Cultural Communication Practices Paper Proposal
There is an intimate and complex relationship between communication and culture. The primary connection between the two originates from the fact that communication creates culture. Communication interactions transfer cultural practices, customs, laws, rules, rituals, and unique traditions between individuals and generations. This paper will investigate community-specific communication patterns and how they connect with a culture’s values, beliefs, and history.
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One of the areas this paper will focus on is the institutional contexts shaping cultural communication patterns. Communication patterns used in business negotiations across different cultures differ based on customs. For instance, in low-context cultures such as America and Europe, negotiators get directly to the point immediately after a meeting begins. However, the case differs in high-context cultures in Asia and the Middle East, where participants create personal relationships before deliberating the formal agenda. This is just a single example among many cases of how culture shapes communication patterns in institutional contexts. Another area that will form the basis of this paper is how social contexts impact communication patterns.
Sources Summary
Scott Moreau (2014) introduces the concept of ‘pure gospel’ to explain the influence of communication on culture. Unlike the original belief that there is only a single gospel, different cultures progressively incorporate their cultural perspectives in understanding the Bible. On the other hand, Feng (2015) provides a comprehensive examination of cultural similarities and differences between European Americans and Asians or Asian Americans. Feng examines cultural communication patterns and attitudes toward social support between the two communities. Also, Giles (2005) contributes to this subject by showing the influence of diverse belief systems on intergroup communication. In this age of globalization, different groups based on nationalities, sexual orientations, cultures, and religions are likely to interact. Giles stresses that effective communication can only occur when these groups are tolerant.
A Scott Moreau. (2014). Effective intercultural communication: a Christian perspective. Baker Academic, A Division Of Baker Publishing Group.
Feng, H. (2015). Embracing cultural similarities and bridging differences in supportive communication. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 25(1), 22-41.
Giles, H. (2005). Intergroup communication: Multiple perspectives (Vol. 2). Peter Lang.
Throughout this course you will be drafting and revising a research paper that connects specific cultural communication patterns or practices to the history, values, and beliefs of that culture. You should focus on a culture of which you are not a member.
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For this assignment you will submit a 150 words proposal about the patterns or practices you wish to study. In addition to the proposal, you must include the APA citation and a 50-75 words summary of three sources you might use in your final paper. You must complete social science research for cultural communication practice.

Cultural Communication Practices Paper Proposal
This is not an all-inclusive list, and you are free to pick any pattern or practice. Notice that each of these articles addresses a communication issue and links it to cultural distinctiveness. The focus of your paper is to present research on the history, beliefs, and values of a cultural group and give examples of communication patterns or practices that are influenced by these histories, beliefs, and/or values.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.