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Culture Communication and Negotiation Presentation

Culture Communication and Negotiation Presentation

Company objective

The case study does not mention Deronde International’s primary objective. However, the information from the case study shows that the company’s objective is to expand its market share and enhance its global presence. Notably, this is so because the case study provides that the company’s market share was sliding, and its product line was not gaining traction in emerging markets. Therefore, the company’s objective should entail reversing this status quo. On the part of Yang Jianguo, the company’s vice president, various objectives can be identified. First, Jianguo had a responsibility to steer ahead of the company’s market presence in Asian markets. Second, he had an objective of bringing back to life the company’s aging product.

Alaine Deronde, the CEO and founder of Deronde International, aims to steer the company’s success forward. Essentially, this is reflected by the criteria in which he selected Jianguo to be the global product development leader. The criteria entailed the best-performing rank held by the Jianguo Asian market division as the fastest-growing emerging market. On the part of Yves Saurac, the company’s vice president of developed markets, the primary objective is to ensure the company’s presence and sales in the developed markets remain stable. Antoine Lambert aimed to ensure the company’s spa products perform well in the market as the general manager of the spa products line. Finally, Elise Bernie aimed to ensure skin care products performed well as the vice president for skin care.

Cultural and Societal Values

In the case study, cultural and societal values influenced the negotiations between the French and Chinese representatives. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions framework is selected for use in this case. According to Escandon-Barbosa et al. (2022), the framework has six cultural dimensions that can be used to explain cultural values. The six include power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation, and indulgence. Power distance was one key cultural value that affected the negotiations between the French and Chinese representatives. Power distance essentially describes the level to which community members accept an unequal distribution of power. The Chinese participants in the case study demonstrated a high power distance culture in which status and hierarchy are strongly prized. The French representatives were supposed to respect their position of authority and experience. On the other hand, the French representatives demonstrated a low power distance culture where people appreciate equality and independence. They were more focused on establishing understanding and common ground.

Another cultural value that influenced the negotiations between the French and Chinese representatives was collectivism. Notably, collectivism refers to the degree to which individuals in society value the group’s interests over their individual aspirations (Campion & Wang, 2019). The Chinese representative exhibited a highly collectivist culture compared to their French counterparts. The Chinese group sought to establish a relationship with the French representatives based on respect and mutual trust. On the contrary, individualist culture was exhibited by the French representatives, whereby priority was given to personal goals and interests. They focused more on finding a solution that met their needs and interests.

Regarding societal values, the importance of face-saving influenced the negotiations. According to Pedersen (2020), face-saving refers to maintaining a positive public image and avoiding embarrassment or loss of status. In the case study, negotiations became more difficult because the representatives of China and France were both worried about maintaining their good reputations. The Chinese representatives were more circumspect in their approach to discussions because they were worried about looking bad in front of their superiors and peers. Another important societal value in the negotiations was the value of connections. Building and keeping relationships is an important cultural feature in Chinese and French cultures. Before entering into serious negotiations, the Chinese representatives wanted to establish long-lasting trusting ties with the French representatives based on the negotiations. The French representatives, who focused on building a good rapport with the Chinese counterparts at the outset of the negotiations, experienced the same thing.

The case of Poland, which was selected for an initial assignment, is compared to that of France and China. Essentially, the cultural values of China and Poland are considered alongside those of French culture. Like China, Poland exhibits a collectivist society whereby people value the group’s interests over their individual interests (Ziemba et al., 2019). Notably, this is true when Poland’s emphasis on family and community is considered. In comparison, France is a highly individualist society where people prioritize their personal interests and needs. The French culture’s emphasis on individual liberty and independence is one way to demonstrate this aspect. Additionally, Poland has a less power distance culture than China, where hierarchy and status are highly valued. The level of hierarchy and class in Poland’s society is minimal. Compared to France, similar characteristics are evident whereby the two cultures contain a low power distance culture where individuals value equality and independence. As a demonstration, the French culture’s emphasis on democracy and egalitarianism is an example.

Verbal Communication

Various examples of verbal communication are evident from the case study. Two of them include directness and language. On the part of directness, the French team adopted direct communication to convey their thoughts and opinions. Jianguo on the other hand used subtle cues, which is an aspect of indirect communication. Second, the language used in the case study negotiation is an example of verbal communication. The French team used French, while Jianguo used Mandarin Chinese to communicate. Using verbal communication differs between Jianguo and the French team based on the two verbal communication examples provided. For instance, Jianguo was more reserved and indirect in his communication than the French team, which preferred to be more direct. Various differences and similarities are identified when the verbal communication styles used in the negotiations are compared to those of Poland. Unlike China, Poland does not have a high-context culture based on indirect communication. However, both countries strongly emphasize politeness, making their communication appear more indirect than that of the French. During negotiations, the Polish take less time to reach a decision and often communicate their opinions directly. Notably, this is similar to the French team, who were more direct in expressing thoughts and ideas in their communication style.

Non-verbal communication

Body language and facial expressions are the two examples of nonverbal communication, which is evident in this case. Both groups in the negotiations used facial expressions to convey their emotions. For instance, Jianguo used a stern expression to indicate his displeasure. At the same time, body language was in play, with each party to the negotiations using their body language differently. Nonverbal communication between Jianguo and the French team differed significantly during the negotiations, whereby Jianguo seemed defensive and closed with reluctance to compromise on his stance. The French team, on the other hand, portrayed open and welcoming nonverbal communication. When the case of Poland is considered, a similarity is identified in how the French team used nonverbal communication. A difference is also identified when the nonverbal communication of Jianguo is considered. For instance, direct eye contact is a nonverbal communication cue considered a sign of disrespect in China. However, that is not the case in Poland, where direct eye contact is considered a sign of attentiveness and respect.

