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Creature Care Animal Clinic

Creature Care Animal Clinic

As an organization strategizes and develops plans to deal with the challenges and opportunities that arise, it should have a system that is designed and capable of identifying operations management problems within a company and justifies why perception outcomes similar issues. The design system defines the “service bundle,” how it relates to the company’s primary purpose, and the implications of managerial decisions. Strategies should also identify the operations’ high-contact and low-contact segments and how they are managed. Finally, methods work towards analyzing historical operations management – looking at and troubleshooting decisions, practices, and processes that could have avoided problems. Criteria are then developed to provide recommendations about future operations management decisions and thus justify the proposals.

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Identify the operations management problems that Dr. Barr is having at the clinic.

Dr. Barr faces numerous operations management problems that stem from the inability to adjust the services rendered by the market demand. Primarily, concerns revolve around the facility’s ability to observe operations control while exploring the current market demands. Perspectives such as process velocity and the efficiency of the staff form a focal point upon which the operations management would lead to the eventual mitigation of the crisis (Okwir et al., 2017). Also, the interest in labor utilization allows the appreciation of the market dynamics, as expected by the clients and Dr. Barr. In essence, the ability of the clinic to manage the identified challenges tends to stem from the measures adopted in addressing the raised issues.

Critical operational management inadequacies include the lack of knowledge of the expected operations adjustments in perspectives such as human resource alignment. As a result, the clinic seems caught in a web of unsatisfied clients. Arguably, such concerns assist in elevating fears of declining operations for the clinic. As a result, the expectations of Dr. Barr may need to focus on identifying ideal attributes defining the clients’ expectations. Also, the owner may need to focus on perspectives such as the input of product performance with the founding purpose and the demand for a package playing central to the ultimate decision (Reid & Sanders, 2013). Different perspectives, such as the client’s feedback, may assist in identifying the adjustments needed for the operations restructuring process.

How would you define the “service bundle” currently being offered? How is this different from the original purpose of the clinic?

The service bundle seeks to compile the offered services into a single unit by the client’s preference. As a result, the market expectations about the products seem to reflect on the overall care of the pets with additional interests, such as the specialized services featured in the demand list. In essence, the attention of the package seems to have inspired adjustments in the operations of the creature care animal clinic. A further review of the shared expectations regarding the product identifies the isolation of product segmentation as aspired by Dr. Barr when establishing the clinic. Potential concerns exist about the service bundle overwhelming the initial activities guiding the clinic’s operations (Reid & Sanders, 2013). As a result, the expectations of the service bundle extend beyond the compilation of the offered services to include additional services gathered from the clinic’s operations.

The success of the Creature Care Animal Clinic seems to revolve around the expectations of the clients through a commitment to care. However, such an operational model appears to have alienated the primary obligations attached to the facility. Arguably, introducing the service bundle extends beyond the care providers’ expectations at the facility through perspectives such as experience and expertise (Okwir et al., 2017). As a result, the service bundle remains best characterized as an innovative product that packages and extends the services attributed to the primary obligation of the firm. In essence, the integration of specialized service in the characterization of the package permits the introduction of the novelty assumption when deciding on the ideal term to consider in its reference.

Identify the high-contact and low-contact segments of the operation. How should each be managed?

The initial operation model for the clinic where overnight services remained restricted to surgical procedures seems aligned to low contact operations segments. Arguably, implementing further attributes, such as taking care of the pet overnight, remained assigned to the clients as the clinic offered the ideal tools to assist in implementing the process. Introducing a service bundle involving the innovative care of pets through a comprehensive service involving overnight stays points to the high-contact business model. In essence, the determination of the level of contact manifested in the characterization of the offered services remains anchored to the adjustments made by the management (Reid & Sanders, 2013). Their management needs to involve perspectives such as the staff’s ability and the clinic management’s expectations towards the offered services.

What should Dr. Barr have done differently to avoid the problems she is currently experiencing? What should Dr. Barr do now?

The elemental effort anticipated by Dr. Barr develops from a managerial perspective about the offered services. Views inclined toward the clinic’s operations seem unclear, with the management being unable to restrict the client’s demands or adjust the resources needed to meet the novel expectations. As a result, a need arises to enforce better operations management approaches focusing on the rendered services and their reflection on the available resources. Arguably, the clinic’s interest aligns with the core principle of a business venture where revenue maximization remains the priority (Walsh, 2016). On this assumption, the management’s expectations seem focused on mitigating the cost of operation while exploring the potential avenues for maximizing the profit margins. Dr. Barr needs to examine the flexibility of the resources attached to the clinic as a prerequisite to the ultimate decision on product adjustment. Also, an analysis of the break-even point in both business models would assist in shaping the market expectations of the operations’ resolution. In the future, Dr. Barr would need to carefully examine the returns and resources associated with a new product before its introduction.

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Okwir, S., Ulfvengren, P., Angelis, J., Ruiz, F., & Guerrero, Y. M. N. (2017). Managing Turnaround Performance Through Collaborative Decision Making. Journal of Air Transport Management58, 183-196.

Reid, D. R., & Sanders, N. R. (2013). Operations management: An integrated approach. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Walsh, K. (2016). Managing A Budget In Healthcare Professional Education. Annals of Medical and health sciences research6(2), 71.


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[u02a2] Unit 2 Assignment 2

Case Analysis – Creature Care Animal Clinic

Review the Creature Care Animal Clinic case study on page 95 of your textbook. After carefully reading the case, answer questions 1–4 on page 95.

Creature Care Animal Clinic

Submit your assignment as an attachment in the assignment area.


Case Analysis – Creature Care Animal Clinic Scoring Guide

Due Date: Unit 2
Percentage of Course Grade: 2%.

Identify operations management problems within a company. 
Identifies operations management problems within a company and justifies why they are perceived as problems.
Define “service bundle” and how that relates to the initial purpose of a company.
Defines “service bundle,” and how that relates to the initial purpose of a company and the implications of associated managerial decisions.
Identify high-contact and low-contact segments of an operation. 
Identifies high-contact and low-contact segments of an operation and how each should be managed.
Analyze historical operations management decisions that could have avoided problems for a company. 
Analyzes historical operations management decisions that could have avoided problems for a company, provides recommendations about future operations management decisions, and justifies the recommendations.
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