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Description of Qualitative Quantitative And Mixed Methods Research Methodologies

Description of Qualitative Quantitative And Mixed Methods Research Methodologies

Quantitative Method

When doing quantitative research, statistical analysis is utilized to identify what happened. In the study, statistical data is used to perform “experiments” and “quasi-experiments” and test hypotheses. It is required to understand statistical concepts such as standard deviation calculations and interpretations, ANOVA, and correlations, among other things, to make good use of data. Another way to phrase it is that quantitative research seeks to explain, predict, or evaluate connections, describe present circumstances, or determine what will happen if specified events occur. (CRQ, 2015a) CRQ is a Canadian research organization. Researchers often use quantitative research approaches to evaluate the relationship between two variables without taking other factors into account. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you. We offer assignment help with high professionalism.

In contrast to other research procedures, quantitative methods have been used in the sciences for a long time, and this strategy has been shown to be the most effective in this field. The term “scientific method” has been given to it because it appeals to individuals who identify as “positivists” as opposed to those who do not. It may be possible to test hypotheses using the same research technique as in the natural sciences and engineering in the social sciences. According to Creswell, when beginning with a theory and accumulating data to verify or reject it, quantitative research might take a long.

Qualitative Research Method

Unlike quantitative procedures, which have been around for a long time, qualitative methods have only been around for a short period. When qualitative research is conducted, the purpose is to assist individuals in making sense of the issues under investigation by utilizing processes rather than facts (CRQ, 2015b). When doing this kind of research, one possibility is to use the researcher as a research instrument. In social science investigations, the researcher may need to get familiar with the individuals being examined. They ask open-ended questions instead of closed-ended ones, which is more effective. This technique should be used when the researcher is unsure of the elements to control. This indicates that qualitative research is the best approach when the researcher is looking for a broad (rather than particular) thought from participants to study, grasp, and characterize a specific scenario. It may be necessary to use qualitative research methodologies to gain in-depth knowledge of a small group of persons (Mohajam, 2018).

Hearing and learning from the words of people who participated in the research may help us fully grasp what they went through. Because of the tiny sample size and the fact that just a small number of persons are being researched, it isn’t easy to draw broad conclusions, and the findings must be treated with caution.

Mixed Research Method

Mixed research approaches are still in their infancy as a concept, having just recently emerged. Incorporating both quantitative and qualitative approaches into a single study helps researchers get a more in-depth grasp of the subject matter under investigation. Mixed-method research is generally seen as more comprehensive than single-method research due to the fact that it may be used for a wide range of reasons.” Eclecticism, which is another synonym for methodological pluralism, is a way of looking at the world from a variety of perspectives. Interdisciplinary methods of research in the health and social sciences are just now starting to be used in these fields. This is how the author expresses himself. For this reason, they mix the study of human and social concerns with statistical patterns and narratives in order to come up with solutions. When a researcher uses both quantitative and qualitative methodologies at the same time, rather than simply one or the other, he or she may be able to get a more complete understanding of a subject (Prasad, 2019), it is highly practical in terms of the results that may be obtained via this kind of investigation. This is often cited as an important factor to take into account.” Researchers who are not restricted to a single strategy for data collection and analysis utilize a mixture of approaches to gather and analyze their data. It is possible to combine quantitative and qualitative data in order to get a more complete picture. Learning a subject thoroughly may need the use of a variety of ways. The ways to do research that are most often employed are qualitative mixed-methodologies and quantitative mixed-methodologies. When comparing qualitative and quantitative research, qualitative research requires a greater investment of time and effort. To guarantee the success of the research, it is necessary to use methods from a number of fields.


This part includes a review of the different research approaches covered in this section and a discussion of how they could be used in real-world situations. These approaches and the “fundamental aspects of doing business research” will be described in further detail in one or more of the studies that I have undertaken. According to the Consortium for Research on Qualitative Data (CRQ), a group of researchers, qualitative research data may be acquired via interviews, focus groups, observations, and documentation (2015b). Data from other papers were studied to establish which multinational corporation employment practices fared the best in different world locations (Barnett et al., 2020). This was the final assignment for DBA 658 students. Because I did not know how to do research, I can only say that my study was based on a mixed-methods approach on the surface level. When I was writing the research, I had no idea that I had already covered all eight of the “important criteria to structuring your study” identified.


Methods for combining quantitative and qualitative data are also available for consideration. Because of the inherent biases that exist in either quantitative or qualitative approaches when used alone, mixed-method research integrates both components of the methodologies. It is up to the researcher to decide whether to utilize quantitative or qualitative methods, and their choice is influenced by the nature of their study, what they want to discover, and their aims. Therefore, it is critical to note that no research project can be wholly quantitative or qualitative since there will always be some blend of the two.


Barnett, M. L., Henriques, I., & Husted, B. W. (2020). Beyond good intentions: Designing CSR initiatives for greater social impact. Journal of Management, 46(6), 937-964.

Mohajan, Haradhan Kumar. “Qualitative research methodology in social sciences and related subjects.” Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People 7.1 (2018): 23-48.

Prasad, B. D. (2019). Qualitative content analysis: Why is it still a path less taken? SSOAR- Social Science Open Access Repository. https://www.qualitative-


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Description of Qualitative Quantitative And Mixed Methods Research Methodologies

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