomes paramount. An intervention for this issue could be developing medication management tools like pill organizers with alarms or smartphone apps. Timelines for this intervention include providing these tools upon diagnosis and conducting follow-ups at regular intervals (Bogza et al., 2020). Community resources could include local pharmacies offering medication synchronization services, home healthcare services, and support groups for caregivers dealing with medication management.

Healthcare Issue Three: Social Isolation and Mental Well-being

Cognitive impairment often leads to social isolation and affects mental well-being. An intervention to address this issue could involve organizing social engagement programs tailored to individuals with cognitive challenges. Timelines may include weekly or monthly group activities such as art therapy, music sessions, or memory cafes (Bogza et al., 2020). Community resources for this issue include local senior centers, non-profit organizations providing companionship services, and community-based programs promoting social inclusion for seniors.

Ethical Decisions for Patient-Centered Health Interventions

Practical Effects of Specific Decisions

Identifying cognitive issues early offers the promise of timely intervention and enhanced quality of life. Yet, questions arise about maintaining autonomy and privacy during routine screenings and safeguarding against potential stigmatization following a diagnosis. Balancing the benefits of early detection with the psychological well-being of the individual becomes a delicate ethical consideration.

Implementing medication management tools ensures safety and improved health outcomes. However, involving family or caregivers in this process necessitates careful ethical deliberation. Striking a balance between their role and the individual’s autonomy raises questions about the decision-making process and ethical considerations surrounding medication adherence.

Social engagement interventions contribute positively to mental well-being and a sense of community. Tailoring activities to varying cognitive abilities is crucial for inclusivity. Ethical concerns focus on preventing unintended emotional distress during group interactions and addressing potential feelings of exclusion.

Ethical Questions Generating Uncertainty

Balancing routine cognitive screenings with informed consent is a nuanced challenge. Effectively informing individuals about the importance of early detection while minimizing distress requires thoughtful measures to ensure genuine understanding.

Respecting individual autonomy in medication management prompts questions about decision-making capacity. Determining the threshold for intervention, ensuring safety, and respecting the individual’s right to make health decisions form ethical complexities.

Creating inclusive social engagement programs without exposing individuals to vulnerability demands a supportive environment. Striking a balance that encourages participation without risking emotional discomfort or unintentional marginalization presents an ongoing ethical consideration.

Health Policy Implications for Coordinated Care in Cognitive Impairment

Ensuring effective coordination and continuum of care for cognitive impairment such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in aging and elder care requires a strategic alignment with existing health policies. Several health policy provisions are crucial in shaping the care landscape for individuals with cognitive impairment.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA)

The ACA emphasizes preventive services, making cognitive screenings a covered preventive service without cost-sharing for Medicare beneficiaries. This provision supports early detection intervention by removing financial barriers to routine cognitive assessments during wellness visits (Bayliss et al., 2020).

The National Alzheimer’s Plan Act (NAPA)

NAPA, signed into law in 2011, establishes a national strategic framework for addressing Alzheimer’s disease. The plan focuses on research, care, and support, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and the need for coordinated care (Bayliss et al., 2020). This policy framework encourages the integration of early detection interventions and emphasizes the coordination of services.

Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Models

The PCMH model promotes care coordination through a team-based approach. Policies supporting and incentivizing healthcare providers to adopt PCMH models contribute to enhanced coordination in managing cognitive impairment (Bayliss et al., 2020). This model supports medication management and adherence intervention by fostering collaborative care.

The National Alzheimer’s Project Act (NAPA)

NAPA has established an inter-agency council to address Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. The associated national plan includes goals for improving early diagnosis and care coordination (Bayliss et al., 2020). Aligning interventions with the NAPA objectives reinforces a broader national commitment to addressing cognitive impairment.

The Older Americans Act (OAA)

The OAA emphasizes community-based services to support the well-being of older adults. Relevant provisions support the social engagement intervention by funding programs in senior centers and community organizations that address social isolation and promote mental well-being (Bayliss et al., 2020).

Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA)

MHPAEA ensures parity between mental health and medical/surgical benefits. This policy is crucial for addressing the mental well-being component of cognitive impairment. It underscores the ethical consideration of treating mental health on par with other health concerns, promoting equitable access to services (Bayliss et al., 2020).

Priorities for Cognitive Impairment in Aging and Elder Care

When engaging with a patient and their family to discuss a care coordination plan for cognitive impairment, such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, a care coordinator must establish clear priorities rooted in evidence-based practices. These priorities focus on delivering comprehensive and tailored care while adapting to evolving needs.

Early Detection and Diagnosis

The care coordinator should emphasize routine cognitive screenings during wellness visits, aligning with evidence-based practices that stress the importance of early detection. Engaging in conversations about the benefits of early diagnosis, including access to appropriate interventions and support services, is crucial (Bayliss et al., 2020). Besides, early identification enhances the effectiveness of interventions, making it imperative to include regular screenings in the care plan.

Medication Management and Adherence

The care coordinator prioritizes strategies for effective medication management, incorporating evidence-based tools such as pill organizers with alarms or smartphone apps. Evidence supports that these tools enhance medication adherence and safety (Bayliss et al., 2020). Changes to the plan involve introducing or modifying medication management tools based on the latest research findings, ensuring they are aligned with the patient’s cognitive abilities and preferences.

Social Engagement and Mental Well-being

The care coordination also designs and promotes social engagement programs that contribute to enhanced mental well-being. Evidence supports the positive impact of social activities on cognitive function and emotional health (Bayliss et al., 2020). The care coordinator should discuss the development of activities such as art therapy, music sessions, or memory cafes, emphasizing their evidence-based benefits in mitigating social isolation and promoting overall well-being (Bayliss et al., 2020).

