Communication Notebook
Week 1: Channels of Communication
Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words) – Only this part is due at the end of week 1
In the “A Failure to Communicate” video, the exchange took roughly 30 minutes. There was limited communication in the first two minutes because the girl had not realized that the other girl was deaf and assumed that she was ignoring her. The questions were not answered well via video chat because the deaf girl relied on lip reading to understand the messages being communicated. Notably, the other girl was wearing a veil that covered her lips because her Muslim beliefs do not allow her to remove the veil. However, the questions were answered well via email because the deaf girl could express herself in writing, and the Muslim girl could understand the message and respond appropriately. I felt close to the person in the video chat exchange because I could see their facial expressions and willingness to engage in the conversation based on whether they were doing other things during the conversation. However, I did not feel so close to the person in the email interaction because the email responses were not instant, thus creating a perception that the other person may have been multitasking during our interaction. Therefore, the email interaction was more satisfying.
Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, citing at least two course resources to support you, and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.) Is your assignment devastating you ? Get in touch with us at Our homework help will save you tons of time and energy required for your assignment papers.
Pinker (2017) argues that social interactions contribute to healthy living. Communication is vital in establishing and maintaining social interactions because it enables parties to determine areas of common interest and exchange information and ideas on those areas to create and maintain social relationships. The main principles of effective communication are active listening and using communication skills suitable for the other party. These principles are essential in interpersonal communication because they lay a foundation for interaction between the parties. In addition, Bevan (2020) argues that communication is a transaction involving two active participants who simultaneously serve as receivers and senders, the flow of information in both directions, nonverbal and verbal messages, and the need to meet the needs of the parties involved in the communication. Therefore, the communicating parties must apply active listening to understand the information being passed to them and have good communication skills to respond appropriately. Notably, the Muslim girl demonstrated active listening by being keen when using the hearing assistance device to understand the deaf girl’s message. Consequently, the deaf girl used communication skills to express herself in a way the Muslim girl could understand. The two girls also had a good conversation. Headlee (2015) describes a good conversation as a conversation that balances talking and listening. The Muslim girl and the deaf girl took turns communicating to maintain the balance between talking and listening, thus making it easier to keep the conversation active. The Muslim girl also gave the deaf girl a chance to explain her condition at the beginning of the conversation.
Week 2: Please list your exercise: Culture and Communication
Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words)
Culture dictates the level of interaction between people from different genders and ages. For example, some Islam communities regulate communication between people of opposite sexes by defining the boundaries of communication. The main boundary is physical contact during communication, whereby handshakes between people of opposite sexes are prohibited. However, Western culture does not have any restrictions on communication between people of different ages and opposite sexes. Culture also influences how people interpret messages during communication. For instance, in India, the term sweets refer to snacks. Consequently, in America, the term sweets refer to confectionaries made using sugar and candy. The differences in the meaning of terms may create misunderstandings when people from different cultures communicate. Therefore, it is vital to understand the terms that could be misinterpreted during intercultural communication, explain contradicting terms to the other party, or seek clarification to prevent misunderstandings.
Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you, and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.)
Riccardi (2014) defines culture as a systematic behavior that helps individuals act familiarly or acceptably. Additionally, Bevan (2020) argues that culture is a picture frame surrounding creating a border for communication and behavior. Therefore, culture plays a vital role in the success of intercultural communication. Establishing effective intercultural communication requires understanding one’s own and other people’s cultures, accepting and acknowledging cultural differences, and overcoming ethnocentrism (Bevan, 2020). Individuals engaging in intercultural communication can understand their culture and other people’s cultures by reading books about the cultures and interacting with people who share information about the cultures. Accepting and acknowledging cultural differences is a process that includes decreasing negative perceptions about other cultures. It is also important to accept and anticipate differences in intercultural communication that may emerge when interacting with others. According to Riccardi (2014), effective intercultural communication requires understanding other cultures and using the language and communication method that is acceptable to them. Riccardi (2014) gives an example of intercultural communication between British nationals and people from other cultures and argues that British nationals pay more attention when the other person communicates in English. This example demonstrates the link between culture and active listening. Communicating familiarly or acceptably promotes active listening in intercultural communication, thus influencing the success of the communication. It is also important to understand self during intercultural communication to accept and accommodate the differences in other people’s communication. Understanding self includes understanding unconscious bias arising from stereotypes about culture and how to avoid and control them during intercultural communication.
