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Crisis Response Analysis in the Mental Health

Crisis Response Analysis in the Mental Health

Response to the Person in Mental Health Crisis

In the mental health crisis scenario, the responder takes a careful and empathic approach to Frank’s anguish, demonstrating active listening, thorough assessment, and cultural sensitivity. The responder does a thorough assessment of the issue by expressing concern for Frank’s well-being, actively listening to his concerns about burdening his son, and explicitly enquiring about suicidal thoughts. The recognition of Frank’s cultural context, such as his hesitation to discuss his thoughts with his kid, demonstrates a deep awareness of familial dynamics. The responder’s proposal of community-based services, notably the mourning group, is culturally appropriate and provides a comprehensive approach to help. Overall, the answer combines empathy, active listening, and cultural understanding to provide Frank with individualized help during his mental health crisis.

Parts of the Video that Showcase Listening, Assessing, Validating Feelings, Protecting, and Referring to Additional Professional Help

The responder in the video engages with the person in crisis, Frank, by demonstrating care for his well-being and inviting him to communicate his feelings. In the mental health crisis scenario context, “listening” refers to the responder’s active and attentive reception of verbal and non-verbal communication (Marks, 2022). Frank discusses his sleep issues and fears about burdening his kid. The responder listens intently, understanding Frank’s concerns and supporting his emotions. For example, the responder might say, “What’s going on?” “You don’t seem like yourself,” and later, “It must be hard to live without Jose.” These statements demonstrate a listening and validating strategy, empathy, and understanding of Frank’s emotional state.

In addition, the responder examines the intensity of the crisis by explicitly enquiring about suicidal thoughts, ensuring a full assessment of the situation. “Have you been thinking about suicide?” emphasizes the necessity of identifying the immediate risk and demonstrates the responder’s dedication to comprehending Frank’s distress. Furthermore, the responder takes steps to protect Frank by urging him to seek help from his son and doctor, ensuring that he is not alone in his troubles. As part of the referral process, the responder proposes calling the doctor to discuss potential medication modifications and even suggests community-based services, such as the mourning group, demonstrating a thorough and holistic crisis response that goes beyond immediate assistance.

How the Responder Address the Location and Cultural Considerations

In the mental health crisis scenario, the responder exhibits geographical and cultural awareness by understanding Frank’s circumstances and adjusting the response accordingly. The responder in a mental health crisis demonstrates an understanding of the cultural context by acknowledging the potential impact on familial relationships (Cocchiara et al., 2022). When describing Frank’s unwillingness to burden his son, the responder sees the probable cultural influence on familial expectations and dynamics. “My son,” the statement goes. But I don’t want to be a burden to him. “He’s always so busy” indicates a grasp of the cultural context in which people may be hesitant to communicate their emotional issues with family members owing to perceived obligations or societal expectations. This factor is critical in tailoring the response to cultural nuances and expectations.

Furthermore, the responder promotes Sunrise’s community-based initiatives, such as social events, wellness programs, and a bereavement group, as potential sources of assistance. By doing so, the responder emphasizes the importance of community-based resources that cater to the needs of seniors. This approach understands that mental health support should be not only personalized but also integrated in a cultural and communal framework. The mourning group idea is particularly remarkable, recognizing the cultural significance of sadness and loss in Frank’s life and demonstrating an effort to link him with a supportive community that shares similar experiences. Overall, the responder demonstrates a deep awareness of both individual and cultural variables, customizing the crisis response to Frank’s particular setting within the larger community.


Cocchiara, R. A., Mannocci, A., Backhaus, I., Di Thiene, D., Sestili, C., Barbato, D., & La Torre, G. (2022). The Relationship Between Environment and Mental Health. Sustainable Development Goals Series, 229–240.

Marks, P. (2022). Mental Health in Emergency Care. Elsevier Health Sciences.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Within models of crisis response, there is room for flexibility and variation depending on the location and cultural factors such as the person’s age, gender, race and ethnicity, abilities, and religion. In this way, there is no “one size fits all.” A responder must be able to determine the most appropriate method based on all available information. For example, consider how you would respond to a mental health crisis involving a person with hearing loss or a person who speaks a language that you do not.

Crisis Response Analysis in the Mental Health

For this Assignment, you view a responder’s approach to a mental health crisis scenario. You identify the elements of the approach and how they may have been adapted for the location and cultural considerations.
Click on the Hart City link in the Learning Resources. Once you are there, go to Sunrise Assisted Living and Continuing Care and view the scenario.
Review the Learning Resources on crisis response approaches, comparing them with the crisis responder’s actions in Hart City.

Write a 2-page paper analyzing the response to the person in mental health crisis in the scenario. What parts of the video showcase listening, assessing, validating feelings, protecting, and referring to additional professional help? To what extent does the responder address the location and cultural considerations? Use examples to illustrate your points.

Geroski, A. M. (2017). Helping people in crisis Download Helping people in crisis. In Skills for helping professionals (pp. 233–264). SAGE Publications.

Credit line: Skills for helping professionals, by Geroski, A. M. Copyright 2017 by SAGE Publications, Inc. Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications, Inc. via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Kapil, R. (2019, August 15). Five tips for nonjudgmental listening links to an external site. Mental Health First Aid USA
Rossetto, A., Jorm, A. F., & Reavley, N. J. (2018). Developing a model of help giving towards people with a mental health problem: A qualitative study of Mental Health First Aid participants links to an external site. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 12(48), 1–15.
Review Fig 1: Model of help giving for situations involving a mental health problem or mental health crisis and Fig 2. The helping spectrum: types of help and examples.
Walden University. (2020b). Mental health crisis response approaches [Video]. Walden University Blackboard.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 6 minutes.

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