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Cycle of Individual Performance

The Cycle of Individual Performance

Organizations require an effective management system to monitor and evaluate employees’ work. In this way, they promote and develop the values and competencies needed to sustain optimal outcomes. The idea is to create and foster an environment where people can work to the best of their abilities by linking an individual’s performance and objectives to the organization’s overall goals and mission. Thus, a formal performance management system must be in place to help employees and managers recognize their overall role in achieving objectives and career progress and how their roles align with the organization’s vision.

Identify why it is important to view performance over a period of time versus at a single point in time.

Viewing performance management systems over a period of time is more important than at a single point in time as it helps standardize business processes to quality issues. Typically, performance management views employees in the context of the broader workplace system. As such, John Bernardin et al. (2015) agree that a continuous process of identifying, measuring, and developing performance is a robust way of measuring how a business and its processes are fairing in quality, timelessness, quantity, and cost. This style is unlike viewing the performance at a single point in time, which usually makes measuring an organization’s progress daunting. In this regard, a company seeks to ensure that product or service quality is maintained or improved through overtime performance management. This is achieved by creating quality control benchmarks, training personnel training, and testing. Therefore, Viewing performance over time turns every interaction with employees into a learning occasions.

Establish a preferred review cycle time based on alternative choices, providing a rationale for your choice.

Whereas review cycle time can usually take many forms, I could recommend a performance management cycle that consists of five main processes within a year. To get every employee moving in the right direction, I could establish cycle time stages that include goal cascading and team building, performance planning, developing planning, ongoing discussion and updates, and annual performance summary. According to Aguinis (2003), the main reason for creating the first process is to communicate and assign goals to employees through an organizational hierarchy. The goal-setting process continues down level by level until the individual’s objectives are set. In performance planning, the goal is to identify and plan both the individuals’ and organizations’ goals and how to attain them. In the same vein, Aguinis (2003) posits that ongoing discussions and updates are meant to elevate motivation as well as to increase employee engagement and productivity while improving manager-employee relationships. On the other hand, an annual performance summary provides the opportunity to analyze the overall performance in the workplace and ultimately develop specific job performance outcomes and measurable performance-based expectations. To achieve this milestone, a company should engage in these stages actively year-round instead of waiting for an annual appraisal.

Describe 4–6 factors that can influence individual performance and impact an individual’s performance review at the end of the cycle.

Several factors affecting employees can influence their performance and, consequently, performance review. One of these factors is management support. Studies have continuously linked management support with employee’ performance improvement. Diamantidis and Chatzoglou (2019) observe that workers’ performance levels are noticeable if they perceive that the management supports their job-related efforts. Support is, therefore, an intrinsic factor that yields proactivity and commitment. Another critical factor in this regard is the organizational climate. Diamantidis and Chatzoglou (2019) similarly argue that the workplace environment influences staff’s attitudes and behaviors, hence their performance levels. In the same vein, job autonomy plays an important role in employees’ levels of performance. The extent to which a job role allows an employee to make an independent decision regarding task performance can never be so important. It guarantees flexibility and an efficient way of executing a particular assignment. As a result, staff with increased freedom and independence exhibit high work performance. Another essential factor is skill flexibility, which is a valuable asset to an organization. Recruiting employees with multiple skill sets forms the foundation of creating various options for the existing and future job requirements (Aguinis et al., 2011). Companies with such employees achieve high job performance because they can reposition various skills to different places in a fast way. The aforementioned factors play a crucial role in an organization’s smooth running and can impact performance evaluation in the long run.

Discuss at least 2 strategies essential to preventing individual performance from missing targeted goals and/or becoming de-railed.

Defining individual job development plans and conducting consistent reviews can ensure performance meet targeted goals. Managers, supervisors, and employees should collectively define jobs’ duties. This implies that employees are allowed to air their views concerning performance-based expectations, training programs, and how they can use the knowledge gained to the firm’s benefit. This strategy is poised to improve motivation, focus, and drive that influence job performance (Shaikh et al., 2017). In the same way, consistent review is an effective means of ensuring employees’ satisfaction, identifying strengths, and recognizing the weak areas that need improvement. As Aguinis et al. (2011) put it, it is typical for workers to know how they contribute to the company’s overall achievement and receive feedback. By so doing, employees can continue enjoying their work if they realize they are learning new skills and growing in the job and if the firm is using their best strengths. Therefore, creating job development plans and consistent reviews can go a long way in ensuring that employees are not de-railed.

Draw conclusions regarding the importance of an effective process for Individual Performance Management.

From the foregoing, an effective process for an individual performance system works towards improving a company’s overall performance. It entails an ongoing effort to provide feedback and training to improve performance. Notably, implementing a performance management system is associated with several advantages to an organization. Some of the key benefits include working toward a common goal, having a clear understanding of job expectations, increased motivation to perform, increased self-motivation, and regular feedback about performance. These positive outcomes and other potential benefits can only suffice if the individual performance management process is effectively implemented.


Aguinis, H. (2003). Performance Management (pp. 1-18). Edinburgh, U.K: Edinburgh Business School. Retrieved from

Aguinis, H., Joo, H., & Gottfredson, R. (2011). Why we hate performance management—and why we should love it. Business Horizons54(6), 503-507.

Diamantidis, A., & Chatzoglou, P. (2019). Factors affecting employee performance: An empirical approach. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management68(1), 171-193.

John Bernardin, H., Thomason, S., Ronald Buckley, M., & Kane, J. (2015). Rater rating-level bias and accuracy in performance appraisals: The impact of rater personality, performance management competence, and rater accountability. Human Resource Management55(2), 321-340.

Shaikh, M., Tunio, R., & Shah, I. (2017). Factors affecting to employee’s performance. a study of islamic banks. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance And Management Sciences7(1). 


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The Cycle of Individual Performance

Individual performance management, when viewed as a process of promoting employees’ talents and performance in their respective roles, is the driver that underlies organizational performance. This week’s Assignment examines the role of individual performance and its cycle by looking closely at the flow of activities and opportunities associated with it.

Cycle of Individual Performance

Cycle of Individual Performance

To complete this Assignment, respond to the following bullets in a 3- to 4-page paper, which will include an Appendix page.

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