Week 4: Please list your exercise: The Interpersonal Conflict in Television
Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words)
The series, “Modern Family,” depicts different instances of interpersonal conflict. Different conflicts emerge in the “Coal digger” episode in the Modern Family show, season one. Unfortunately, the conflicts are not handled effectively, leading to long-term tension between the conflicting parties. For instance, the conflict between Mitchell and his father, which emerges because Mitchell’s father has not yet accepted that his son is gay, creates a problematic relationship between the two parties because they are both unwilling to find a way to resolve the conflict. Therefore, they focus on managing the conflict instead of resolving it. According to Bevan (2020), conflict management only postpones the reoccurrence of the conflict because the conflicting parties only withdraw from one another to avoid the conflict instead of finding a permanent solution to end it. Conflict avoidance also limits the chances of effectively resolving the conflict because the conflicting parties get comfortable with the avoidance state as long as they can continue interacting. Therefore, it is important to resolve conflicts as soon as they emerge.
Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you, and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.)
Interpersonal conflicts are common in human interactions. Although the causes of interpersonal conflict may be beyond a person’s control, an individual can control how they respond to the conflict. Besides, Bevan (2020) argues that one can respond to interpersonal conflict through management or resolution. The success of conflict resolution is influenced by the conflicting parties’ willingness to end the conflict, the parties’ satisfaction with the outcome, and acceptance not to engage in or deal with the conflict again. Conflict management includes limiting the negative aspects of the conflict to sustain interactions between the conflicting parties. Conflict management requires applying communication practices such as recognizing and boosting positive emotions, understanding and reinforcing interpersonal communication skills, observing and adjusting messages and behaviors, and acknowledging and recognizing when a conflict cannot be resolved. The Television episode conflict review indicates that failing to accept others as they are can lead to interpersonal conflict. Therefore, changing perceptions about others can help to resolve or manage interpersonal conflict. According to Shapiro (2017), mindfulness can be applied to change behavior and adapt to the changes in a person’s environment. For example, Mitchell’s father, Joe, can apply mindfulness by paying attention to societal changes where a person’s sexuality is being embraced without being judged to learn to accept his son’s sexuality. However, developing mindfulness is a process that requires patience and the willingness to try as many times as possible until a positive outcome is yielded. A person’s experiences can also influence the mindfulness development process hence the need to focus on activities that increase self-awareness, such as meditation and self-evaluation.
Week 5: Please list your exercise: Relationship Equity
Step 1 – Describe the findings. (100 to 150 words)
Relationship equity plays a vital role in defining the nature of interactions between people. I focused on establishing good relationships with other employees during my internship period to learn from them. I developed a good professional relationship with my supervisor because he was assigned as my mentor. Although the relationship helped me learn new things at the workplace and develop new knowledge and skills, I felt I was in an unbalanced relationship. I feel that I was underbenefited from the relationship because I completed many tasks assigned to the supervisor. I could not complain about the large workload because the supervisor argued that the tasks were meant to help me learn and acquire new knowledge, skills, and capabilities. At that time, I did not know that there were nonverbal behaviors that I could use to restore equity in the relationship. Accordingly, Bevan (2020) notes that equity in close relationships can be restored through openness, sharing tasks, positivity, assurances, advice, conflict management, and social networks. The nonverbal behaviors that I might use to restore equity in close relationships are expressing commitment, expressing partner-related cognitions and emotions, cooperating, and listening. If I were underbenefited, I would use sharing tasks, honest communication about the relationship, and balancing self-disclosures.
Step 2 – Apply what you have learned during this class, especially the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture, to your exercise results, using and citing at least two course resources to support you, and one can be a video. (This must be 200 to 250 words.)
