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Creditable and Reliable References-sources Pertaining to the Specific Hot Global Leadership

Creditable and Reliable References-sources Pertaining to the Specific Hot Global Leadership


According to Croft & Seemiller (2017), leadership competencies are the attributes, skills, and knowledge needed to be a successful leader. They include unique job-specific or functional competencies and common leadership competencies needed for success based on specific functional or technical responsibilities. Every competency is broken down into different levels that illustrate what the competency entails. Smedick & Rice (2018) argue that the levels are divided into personal qualities, delivering the service, and setting direction. The complexity and scale of the change agenda in an organization and the level of accountability imply that leaders should draw upon their personal qualities to meet their job demands. Leaders must maintain a positive attitude and confidence to shape conduct. According to Smedick & Rice (2018), leaders also need to have a high self-awareness by understanding their limitations and strengths while using misjudgment and failure as an opportunity to learn.

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Leaders are also motivated by the need to make a difference by offering high-quality services and improvements in setting direction. They usually work with ambiguity and uncertainty. Solly (2021) argues that a strategic vision is needed to make radical decisions that may be needed to respond to change. Leaders also need a strategic vision for managing long-term and short-term priorities, especially when there are limited resources. They should also focus on continuous improvement by making plans and strategies to implement them. High-performing leaders offer leadership across the organization to offer the best results and use different styles that challenge traditional organizational boundaries. They must also communicate the vision with convincing clarity by focusing on change and inspiring others.

Leadership competencies are also characterized as essential and visionary. The essential competencies develop as people become responsible for leadership functions, thus setting the stage for more complex and larger executive positions. In addition, according to Seemiller (2017), a leader should align every decision and activity with the customer’s needs and strategy. However, all that leaders achieve is done by collaborating with others. Therefore, the ability to develop relationships is vital. Solly (2021) argues that leaders must dedicate their energy, time, action, and thought to human capital development. The time a leader spends with employees carefully modeling dedication and listening puts a leader in a better position to inspire others, which is a major competency. Leaders must also sufficiently compel others to put more effort into maintaining a healthy business in a globally competitive marketplace. Another essential competence is achieving results. Leaders must cultivate an orientation that results in improved results. Visionary competencies are applied extensively as a person grows and advances in leadership responsibility.

According to Roy & Perkins (2017), visionary leadership competency starts with a broad mindset or perspective. Global leaders must understand and appreciate geographies, currencies, changing economies, and language diversity. The interconnectedness of organizations and businesses in the modern world creates a challenge that leaders address by creating alliances to meet business goals. Therefore, leaders develop networks and strengthen alliances outside and inside their organizations to meet specific goals. The networks may include informal professional groups and joint ventures. Visionary leadership competency also includes organizational agility. Kumkale (2022) defines organizational agility as an organization’s ability to rapidly adapt and change in response to the changes in the business environment. There is a rapid rate of organizational change in the modern-day business environment, thus requiring leaders to stay prepared to take the right actions. Leaders should also anticipate changes in economies and markets before they occur to achieve sustainability and competitive advantage.

Leadership competencies may also be classified into interpersonal, personal, and job-related competencies (Robescu et al., 2020). Interpersonal competencies include the ability to interact with other people. A leader’s main interpersonal competencies are delegation, team development, and respect for others. Contribution includes demonstrating positive, open, and proactive attitudes towards others, work, and progress. Leaders should offer support and encourage innovation to achieve an organization’s goals. Team development includes constantly supporting and encouraging subordinates to develop the skills needed to achieve high performance. Job-related competencies are the specific skills, knowledge, abilities, and personal attributes required to complete specific tasks within the job environment. They include planning, time management, problem-solving, objective setting, and organization. According to Robescu et al. (2020), leaders with objective-setting competency can set SMART goals and prioritize teamwork. A proper organization includes equitable and balanced distribution of tasks among members of a team and allocating appropriate work tasks based on employee expertise.

Effective problem-solving includes the ability to anticipate and overcome challenges encountered in the organization by identifying problems, designing appropriate solutions to solve them from the organization’s perspective, and taking responsibility for decisions and actions. Personal competencies facilitate the attainment of goals and learning. They include integrity, stress management, personal engagement, and communication. Personal engagement includes the ability to generate commitment and enthusiasm, among others, to achieve an organization’s strategic objectives. Leaders can develop their competencies over time based on different encounters in the work environment. For instance, stress management can be improved based on a person’s exposure to different demands and pressures in the organization, leading to high emotional energy. Time management can also be improved based on the deadlines an individual is expected to meet.


Leadership competencies apply to the course content regarding global leadership. Notably, they are important in global leadership due to the complexity global leaders encounter in leading diverse teams. Therefore, global leaders should have personal and interpersonal competencies to create a good relationship with their followers. Global leadership also requires setting a clear vision for subordinates to enhance sustainability and create a competitive advantage. Creating a vision is also important in promoting collaboration among employees toward achieving a common goal. This is vital in preventing employee conflicts because employees know what is expected of them. Leading a diverse team also requires respect for others because each individual has unique beliefs and cultures. Therefore, global leaders should focus on understanding their workforce’s different important values, beliefs, and stereotypes that could create problems within the organization. This is an important part of problem-solving because anticipating a problem before it occurs creates room for designing approaches that can be used to overcome the problem.

