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Curriculum Development Activity Plan

Curriculum Development Activity Plan

Domain Aesthetics
Activity Name Finger Designs in Sand
Goal Children will respond to basic elements of visual art, such as line, design, and texture.
  1. Sand is finely ground bits of stone.
  2. Pebbles are small, rounded stones that have been worn smooth by erosion.
  3. Designs are combinations of lines, shapes, and empty spaces.
  4. Lines may be straight or curved, long or short, thin or thick.
  5. Textures range from rough to smooth.
Materials Large jellyroll pans or cafeteria trays. Coarse sand, fine sand, aquarium gravel
  1. Prepare in advance by filling each tray almost to the top with one type of sand or stone.
  2. Invite children to make designs with their fingers in the different pans.
  3. Talk with children about the lines, designs, and textures they are creating.
  4. Ask children to make letters of the alphabet in the sand/rocks.
Simplification Focus on only one element at a time, such as line or texture.
  1. What letters did children make?
  1. a. Identify the primary purpose of this plan. How did you decide?

This activity plan was created to facilitate the learning of different shapes and textures of objects or things. The process of interacting with the sand while making finger designs allows them to feel, create, and see the different textures that can be created as well as the varied shapes that they can develop through creativity. This conclusion is guided by the goal that the activity plan intends to achieve. As the goal states, the instructor will experience the children’s responses to various elements that are inherent to visual art. Furthermore, the participation of children as they make the finger designs exhibits the main method that will enable children to learn through the process.

  1. b. Based on principles of good planning, suggest three ways to edit the plan to improve it. Explain your revisions.

Increase the number of materials.

The children are attracted to various materials. Utilizing more materials that have different colours allows learners to tap into their interests. It still maintains the creativity element for learners. It also offers diversity for the children to learn more about the textures and shapes. For instance, including material such as playdough better educates the children on smooth textures. The sand can be used to demonstrate a rough texture. Clay and playdough can be used to show children how to make a rough texture. Such materials are ideal because they have different colours and are pliable when making different shapes. As a result, the instructor maximizes the learning process.

Utilize group work

As the children create the different shapes and textures, it would be beneficial if they worked in groups of 2 to 4. The groups allow the learners to learn from each other. The skills related to the creation of varied shapes and textures on the materials may need peer guidance for greater efficiency. Thus, group work will allow the learners to share their skills and knowledge.

Include a description

It is necessary to include a description regarding the ages of the children, their attributes such as physical challenges, learning outcomes, and the standards that the activity tests. This information provides the readers with additional data that they can use to choose a program or evaluate one.

Proposed Math Activity

Domain Mathematics
Learning standard Operations and Algebraic Thinking (Illinois)
Learners Age 4- 5 years

10 students

Diverse races and reading abilities

Physically abled

Duration 45 minutes
Objectives Learn to add numbers within 1-20

Learn to subtract numbers within 1-20

Learn to relate addition and subtraction

Materials Pebbles, bottle tops, recyclable plastic cups
Procedures Offer a worksheet with subtraction and additions

Perform an example using the simple equations

Group students into two’s

Ask the students to choose their materials

Attend to each group as they solve their equations

Simplification Begin with addition

Proceed to subtraction

Evaluation Did the students provide the right answers on the worksheets?

At the age of four to 5 years, children’s milestones include cognitive development and social and emotional growth. Cognitive development revolves around counting, and learning numerals, shapes as well as colours. Social and emotional development is achieved through cooperation and teamwork, among other activities. These milestones resonate with the proposed activity. The mathematical activity is intended to develop counting abilities through subtraction and addition. Further, the learners’ computational abilities will be developed through the activity.

The inclusion of group work is important for ensuring that the learners develop their cooperative (social/emotional) abilities. As stated, the learners have different reading abilities. This means that some are ahead of their peers. Therefore, the group setting will enable learning through peers as the learners solve problems together. This approach will create the spirit of cooperation and develop social and emotional intelligence from a tender age. It also facilitates critical thinking among learners as they work without much assistance from the instructor (Veldman, Doolaard, & Bosker, 2020).

The use of different types of materials is expected to capture the learners’ interests. Different children have unique attractions. Some prefer coloured items, while others opt for regular, irregular shapes. Therefore, providing multiple materials for the activity sufficiently caters to the differences among the learners. Offering learners the chance to choose their favourite materials further allows them learners to understand their preferences. This contributes to their self-identity. For some, the variety is an introduction to new materials that they have not encountered before (Grey LLC., 2021). Experiencing new materials that can be used for learning purposes broadens the learners’ perceptions and knowledge.

The utilization of play to teach mathematical concepts captures the learners’ interest for longer than a regular class session would do. Children’s respond to play in a cheerful and jovial manner. This means that their concentration is sustained for a longer period than regular periods in the classroom setting. Such a strategy maximizes learning since children are more engaged. The tendency to get bored and weary is also reduced significantly (Georgia Department of Education, 2021).

The inclusion of duration in the activity plan informs all users about the time that will be set aside for the learners to participate. The inclusion of learners’ attributes provides a clue about the classroom’s diversity. To facilitate a better understanding of the main concept, the learning process will start off with addition and then proceed to subtraction. Each will be conducted in 20 minutes (Math, 2020). The process of evaluation will rely on the worksheets that the students will receive in their groups. These will help the instructor to gauge the learner’s understanding of the concept.

The areas that seem to trouble learners will be highlighted for consideration in future activities or in the classroom. Students will be encouraged to provide answers to their problems in the group and the class members as well. They will present this in front of the group. Correct answers will be recognized, and students will be applauded. Incorrect answers may be identified and rectified immediately or in a different session. Most importantly, the duo that gets the highest score will be recognized as the champion of the day. The competitive aspect will encourage students to out each other. In the process, they will learn the concept and grasp its basic aspects. Recognition is also expected to motivate learners to participate in the activity committedly and look forward to future projects. Most importantly, these elements are expected to make the activity more fun and maximize the learning opportunity.


Georgia Department of Education. (2021). Curriculum, Instruction, and School Climate. Retrieved from Georgia Department of Education:

Grey LLC. (2021). Color and Shape Match: a Toddler Math Activity.

Math. (2020). Retrieved from Illinois State Board of Education:

Veldman, M. A., Doolaard, S., & Bosker, R. J. (2020). Young children working together. Cooperative learning effects on group work of children in Grade 1 of primary education. Learning and Instruction, 67. doi:


We’ll write everything from scratch


Curriculum Development Activity Plan

Curriculum Development Activity Plan

E03V class number .1. In a one-page response, answer the “constructed-response question” Part “a” and “b” below the activity plan on page 103.
a. Identify the primary purpose of this plan. How did you decide?
b. Based on principles of good planning, suggest three ways to edit the plan to improve it. Explain your revision
2. Then, using the activity format, create your own math activity using the format on page 103 in the book Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum. One-page length focusing on math for preschoolers ages 4 and 5. Focus on one of the standards from NC you accessed. Add the state standard you are focusing on in the plan.
3. Finally, write a two-page response answering the question: what is the primary purpose of your plan, and how does each element of your activity plan relate to your purpose

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