Developing and sustaining relationships requires ensuring that the interests of the parties in the relationship are met. Bevan (2020) states that relationship maintenance includes ensuring that the relationship continues to exist, keeping a relationship in a specific state or condition, maintaining a relationship in an acceptable state, and fixing the relationship to maintain it. Therefore, parties in a relationship need to maintain the willingness to talk about issues when the relationship starts getting problems, maintain consistency, and set boundaries in relationships. It is also essential for people in a relationship to express who they truly are to maintain a healthy relationship. Remarkably, according to Bailey (2014), people may change an aspect of themselves or their behavior to fit in at work leading to misleading impressions of who they are. Consequently, creating a misleading impression in a relationship makes it hard to determine the needs of the parties in the relationship and could create conflict between them because their actual needs are unmet. It may also create deception, which is among the factors that cause interpersonal conflicts. Therefore, staying open and honest in a relationship is essential, especially during the experimenting stage, where the individuals who want to form a relationship assess the reward value or uncertainty of pursuing the relationship. Bevan (2020) suggests that it is also essential to set boundaries for self-disclosure to avoid negative consequences such as burdening the other party with secrets or too much responsibility for doing something, creating an undesirable impression about oneself, and increasing vulnerability.
Bailey, M. (2014). The danger of hiding who you are [Video]. TED: Ideas Worth Spreading.
Bevan, J. L. (2020). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication (3rd ed.). [Electronic version].
Headlee, C. (2015). How to Have a Good Conversation [Video]. YouTube.
Pinker, S. (2017). The secret to living longer may be your social life [Video]. TED: Ideas Worth Spreading.
Riccardi, P. (2014). Cross cultural communication [Video]. YouTube.
Shapiro, S. (2017). The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger [Video]. YouTube.
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Communication Notebook
[WLO: 4] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
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Communication Notebook
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Week 5 Paper AdviceDownload Week 5 Paper Advice
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For this final assignment, you will demonstrate the knowledge you have gained in this class by reporting on the findings of the four exercises you have done throughout this class and then connecting those experiences to key themes from class. This final paper will be 5 to 6.5 pages (1200 to 1600 words) long and include citations to your textbook, at least one course reading, and two course videos.
To begin, you need to complete your Week 5 Exercise (see instructions below). Be sure to use and cite Bevan in your response, for any choice you make. Once you have completed the Week 5 Exercise, read the instructions below to learn how to complete the entire notebook.
Week 5 Exercise Instructions (choose one option):
Option 1: Social support
Think of a time when someone provided you, or you provided someone, with social support.
What type(s) of social support outlined in Bevan did you or they use?
What type of verbal and nonverbal cues were used to provide this support.
Was it appropriate for the situation and why?
Option 2: Relationship equity
Report on a time when you felt you were in an unbalanced relationship.
Did you feel underbenefited or overbenefited?
Based on what you have learned in Bevan, what are some specific verbal and nonverbal messages or behaviors you might use to restore equity in a close relationship?
How would you use different messages or behaviors if you were underbenefited versus overbenefited?
Option 3: Are you a chameleon?
In chapter 11, Bevan reports on the value of being a chameleon, where you can change your communication style to suit the scenario. This requires being highly aware and mindful of yourself, others, and the choices you make. In this exercise, you will test this theory:
Put yourself in a challenging position in your personal or professional life. If you are at work, speak up at a meeting or talk to your co-worker or boss about the topic. If you at home, have a difficult conversation with someone you care about.
Before you have the conversation, think about the cultural norms for this exchange. What are they? Are you following or violating those norms?
As you have the conversation, be mindful of where you are emotionally, and where they are. Report on those emotions and the role of empathy and emotional intelligence in the exchange.
How did it go? Did you feel you were closer to being a “chameleon?”
Instructions for completing the Communication Notebook:
Describe your findings for the four exercises.
For each exercise you will then complete step 2 for each by applying what you have learned during this class on the basic principles of effective communication, ideas of the self, or culture to your exercise results.
For each exercise you must cite at least two resources to support you and one can be a video.
For the final document, you must use and cite two course readings (and one must be Bevan) and two course videos.
Note that you will be required to use and cite Bevan at least once for each exercise, but you should use them much more.
Review the Final Paper Video Options Download Final Paper Video Optionsdocument for a list of videos you can use.
NOTE: Be sure to carefully review your work and the grading rubrics to ensure you have completed all required elements. Score yourself on each grading rubric and make adjustments to areas where you scored yourself low.
The Communication Notebook final paper
Must be 1,200 to 1,600 words of your own content (5 to 6.5 double-spaced pages) in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Style Links to an external site.resource.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 Links to an external site..
Must utilize an academic voice. See the Academic Voice Links to an external site.resource for additional guidance.
Must use and cite Bevan, at least one course reading, and two course video resources.
Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper Links to an external
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center.