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Decision-Making with the Scientific Method

Decision-Making with the Scientific Method

Scenario 1

Research Question

Is the productivity level higher among mixed-gender teams or same-gender teams?

How Jessica Will Use the Remaining Steps

The steps involved in this research are research design and literature review, data collection, data analysis, and conclusion. In the research design section, Jessica is expected to develop a research question, which has already been indicated: “Are productivity levels higher among mixed-gender teams or same-gender teams?” The research question should be accompanied by a research method. The best technique for this study is a cross-sectional observational study where the researcher will give a task to the mixed-gender team and then assess their productivity (Williams & McSweeney, 2019). Then, the next step is to provide a similar task to the same-gender team and evaluate their productivity. After this, the researcher can compare the productivity of the two groups. This same step involves defining the population, which has already been done, and sampling. Jessica can sample this population from among her colleagues at work. She is then expected to collect and present the data (Andersen & Taylor, 2011). However, She should ensure validity, reliability and ethics in this process.

The next step includes a literature review. For this subsection, Jessica must examine the existing literature on the same topic to identify what the other researchers have done and their findings. During this review of the literature, she can identify the gaps and any controversies that exist in this area of research, which can then inform her chosen research design and methodology (Andersen & Taylor, 2011). This action is essential because Jessica can build her knowledge through it. The second step is data collection. Jessica can collect data through observational study, specifically a cross-sectional study where she will observe the two groups and record their productivity. The third step is analyzing the collected data, in which case, the researcher can evaluate productivity based on the time and success of the task performed (Williams & McSweeney, 2019). Once that data is collected, Jessica can compare the data on the time and success of the mixed-gender group to the data of the same-gender group. Jessica can then make a conclusion based on the comparison made from the data to see whether groups are more productive when they are mixed-gender or when they are same-gender.

How to Use Results to Inform Decision-Making

The collected data from Jessica’s study can inform how the company organizes the workers to perform tasks. For instance, if the study shows that groups perform better when mixed-gendered, then the company can consider using this method to achieve productivity. The reverse is also the same. The same outcomes can also be used to advise other corporate entities.

How to Use the Results for Decision-Making

Jessica can use the results from her study to improve organizational culture by making it a culture in which work groups must be mixed-gendered. In other words, it can encourage gender diversity as an organizational culture. The same result can be used to encourage collaboration between male and female workers.

Scenario 2

Research Question

Do strict school policies contribute to increased bullying in the local district school?

How Julius Will Use the Steps

Julius has to start the entire process by identifying the research question, “Do strict school policies contribute to increased bullying in the local district school?” The next step after identifying the research question is to design the research and undertake a literature review. In this case, the researcher can collect data from the teachers and the learners by asking them questions. The approach can be asking closed-ended questions in questionnaires, which can be a form of quantitative research. The researcher can also opt to use open-ended questions to learn more and get the participants’ feelings, which is a form of qualitative research. The research design best for this study could be a qualitative survey targeting the teachers and the learners in this school. The next step would be to review the literature on the topic and find other studies on bullying by researchers (Williams & McSweeney, 2019). The intention is to get more information and identify gaps and controversies in the studies that can inform his methodology and research strategy.

The next step is collecting data, which can be done by identifying the themes in the qualitative data. If the researcher uses quantitative research, they can consider collecting the number of teachers and students who agree with the hypothesis (Williams & McSweeney, 2019). The third step is data analysis, where Julius examines the collected data to see the patterns of the themes and identify what they mean regarding the research questions. If he chooses to use quantitative data, he can sort the data to get the numbers and percentages of responses that support his hypothesis.

How to Use Study Results

Julius can use this information to inform the school to adjust their rules. The same information can be used to help the school establish counseling for the learners and help or support for the bullied learners.

How the Results Can Be Used to Make Decisions

Julius can use the results to improve the school environment by suggesting better rules. The researcher can also improve the school environment by proposing support systems like counseling and support for bullied children (Andersen & Taylor, 2011). The school can develop a “no-bullying culture” through policies against bullying and ensure the learners are productive.


Andersen, M. L., & Taylor, H. F. (2011). Sociology: The essentials. United States: Cengage Learning.

Williams, D. & McSweeney, F. (2019). Designing and Conducting Research in Social Science, Health and Social Care. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.


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Write a 3-4 page essay in which you explain how you would use the scientific method and steps of the sociological research process to study two issues.

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If you have ever tried to complete a jigsaw puzzle, you probably know that one of the most common techniques is to assemble all the edge pieces first. Framing the picture in this way helps you develop a strategy for finding the pieces you need to complete the puzzle. Similarly, when you’re trying to solve a problem in society or your personal or professional life, you first need to frame the problem, then develop a strategy, and finally gather the pieces of evidence you need to find a solution.

Decision-Making with the Scientific Method

Decision-Making with the Scientific Method

One way sociologists do this is by using the scientific method, a step-by-step process for collecting evidence to test a hypothesis (or explanation) about the way the world works. Sociologists use this step-by-step approach to explore observations and answer questions about society, such as which social factors influence the choice of romantic partners or to what extent gender affects economic mobility. For this assessment, you will review two scenarios and explain how you would use the scientific method and steps of the sociological research process to study two issues.

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