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Crime Sociology in Children

Crime Sociology in Children

Children who commit violent crimes should be held responsible for their actions. Children are the future adults and members of society. Overlooking their crimes can make them continue doing them. Holding them responsible for their crimes is the only way to teach them to become responsible members of society (Cipriani, 2016). Children are generally responsible for their actions. Punishing the child is a different aspect altogether, though. Do you need help with your assignment ? Contact us at

The juvenile response to young offenders should be a combination of both punishment and rehabilitation. The child or adolescent offender is a young citizen in need of assistance and guidance. They need to be rehabilitated to become responsible adults and parents after the juvenile period. It does more work than just putting away a deviant adolescent or criminal. Rehabilitation helps in identifying the situation that led the young person to commit the crime. It will also help in eradicating the possibility of them repeating the crime after their sentence. The court should also include punishment for the young offender to instill discipline and make it known that crimes have to be punished. Balancing the two will produce a better citizen.

To prevent juvenile violations or crimes, several programs can be put in place. The behavior and classroom management programs, social competence curriculums, bullying prevention, conflict resolution curriculums, and afterschool recreation activities program can be used to prevent adolescents and children from being deviant (Young et al., 2017).  Parents should be active and present in the lives of their children. They should be involved in both their school and extracurricular activities. Parent and teacher involvement in the life of a child can help reduce juvenile crimes. The young ex-convicts should be rehabilitated and accepted in society to prevent them from thinking of being deviant again.


Cipriani, D. (2016). Children’s rights and the minimum age of criminal responsibility: a global perspective. Routledge.

Young, S., Greer, B., & Church, R. (2017). Juvenile delinquency, welfare, justice, and therapeutic interventions: a global perspective. BJPsych Bulletin41(1), 21–29.


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Crime Sociology in Children

1)Should children who commit violent acts be held responsible for their actions?
2) What should the response to juvenile violence be: treatment or punishment (or some combination, or something else)?
3)How can juvenile violence be prevented?

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