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Culture And Communication Memo

Culture And Communication Memo

Hierarchical culture refers to how individuals behave inside an organization and suggests that individuals adhere to specific norms. (2015) (Alvesson et al.) The culture of the corporation includes its goals, values, standards, organizational structures, lingo, terminology, fears, and predispositions. The inclusive surroundings and presumptions that are taught to new authority figures as a way of perceiving, and in any event, ideas and feelings are also demonstrated in this situation. A firm’s style of life is developed since it typically develops over time and is shaped by the administration of the company as well as by the activities and values that have been added to before success. Social attention to authoritative pioneers and HR professionals can be used to manage organizational culture. Boldness, Customer-centricity, and peculiarities are the distinctive behaviours and general attitudes that have contributed to Amazon’s current corporate culture. Amazon increases labourers’ intensity.

This aspect of corporate culture may be seen in the way the company pioneered the sale of a variety of products online, initially starting with books, through the innovation of information-concentrated data. ” Cited” (Bedarkar et al., 2016). The justification I chose The business culture contributes to the client-centric approach. As the internet market grows, Amazon continues to fulfil customers’ needs. The company continuously works to identify trends and shifts in consumer preferences and incorporates these preferences into its web-based retail and related services. There are traits in the hierarchical culture of Inc. as well. This cultural symbol relates to test-show references.

Amazon persuades its employees to distinguish themselves and their work from more traditional methods of doing so. The company acknowledges that this places restrictions on future commercial growth. As a result, through this aspect of corporate culture, Amazon encourages employees to think freely in order to maximize the potential of the online business. Increasing dialogue and communication is the main strategy to develop the representative business relationship at Amazon. One of the most well-known concerns in representative relations is unfortunate communication.

For a favourable representative relationship, align your treatment of employees with your company’s strong corporate traits. I believe that encouraging and compensating company representatives is the third strategy to enhance the relationship between them and Amazon. Reps will need to work harder and stick with the company if they think about setting worker objectives with them rather than just letting them down.

You will observe a particular point of view from the representatives when you drive them to define stretch goals and divulge those goals, even though they are doable. Executing the executives is not a one-way process where workers contribute more, but two separate approaches.

Your workplace’s communication culture has a cumulative impact on your representative’s creativity, inspiration, dedication, and overall business success (Hickman et al., 2018). Significant company and personal KPIs are substantially impacted by the communication culture in the workplace. It has been proven that affiliations with societies that value constructive communication have a significant competitive advantage and are better at fostering corporate adaptability and advancement.

According to a study, more than 70% of representatives tend to ignore company news. When this happens, representatives not only lose some of their usefulness but also lose a sense of belonging to their organization. Insight into their work is typically rated as inadequate by these reps. It is much simpler to influence representatives to take the ideal form when they have an informed perspective on important company updates and are frequently in contact with their friends and directors. The commitment and effectiveness of representatives in the workplace are significantly impacted by the communication culture of the organization. Also, 85% of employees claim that the board’s regular briefings on company news are the ones that most influence them. Hence, organizations notice an increase in worker productivity of 19 to 24% when they ensure that their representatives are consistently associated.

Representative maintenance is profoundly impacted by communication in the workplace, and associations that invest in their communication culture see reduced turnover rates. Also, businesses with effective communication are almost certain to have lower representative turnover. Nonetheless, according to 47% of people who are actively looking for new jobs, company culture is the main rationale. For authoritative achievement, adjusting representatives to the general corporate strategy is essential, and communication culture plays a significant role in this. Nonetheless, only 23% of chiefs claim that their companies are amazing at matching representatives’ goals with business aims. However, just 40% of IC specialists agree that representatives understand “good” or “excellent” the commitment they are making to the methods of their organization. Representatives are obligated to remain loyal to their bosses and frequently exhibit far higher levels of devotion when they are aligned with shared perspectives and ideals.

Partnerships with positive communication organizations will inevitably empower their employees to act as brand ambassadors. They are skilled at communicating the benefits of assistance in improving representatives’ personal brands and assisting their associations in achieving better business outcomes. While employee support can significantly influence a company’s business, marketing, and HR efforts, it is unlikely that every corporation is now attempting to turn reps into brand ambassadors. Amazing communication societies are those that encourage and uphold straightforward cooperation between various groups and offices.

Despite the fact that collaboration across departments is now essential in the corporate world, over 30% of representatives agree that their organization’s members don’t work together effectively enough. However, over 80% of representatives and leaders blame poor collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace frustrations (Salesforce). Open and honest communication also improves the security of the workplace. Unfortunately, many employees do not feel compelled to tell their managers about health concerns. Furthermore, a lot of them lack an easy way to stay in touch with their managers and security personnel.

Management must encourage open communication among their workers so that they may regularly express their security concerns. Change motivations, like advanced change, are simpler inside associations that support ongoing communication in the workplace. Also, associations with effective communication and transformation initiatives are 3.5 times more likely to outperform their partners. Associations are guaranteed to obtain the early commitment of their representatives and complete authoritative arrangements when they have a credible plan in place for communicating what the change’s future entails. Businesses that have employees who work well together and communicate effectively are also more successful in advancing technology and modernizing their operational procedures. Such organizations are also far better at empowering their insight workers and promoting knowledge sharing among employees.

There is no other way to create a productive communication culture in the workplace. Managers must consistently devote their time and resources to this never-ending loop. Although each organization has its own way of life and core principles, all associations should adhere to a few established procedures. There are a few general rules that firms should be aware of, in addition to the fact that inner communicators, chiefs, and pioneers need to have excellent relational skills. The importance of these standards has increased more than ever with the advent of remote work and dispersed work settings.


Alvesson, M., & Sveningsson, S. (2015). Changing organizational culture: Cultural change work in progress. Routledge

Bedarkar, M., Pandita, D., Agarwal, R., & Saini, R. (2016). Examining the Impact of Organizational Culture on Customer Centricity in Organizations: An Analysis. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 9(2), 19-28 Powered by TCPDF (

Hickman, C. R., & Silva, M. A. (2018). Creating excellence: Managing corporate culture, strategy, and change in the new age. Routledge.

Sull, D., Turconi, S., & Sull, C. (2020). When it comes to culture, does your company walk the talk? MIT Sloan Management Review.


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You work in the human resources department of a company that does business in 25 different countries. You have learned that communication culture in your workplace has a significant impact on your employees’ experience, motivation, engagement, and overall business success. Your manager has asked you to write a memo on why and how to build a great communication culture at your company.

Culture And Communication Memo

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