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Counseling Psychology and Forensic Psychology

Counseling Psychology and Forensic Psychology

The fields of psychology that I consider noteworthy are counseling psychology and forensic psychology. Counseling psychologists normally conduct research on ways of helping individuals manage daily transitions and life issues like remarriage, divorce, changes in career, and the transition from and to college. Counseling psychologists help individuals to adjust to life changes and provide career guidance and vocational assessment. Most counseling psychologists work in academic settings as researchers and professors, whereas others work in community settings like halfway houses, mental health clinics, criminal justice settings, college counseling centers, and social service agencies (Kuther, 2011). The rate of depression, stress, and anxiety are high in the current society. Most individuals are faced with stressful moments in their lives, and the most recent one is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected various aspects of individuals’ lives. So many people have lost their loved ones as well as their jobs, and adjusting to such changes has been highly stressful for most people. Counseling psychologists normally find ways of helping individuals who are undergoing emotional strain caused by physical and social factors. For instance, grief and marriage counselors can help individuals develop a personalized plan that will enhance their well-being and reduce stress as they deal with the loss of a loved one and marriage problems like divorce.

Another noteworthy field is forensic psychology. Forensic psychologists usually study legal matters from a psychological perspective. Their main topics of interest include the reliability of the testimony of an eyewitness, ways of interviewing a witness without tampering with their testimony, and juror selection. Forensic psychologists normally offer expert testimony and opinions on cases in family, civil, and criminal courts. They may also assess prisoners, help in making decisions about parole, and evaluate defendants to determine their competency in providing testimony. Forensic psychologists usually work with judges and lawyers as well as police departments to assess, train, and select police officers (Kuther, 2011). Forensic psychology is also important in the current society. Some societies tend to record high rates of criminality. In the US, for example, the issue of gun violence is common in society. Certain factors such as poverty, antisocial tendencies, negative peer influence, poor school performance, and delinquency can help explain why some individuals engage in crimes. Forensic psychologists are able to break down the reason why some individuals commit crimes. They can also help in understanding why some individuals are more prone to committing crimes and can also help suggest ways of lessening crime tendencies among individuals. Research shows that the testimonies offered by forensic psychologists in court can advance the confidence of the public in the justice system, which can be considered more humane, fairer, and safer (Maryville University, 2021).

Both forensic and counseling psychologists can work in criminal justice settings. However, the work of a forensic psychologist is majorly driven by legal needs, whereas that of counseling psychologists focuses on normative functioning. This means that there is a higher probability that a forensic psychologist can provide therapy as counseling psychologists do, but it would be difficult for a counseling psychologist to take on the role of a forensic psychologist since legal specialization is necessary for forensic psychology. Forensic psychologists also study clinical psychology, which is closely associated with counseling psychology, which makes it easier for a forensic psychologist to offer therapy as counseling psychologists do.


Maryville University. (2021). Understanding Why People Commit Crimes.

Tara L. Kuther. (2011). The Psychology Major’s Handbook. Cengage Learning.


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Your paper should explore two or more of the thirteen fields of psychology described in the Kuther textbook that you consider noteworthy and why you believe these areas to be important. Your paper should include a comparison and a contrast of the two fields.

Counseling Psychology and Forensic Psychology

Your paper should be no longer than two double-spaced, typewritten pages in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and should include proper language, grammar, and spelling. Please note you are allowed to express your thoughts in the first person. In evaluating your papers, your instructor will not reduce your grade as much for improper use of the English language as he/she would for a formal research paper, but you are expected to produce a logical, coherent, and well-written essay. Your papers will be evaluated mainly on content and how well you personally explored your interests in the field. See the rubric for detailed grading criteria. APA format

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