Predominant Cultural Tendency of the French and Chinese to Utilize a Distributive or Integrative Style

According to the case study, the Chinese team utilized integrative negotiation techniques, whereas the French team used distributive techniques. The French delegation regarded the negotiations as a contest, with each party looking to take advantage of the other as much as possible. It was clear that strong bargaining techniques were being deployed in individualistic cultures like France and distributive negotiation styles. On the other hand, Jianguo’s actions during the negotiation point toward an integrative style of negotiation, which is more prevalent in collectivistic cultures. It is crucial to remember that cultural tendencies are not absolutes and that there can be substantial individual variance within a culture when the negotiation methods in the case study are contrasted with those of Poland. Poland generally has a less hierarchical culture than China and a more collaborative culture than France. Polish negotiators are, therefore, more likely than French negotiators to utilize an integrative negotiation style but less so than Chinese negotiators.

Differences in the Negotiation Tactics and Bargaining Behaviors Between the French and Chinese

In the case study, the Chinese team used a more cooperative and relationship-focused negotiation strategy than the French team’s competitive and assertive approach. The French side employed aggressive strategies to acquire what they wanted, including interrupting and disputing the other party’s offers, acting impatiently, and applying heavy pressure. They also used a direct communication approach to make their expectations crystal apparent. On the other hand, the Chinese communicated more subtly and used indirect language and nonverbal clues to express their feelings. Additionally, they were more patient and willing to make concessions, emphasizing developing rapport and identifying win-win solutions. Polish negotiating strategies and bargaining techniques might differ depending on the circumstances and the parties involved. A collaborative approach to negotiations is frequently preferred by Polish negotiators, who value honesty, respect, and trust in general.

Leadership Competencies and Characteristics Needed For a Successful Negotiation.

The participating individuals must possess specific leadership skills and traits for the negotiation to succeed. As the leader of the Chinese team, Yang Jianguo first needs to have excellent cross-cultural communication abilities to overcome the cultural gaps between the Chinese and French teams. In order to anticipate the Chinese team’s negotiating stances and come up with innovative solutions, Alain Deronde, the leader of the French team, would need to possess great analytical and strategic thinking abilities. In order to comprehend and build rapport with the Chinese team, Yves Saurac, a member of the French team, needs to have great interpersonal abilities and emotional intelligence. The French team’s other member, Antoine Lambert, should be a skilled negotiator and adaptable to shifting conditions. Elise Bernier, a member of the French team, should also possess good communication skills to effectively convey the French side’s positions to the Chinese team and close any communication gaps.


Campion, L. L., & Wang, C. X. (2019). Collectivism and individualism: The differentiation of leadership. TechTrends63, 353-356.

Escandon-Barbosa, D., Ramirez, A., & Salas-Paramo, J. (2022). The Effect of Cultural

Orientations on Country Innovation Performance: Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Revisited?. Sustainability14(10), 5851.

Pedersen, S. (2020). Staging negotiation spaces: A co-design framework. Design Studies, pp. 68, 58-81.

Ziemba, E. W., Eisenbardt, M., Mullins, R., & Dettmer, S. (2019). Prosumers’ engagement in

business process innovation–The case of Poland and the UK. Interdisciplinary Journal of  Information, Knowledge, and Management14, 119.


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Read the attached case study, “From Regional Star to Global Leader,” by Nohria (reprinted from Harvard Business Review with permission of Harvard Business Publishing, Copyright 2009), to complete this assignment.

Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) that discusses the following questions through your research and analysis of the case study:

Culture Communication and Negotiation Presentation

Discuss the company objective. Describe the objectives of Yang Jianguo, Alain Deronde, Yves Saurac, Antoine Lambert, and Elise Bernier.
Using a specific cultural framework (Hofstede, Hall, Trompenaars, Kluckhohn, and Strodtbeck) explain two major cultural values and two major societal values that influenced the negotiations between the French and Chinese representatives demonstrated within the case study. Select one of the three countries identified in Topic 2 The Origin of Impact of Globalization Presentation assignment and provide a comparison of how the values are similar or dissimilar between the French and Chinese representatives in the case study with the previously selected country.
Provide two examples of verbal communication that are evident in the case. Explain how verbal communication differs between Jingauo and the French team during the negotiations. Compare the verbal communication styles in the case study with the country you selected in #2 (above).
Provide two examples of nonverbal communication that are evident in the case. Explain how nonverbal communication differs between Jingauo and the French team during the negotiations. Compare the nonverbal communication cues in the case study with the country you selected in #2 (above).
During negotiations, what was the predominant cultural tendency of the French and Chinese to utilize a distributive or integrative style? Compare the predominant cultural negotiation styles in the case study with the country you selected in #2 (above).
Explain the differences in the negotiation tactics and bargaining behaviors between the French and Chinese. Compare the predominant cultural negotiation tactics and bargaining behaviors in the case study with the country you selected in #2 (above).
Explain the leadership competencies and characteristics that Yang Jianguo, Alain Deronde, Yves Saurac, Antoine Lambert, and Elise Bernier would need for a successful negotiation.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

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