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Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan

Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan

Statement of Purpose

Our classroom is a place for students to receive the guidance, instruction, and safe environment needed to excel in their studies by being active in the learning process. Our mission is that every student will feel accepted in the classroom, regardless of race or disability.

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We will build our relationships using kind and positive words in the classroom. I plan to gain an understanding of the physical, social, “nd emotional I’m” act of trauma on each student, as well as their families. I will use different “Get to Know You” activities to learn about my students. There will be opportunities for all students to participate in the learning process by using classroom jobs to allow the students to be active participants. I will use different resources, such as books or video clips, to talk abstudent’srent the ethnic heritage of disabilities. I will also label different items in the classroom with the student’s native language and English to establish multicultural language learning. We will create classroom rules on the wall for every child to see and refer to throughout the year. I will use various strategies to respond to all behaviours, such as praise or private one-on-one talks. The evidence-based practices and interventions will be based on the conferences I conduct with each student. My trauma-based needs for my students will also be off of the conferences.


School-wide Rules

  1. Respect the staff and students around you. Follow the dress code set by the administration.
  2. Come to school on time every day.

Classroom-wide Rules

  1. Come to class every day
  2. Respect your classmates
  3. Be prepared
  4. Try your best
  5. Have fun learning!


Morning entry

When entering the classroom, put your belongings away and turn in any homework into the bin. Once the students turn in their work, they will grab the activity from the independent work bin and begin working on it quietly at their desks. There will also be a smartboard attendance screen on the board that the children will mark themselves as present upon entering the classroom. This will allow the teacher to read any information from their parents or guardians. The children will have 15 minutes to complete their independent activities.

Morning meeting

After the 15-minute independent work time, the class will come together on the carpet to begin the morning meeting. We will update the calendar, talk about important information for the day, and school announcements during this time.

Completing and turning in work

All homework must be turned in at the beginning of class. The students will turn all their homework in using a homework bin on a table by the door to the front of the classroom. All work not turned in when the bin is put away will be marked as late. The student will be allowed to speak to me at the end of the day to explain why their homework was late. If the student has no legitimate excuse, the homework will be marked as late, and the student will lose points on the work.

Tests and Retakes

All tests will be conducted in the classroom with the students spaced apart. There will be no talking during test time. I will be walking around and monitoring behaviours during test time. Any student that talks or tries to cheat during the test will automatically be given a 0 with no retakes. Any student that receives below a 75% will have the ability to retake the test, but they will only be able to get up to a 90% on the retake. Any student who would like to retest will have until the end of the test day to talk to the teacher to schedule a retake. The students will have a week from the original test date to retake the test.


Positive Behavior Support Reward System

In our class, we will have a class store. The student will already know the rules and expectations of the classroom because we will have created them at the beginning of the school year, and the students will be reminded throughout the first 4-6 weeks of school. The classroom rules will be posted in the front of the classroom for everyone to see. As the students exhibit positive behaviour, such as using kind words, turning work in on time, or helping another student, they will receive a ticket to redeem for something in the class store. If the students exhibit negative behaviour, I will remind them of the class rules on the board and ask them if they think they are doing their best.

Teacher Directed Response

I will give the student three verbal warnings regarding negative behaviour in the classroom.

1st warning – Private 1-on-1 with student. Students will be asked what they think they did wrong.

2nd warning – Private 1-on-1 with the student and changing seats.

3rd warning – Private 1-on-1 with the student and a phone call home.

If the behaviour is happening more often than it should, I will ask the student’s parents to have a parent-teacher conference.

Monitoring and Reflection

I plan to log how my students are doing throughout the school year. I will ask the surrounding teachers, my students, and parents for feedback. This is to ensure my classroom is running efficiently.

This behaviour management plan will help ensure I do not get burnt out or overly stressed. This plan al everyone involved to know what is expected of my classroom and that we are all on the same page. The plan will help the classroom run smoothly and help every student’s needs get met. I plan to ask for feedback to learn how to do better.

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The IRIS Center. (2012). Classroom management (part 2): Developing your comprehensivWe’llavior management plan. Retrieved from


We’ll write everything from scratch


Using the guidance from our text and page 8 from the IRIS Center Module, create your Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan. Your plan must include the following components:

Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan

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