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COVID-19 and Businesses in the UK

COVID-19 and Businesses in the UK

Covid-19 is a respiratory disease that affects the lungs, and the first case was reported in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019. The virus is mildly airborne and also spreads to healthy individuals when they come into contact with surfaces contaminated by the virus. The COVID virus is contained in saliva and nasal droplets and released from coughing or sneezing by an infected person. In the early months of 2020, the virus spread across the world and was declared a global disaster by the World Health Organization. With the virus continuing to spread, many countries have taken measures to protect their citizens from infection. Countries like the UK had to close business enterprises for people to stay at home to minimize the spread. Since March 2020, various business enterprises in the UK have closed down. However, over the months, there has been a decreasing infection rate, and the UK government has put measures and policies in place to reopen various business stores. Do you need help with your assignment ? Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Key Challenges Facing Businesses

The main challenge that most businesses are facing due to the pandemic in a reduction in profits. Stores have closed down, and people are staying at home. This creates a limited number of buyers, coupled with businesses not operating as usual, resulting in strained earnings. Businesses that depend on the importation of goods have not been spared, as they are suffering from product deficiency. There are no products for them to sell to consumers. Another challenge brought about by the pandemic is the change in the behavior of consumers. Most people have lost their jobs and don’t have the income to make purchases of products. People are no longer doing impulsive buying; instead, they only purchase what’s essential and necessary. This trend leaves businesses that deal with products that are non-necessities facing the challenge of a lack of customers.

Key Safety Guide From The Government

The UK government has put the responsibility of handling the pandemic into the hands of the retailers and other stakeholders. Retail shops, including bookshops and electronic shops, have to limit the number of people that are allowed in their stores at a single go (Shops and Branches -Working Safely During Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidance – GOV.UK., 2020). The main aim of this measure is to ensure social distancing calls are observed to curb the spread of the virus. It is not possible to physically tell who has the virus or not. Hence, the most effective solution is to stay a distance away from each other. Retail employers have to place a display indicating that they have abided by all the Covid-19 guidelines. Working from home is a strategic solution encouraged by the government to control the pandemic. However, the policy may not apply to the retail shops. They have to be physically available at work and verbally engage with customers (Thousands of High Street Shops, Department Stores, and Shopping Centers to Reopen Safely in England, 2020). Thus, as of August 1st, the UK government gave guidelines to allow retail workers to go to work but under specific conditions.

  1. The employers will have to consult and make the decision of who will be reporting to work.
  2. They need to consider the journey that the employee will travel to work.
  3. All the employees have to undergo a Covid-19 test before reporting to work.
  4. There will be no physical contact of any form, and all transactions will be through the phone—no physical handling of money.

Viewpoints From Business and Other Stakeholders

From a business perspective, there are limitations to the workforce due to the new government guidelines. Only a few people will have to report to work while the workload remains to be the same. However, there is a need to focus more on the safety of the employee, employers, and customers. The guidelines will ensure there is a reduction in the infection rate. Yes, there will be a reduction in the business’s profits, but the employees and customers will be safe. Customers are the main stakeholders who are affected by the guidelines. The guidelines are significant from their perspective as the main aim is to curb the virus’s spread.

Recommendations For Business To Keep Safe While Maintaining Operations

One of the recommendations for businesses is to follow the guidelines provided by the government strictly. After the reopening, some of the business enterprises are getting accustomed to the regulations and are now reluctant. Despite declining infection rates, businesses should still enforce government guidelines.


Gov. UK. 2020. Shops and Branches -Working Safely During Coronavirus (COVID-19) –    Guidance – GOV.UK. [Online] Available at: safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/shops-and-branches [Accessed 9th September 2020].

GOV.UK. 2020. Thousands of High Street Shops, Department Stores and Shopping Centers to Reopen Safely in England. [Online] Available at:> [Accessed 9th September 2020].


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Short Essay


COVID-19 and Businesses in the UK

Due to Covid-19, all UK business and shops have been closed since March 2020. The UK government has announced the safety policy for retailers to reopen stores in June 2020.

Please read sources below and other articles /commentaries, write a short essay on the key challenges facing the shops when reopen their business and how business should manage safety while attracting customers to sustain their business. Use your own ideas and the two sources provided.

Remember to reference properly in your essay using citations.


(Below sources may be a starting point, you may search other relevant resources / articles)

Your essay should include

  1. Introduction of the pandemic
  2. Summary of the key challenges facing business
  3. Key safety guide from the government
  4. Viewpoints from business and other stakeholders
  5. Recommendations for business to keep safe while maintaining operations

Word count: at least 350 words.

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