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Context Paper and Annotated Bibliography- Implementation of Remote Work Technologies Impact Job Satisfaction Among Employees

Context Paper and Annotated Bibliography- Implementation of Remote Work Technologies Impact Job Satisfaction Among Employees

Context Paper

In this week’s project, I have identified some of the peer-reviewed journal articles I will use to gather relevant information relating to my research study (“How does the implementation of remote work technologies impact job satisfaction among employees?”) to support my arguments when interpreting primary data. My fellow learners might best assist me in identifying the databases I can use to access different journal articles and case studies as I progress with my research. The section below provides an overview of some sources I will use in my research. I developed the annotated bibliography by identifying peer-reviewed journals related to my research topic on Google Scholar and skimming through each article to ensure it contained the information I needed. Although this week’s readings have affected my project by enlightening me on the secondary data sources that should be used in an academic research project, I still need clarity on the following: How can I determine whether an article is a valid source of information for my research? What are the main features of a reliable source of information?

Annotated Bibliography

Ali, A. D., Narine, L. K., Hill, P. A., & Bria, D. C. (2023). Factors affecting remote workers’ job satisfaction in Utah: An exploratory study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(9), 5736.

This article analyzes the factors that impact job satisfaction among remote workers by focusing on remote workers in Utah. The authors argue that remote work increases job satisfaction among employees by improving their well-being. The authors also argue that the effectiveness of remote work in increasing job satisfaction is impacted by the ability of HTR professionals to address the challenges remote workers face, such as work-family conflicts, overworking, loneliness, and isolation. This information will be used to explain arguments on the possible negative impact of remote work on job satisfaction.

García-Salirrosas, E. E., Rondon-Eusebio, R. F., Geraldo-Campos, L. A., & Acevedo-Duque, Á. (2023). Job satisfaction in remote work: The role of positive spillover from work to family and work-life balance. Behavioral Sciences, 13(11), 916.

The article discusses the relationship between remote work, job satisfaction, and family-supportive supervisory behaviors. The article also evaluates the impact of work-life balance and work-to-family spillover on job satisfaction. The authors argue that work-life balance and family-supportive supervisory behaviors developed in remote work arrangements increase job satisfaction. This information is essential in understanding the factors that increase job satisfaction among remote workers. Therefore, the article will be used to gather information to support arguments on the impact of work-life balance on job satisfaction among remote workers.

Jamaludin, N. L., & Kamal, S. A. (2023). The relationship between remote work and job satisfaction: The mediating role of perceived autonomy. Information Management and Business Review, 15(3(SI)), 10–22.

The article discusses the impact of remote work and job satisfaction by considering how apparent autonomy influences employees’ perception of their workplace. The authors argue that perceived autonomy increases the job satisfaction derived from remote work. The authors support this argument by stating that employees who work remotely have a perception that they have autonomy, which promotes job satisfaction. This information is essential in my current research because it will be used to support arguments on the positive link between job satisfaction and remote work.

Khan, S., Rizwana Rasheed, & Mustafa Hyder. (2022). The impact of working remotely on employee job satisfaction: An sem- PLS study of people working at universities. Voyage Journal of Educational Studies, 2(2), 84–102.

The article discusses the link between job satisfaction and remote work among university employees. The authors argue that remote work increases job satisfaction and leads to increased employee productivity. The authors also argue that organizations should expand the scope of working remotely and offer legally binding contracts that specify remote work conditions. The information provided by the authors is relevant to my research because I will use it to support arguments on the link between job satisfaction and remote work.

Nair, P. (2022). Job stress and job satisfaction among employees working from home. SSRN Electronic Journal.

The article analyzes the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction among workers working from home. The authors argue that high job stress reduces job satisfaction and vice versa. The authors also argue that remote work reduces job stress by enhancing work autonomy and reducing work-family conflict, leading to high job satisfaction among remote workers. This information will be used to support arguments on the link between remote work, job stress, and job satisfaction.

Sellar, T., & Peiris, M. (2021). Effect of work from home on job satisfaction in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. South Asian Research Journal of Business and Management, 3(5).

The article discusses the impact of remote work on job satisfaction based on remote workers’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors argue that remote work enhances job satisfaction by enabling employees to develop a work-life balance. The authors add that the effectiveness of remote work in creating job satisfaction is influenced by time planning skills, the possibility to access an organization’s documents at home, the chance to take care of family members, supervisor support and trust, suitability of the working place at home and the reduction in the time spent communicating with co-workers. This information is essential in my current research because it will be used to support arguments on the factors that enhance job satisfaction among remote workers.


Ali, A. D., Narine, L. K., Hill, P. A., & Bria, D. C. (2023). Factors affecting remote workers’ job satisfaction in Utah: An exploratory study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(9), 5736.

García-Salirrosas, E. E., Rondon-Eusebio, R. F., Geraldo-Campos, L. A., & Acevedo-Duque, Á. (2023). Job satisfaction in remote work: The role of positive spillover from work to family and work-life balance. Behavioral Sciences, 13(11), 916.

Jamaludin, N. L., & Kamal, S. A. (2023). The relationship between remote work and job satisfaction: The mediating role of perceived autonomy. Information Management and Business Review, 15(3(SI)), 10–22.

Khan, S., Rizwana Rasheed, & Mustafa Hyder. (2022). The impact of working remotely on employee job satisfaction: An sem- PLS study of people working at universities. Voyage Journal of Educational Studies, 2(2), 84–102.

Nair, P. (2022). Job stress and job satisfaction among employees working from home. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Sellar, T., & Peiris, M. (2021). Effect of work from home on job satisfaction in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. South Asian Research Journal of Business and Management, 3(5).


We’ll write everything from scratch


Week 7 Discussion: Annotated Bibliography
Prepare an effective annotated bibliography for your course project. Consider the following questions:
• What is the scope of your final project? In other words, what do think you need to include and what do you need to leave out?
• As you develop your project outline, do you see any gaps in your research that you intend to fill by adding new source material?

Context Paper and Annotated Bibliography- Implementation of Remote Work Technologies Impact Job Satisfaction Among Employees

Context Paper and Annotated Bibliography- Implementation of Remote Work Technologies Impact Job Satisfaction Among Employees

First Post
Your initial post should include a draft of your annotated bibliography and a context paragraph for your fellow learners. It is acceptable to let this post be loosely structured compared to previous weeks but use professional courtesy in ensuring that your fellow learners can read your post efficiently.
Here are the two parts of your submission:
1. The current draft of your annotated bibliography, is as complete as possible. Aim to have a fully annotated bibliography by the time you post on the discussion board so your fellow learners can best understand your project and offer their insights. Partial bibliographies are also acceptable if they are reader-friendly.
2. A context paragraph that shows your fellow learners how they might be of best assistance to you. Briefly explain your process in creating this annotated bibliography and pose a few questions for your peers to answer as they offer feedback. Please also be sure to include a few statements about how this week’s readings have influenced your project.

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