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Contemporary Black–White Relations

Contemporary Black–White Relations

In my perspective in regards to black-white relations is that there is a division or rather a variation between the younger and older generation. The younger generation, including millennials and gen z, have good relations with both races. There are barely any racial issues, and as part of this generation, I feel that we are the most inclusive and open-minded generation that ever existed (Barnds, 2020). Further, technology has created amazing platforms where we can connect with people from all backgrounds, which has helped us see past our physical differences and into other ways in which we are similar. This, however, is not the case with the older generation. Many of them are still struggling with racism and other kinds of discrimination based on colorism. This mostly has to do with the pervasiveness of biases and racism in many news coverages aired on television, the most common way that the older generation keeps up with the world. I believe that race relations in America will only improve as my generation grows up and raises children with same or even better mindsets. On this trajectory, it is not a long way to go for us to achieve true racial equality. Get in touch with us at We offer assignment help with high professionalism.


Barnds, W. K. (2020). Gen Z is Made for Lutheran Higher Education. Intersections2020(51), 46.


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Contemporary Black–White Relations

Contemporary Black–White Relations

What is your perspective on contemporary Black–White relations? Which of the following statements would you agree with? Explain why.

-American race relations are the best they’ve ever been; racial equality has been essentially achieved (even though some problems remain).

-American race relations have a long way to go before society achieves true racial equality.

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