Global leaders also require stress management competencies due to the complexities of leading a diverse team. They need to cope with the job demands in the global environment without consuming too much energy and affecting their health. The occurrence of a crisis is common in the global environment, particularly due to uncertainties such as the COVID-19 pandemic, thus requiring global leaders to have organizational agility and remain balanced and calm when leading subordinates during a crisis. The topic also elaborates on the role of competencies in defining leadership styles. For example, a person with visionary competencies is likely to adopt a transformational leadership style to achieve the change needed to achieve the vision. Visionary leaders also encourage teamwork and innovation, thus engaging subordinates in decision-making and granting them autonomy so that they can try out their creative ideas.


Leadership competencies are vital in defining a person as a leader because they influence leadership outcomes. A person with the right leadership competencies is more likely to yield a positive outcome than a person lacking the competencies. The topic of leadership competencies has transformed my feelings and thoughts on great leadership and the assumption that leaders are born. I have learned that leadership competencies can be developed over time, thus transforming my view that leaders are born to the view that leaders are made. Based on my understanding of the topic, leadership competencies are improved whenever a person uses them, thus gradually transforming an individual into a great leader. For example, the objective-setting competency is developed by setting objectives and receiving feedback on whether the objectives are SMART or not. Therefore, great leadership can be developed through experience because experience gives an individual the opportunity to develop their competencies.

The topic has also enlightened me on the overall view of effective leadership. Initially, I assumed that effective leadership includes ensuring that organizational goals are met and subordinates stay committed to their role in the organization. However, the topic of leadership competencies has broadened my view of effective leadership. For instance, I now consider effective leadership as the ability to use various competencies to complete various tasks assigned to leaders, such as planning and delegating. Without job-related, interpersonal, and personal competencies such as commitment, integrity, delegation, respect for others, and time management, a leader may not peacefully coexist with subordinates to delegate tasks and promote commitment. I have also learned that effective leadership includes setting a vision for subordinates and guiding them toward realizing the vision. The most important visionary competencies in global leadership are a global mindset and organizational agility.

Viability of Leadership Perspective Topic

The topic of leadership competencies is viable for future discussion for various reasons. To begin with, there is a need to determine the relationship between leadership competencies and leadership style. Existing studies have focused on the relationship between leadership behaviors and leadership style; others assume that competencies are behaviors. Therefore it is important to differentiate between leadership competencies and behaviors and how they each contribute to leadership style.

Secondly, there is an ongoing debate on whether leaders are made or born. While some researchers have provided evidence suggesting that leaders are made, there is also convincing evidence that leaders are born. Therefore, it is important to understand the source of leadership competencies to determine whether they may be in-born, thus supporting the argument that leaders are born, or whether the competencies are learned and developed, thus supporting the argument that leaders are made. It is also important to study the factors contributing to the development of specific leadership competencies.

Thirdly, understanding leadership competencies can help define effective leadership based on a leader’s competencies and how they contribute to their leadership role. It is also important to study common leadership competencies that improve leadership efficiency to create a solid foundation for the discussion on effective leadership. The discussion on leadership competencies is also important because it creates a deeper understanding of leadership roles based on competencies such as delegation, planning, and problem-solving. This information can be used to determine the similarities and differences between leadership and management. Lastly, the discussion on leadership competencies is viable because it offers information on factors contributing to leadership failure based on the lack of essential competencies required to lead in different environments.


Croft, L., & Seemiller, C. (2017). Developing leadership competencies. New Directions for Student Leadership, 2017(156), 7-18.

Kumkale, İ. (2022). Organizational agility. Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application, 37-52.

Robescu, D. F., Fatol, D., Pascu, D., & Draghici, A. (2020). A study on leadership competencies. 11th International Conference on Information Science and Information Literacy, 218-229.

Roy, F. L., & Perkins, D. (2017). Visionary leadership. The Art of Command.

Seemiller, C. (2017). Using leadership competencies to develop talents into strengths. New Directions for Student Leadership, 2017(156), 31-42.

Smedick, B., & Rice, E. (2018). An overview of leadership competencies and assessment considerations. New Directions for Student Leadership, 2018(157), 55-70.

Solly, B. (2021). From vision to impact: Strategic school leadership. SecEd, 2021(2), 21-28.


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Select at least four (4) credible and reliable references/sources pertaining to the specific hot global leadership topic as a basis for your paper position.

Creditable and Reliable References-sources Pertaining to the Specific Hot Global Leadership

2. The length of the paper, inclusive of Internet and web-based references and sources, is a minimum of 6 pages. In addition to the cover page and reference page, the paper criteria is listed as follows:
– Summarize the leadership perspectives paper topic, including references and sources. (Minimum 3 pages)
– Make Application of the leadership perspectives paper to the Course Content. (Minimum 1 page)
– Write a Personal Reflection using critical thoughts on the leadership perspectives topic, and share how reading and researching the topic(s) has transformed your feelings and thoughts on the subject pertaining to what you have learned. (Minimum 1 page)
– The leadership perspective’s topic(s) you have researched and reviewed: Is it viable for future discussion and study? State your position and give reason(s). (Minimum 1 page)
– Reference Page with a list of sources and references in APA format.
– Place typed page numbers on the bottom of each page of the report.
– Identify report sections (Summary, Application, Reflection, etc.) at the top of each page where the section begins only.
– Identify/Record Leadership Perspective Topic (s) on the Cover Page.
– Type report double space with a maximum font size of 12.
– Appropriate APA spacing guidelines for papers will be utilized for grading, including proper usage of grammar, etc.
– The Written Assignment Rubric provides grading guidelines.

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