Explanation of Changes

The care coordinator should stay informed about the latest research findings related to cognitive impairment. If new evidence suggests more effective screening tools or interventions, adjustments to the care plan should be made to incorporate these advancements, ensuring that the patient receives the most up-to-date and evidence-based care (Bogza et al., 2020).

Recognizing the uniqueness of each patient’s experience with cognitive impairment, the care coordinator should be flexible in tailoring interventions based on the individual’s response and preferences. This may involve modifying social engagement activities or adjusting medication management tools to better suit the patient’s evolving needs (Bogza et al., 2020).

Aligning Learning Sessions for Cognitive Impairment with Healthy People 2030 Goals

Learning sessions addressing cognitive impairment, particularly Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia in aging and elder care, require meticulous evaluation against best practices. The literature emphasizes the importance of evidence-based curriculum design specific to the complexities of Alzheimer’s and dementia. In alignment with this, evaluating learning session content involves a systematic assessment ensuring relevance to evidence-based strategies tailored to the unique challenges presented by these cognitive conditions (Bogza et al., 2020).

Best practices highlight the need for interactivity and content tailored to the distinctive needs of individuals dealing with Alzheimer’s and dementia. The evaluation guide emphasizes incorporating interactive elements considering the cognitive abilities of the target audience, ensuring adaptability to diverse participant needs (Bogza et al., 2020). Feedback mechanisms must be intricately designed to address the nuanced challenges posed by Alzheimer’s and dementia, fostering enhanced engagement and understanding. Moreover, practical skills training within learning sessions is paramount, especially when addressing caregiving challenges associated with Alzheimer’s and dementia. The evaluation focuses on including hands-on training opportunities and practical scenarios directly applicable to caregiving situations specific to these cognitive conditions (Bogza et al., 2020). Participant outcomes are measured by their ability to apply learned skills within the context of Alzheimer’s and dementia care.

Aligning teaching sessions with Healthy People 2030 objectives for cognitive health in aging necessitates an explicit focus on Alzheimer’s and dementia. Integrating content that explicitly references and supports Healthy People 2030 goals within these cognitive conditions ensures a targeted approach (Pronk et al., 2021). The sessions highlight preventive measures, early detection, and community support tailored to the challenges posed by Alzheimer’s and dementia in the aging population. Further, fostering collaboration and awareness of community resources emphasizing community-based approaches specific to Alzheimer’s and dementia aligns with Healthy People 2030 objectives. Session segments devote attention to local resources, support groups, and collaborative networks catering to the unique needs of individuals affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia (Pronk et al., 2021). This alignment ensures that connecting with these resources contributes to achieving Healthy People 2030 objectives for cognitive health in aging.


In conclusion, this assessment underscores the critical importance of tailored care coordination plans for cognitive impairment in aging. By aligning interventions with evidence-based practices and health policy provisions, addressing ethical considerations, and considering individual needs, the care coordination plan aims to enhance the well-being of those affected. This comprehensive approach ensures that interventions are effective, ethical, and responsive to the evolving challenges of cognitive impairment in aging and elder care.


Bayliss, E. A., Shetterly, S. M., Drace, M. L., Norton, J., Green, A. R., Reeve, E., & Boyd, C. M. (2020). The OPTIMIZE patient-and family-centered, primary care-based deprescribing intervention for older adults with dementia or mild cognitive impairment and multiple chronic conditions: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials21, 1-13.

Bogza, L. M., Patry-Lebeau, C., Farmanova, E., Witteman, H. O., Elliott, J., Stolee, P., & Giguere, A. M. (2020). User-centered design and evaluation of a web-based decision aid for older adults living with mild cognitive impairment and their health care providers: mixed methods study. Journal of Medical Internet Research22(8), e17406.

Pronk, N., Kleinman, D. V., Goekler, S. F., Ochiai, E., Blakey, C., & Brewer, K. H. (2021). Practice full report: promoting health and well-being in healthy people 2030. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice27(6), S242.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Note: You are required to complete Assessment 1 before this assessment.

For this assessment:

Build on the preliminary plan developed in Assessment 1 to complete a comprehensive care coordination plan.
Document Format and Length
Build on the preliminary plan document you created in Assessment 1. Your final plan should be a scholarly APA-formatted paper, 5–7 pages in length, not including the title page and reference list.

Designing a Comprehensive Care Coordination Plan for Cognitive Impairment in Aging

Supporting Evidence
Support your care coordination plan with peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2030 resources. Cite at least three credible sources.

Grading Requirements
The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Final Care Coordination Plan Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Design patient-centered health interventions and timelines for a selected healthcare problem.
Address three healthcare issues.
Design an intervention for each health issue.
Identify three community resources for each health intervention.
Consider ethical decisions in designing patient-centered health interventions.
Consider the practical effects of specific decisions.
Include the ethical questions that generate uncertainty about the decisions you have made.
Identify relevant health policy implications for the coordination and continuum of care.
Cite specific health policy provisions.
Describe priorities that a care coordinator would establish when discussing the plan with a patient and family member, making changes based upon evidence-based practice.
Clearly explain the need for changes to the plan.
Use the literature on evaluation as a guide to compare learning session content with best practices, including how to align teaching sessions to the Healthy People 2030 document.
Use the literature on evaluation as a guide to compare learning session content with best practices.
Align teaching sessions to the Healthy People 2030 document.
Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.
Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contain few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.

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