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Comparing and Contrasting the Mission and Vision Statements of Different Schools

Comparing and Contrasting the Mission and Vision Statements of Different Schools

PSJA ISD (Public School District)

Vision- “Every PSJA student is prepared to participate, compete, and excel in a global society to foster multi-generational prosperity.” Mission- “As one PSJA family, we build on our legacy of academic excellence, renowned college and career readiness, biliteracy and extracurricular programs, and our multicultural heritage to ensure every student has the experiences and resources necessary to achieve the highest levels of success.”

Vanguard Academy (Charter School)

Vision/Mission- “Vanguard Academy will provide children with “A Purpose in Life and A Reason for Learning” in a safe and friendly environment. Vanguard Academy’s purpose is to prepare students to be successful in their continuing education, to create positive learning habits and working ethics, to prepare students to be successful in their careers, and to teach students to be responsible and respectful.

Vanguard Academy will build positive self-esteem and challenge students to be independent thinkers with good character. Vanguard Academy prioritizes teaching students the highest standards of academics and extends an opportunity to express their own unique gifts and talents.”

As I am reading these two vision and mission statements, I can conclude that both public and charter school district care about academics and technology to benefit the students in their future career aspirations. I think that creating technology-wise students is a very great step toward helping students turn into resourceful young adults. I love that both schools are more than willing to have their students excel academically. I believe, and the understanding I take from Vanguard Academy’s vision and mission statement, that they don’t only want to ensure their academic success but also help them build strong moral values and develop their artistic talents. Me thinking, as a future teacher is important to have students focus, and I personally assist them in their academic growth while having fun. Still, as a mother, I believe that school and academics go above extracurricular activities. I personally have my kids in outside school sports and activities, but I feel that a school should be a place where the main focus should be creating and inspiring academic excellence. I know a lot of parents would agree with me, but I can also concur that many parents prefer a school that is rounded all around. Personally, I am more drawn to PSJA since it convinces me that academic achievement is a priority.



We’ll write everything from scratch


Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each paragraph.

1. Find two different K-12 school mission and vision statements, one from a private school and one from a public school. Compare and contrast the two mission and vision statements, citing the pros and cons of each. Which school would you want to work at based on its mission and vision statements?

2. You are a first-year teacher at a new school. The principal asked teachers to provide input to a new mission and vision. Discuss what should be considered when creating mission and vision statements.

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