Communication at Work
STEP 1: Review the scenario and email message from your manager.
STEP 2: Write an email message to the customer (no more than two body paragraphs) that informs them about the new delivery date and the refund to compensate for the inconvenience. Your message should be limited to no more than 12 sentences or 200 words. Use the following email template.
Subject Line | Important Information Regarding Your Recent Order |
Dear Renee Colon,
On Friday, March 20, 2022, we shipped an order to you that unfortunately did not arrive on the scheduled delivery date. We are very sorry for this inconvenience and would like to refund the shipping costs as well as expedite the replacement shipment. We can assure you that we are doing everything in our power to resolve the matter as soon as possible. Your refund for the delivery costs will be processed by tomorrow (03/24/2022), and you will receive confirmation of the refund via email. The replacement shipment has been expedited, and you will receive tracking information for the new shipment by Wednesday. The new estimated delivery date is 03/26/2022. We assure you that we are taking the necessary steps to rectify this situation and prevent future delays. One of our customer care agents will call you today to apologize for the inconvenience and answer any questions you may have. We apologize again for this inconvenience and hope that you will continue to do business with us in the future. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you for your time and patience. Sincerely, Alex Star Shipping Department |
STEP 3: Review your message to ensure that:
- It includes information relevant to the customer, including the purpose of the email and how the errors will be addressed.
- It emphasizes essential points using style mechanics familiar in professional writing.
- It uses professional language and tone appropriate for a response to an important customer.
STEP 1: Review the scenario and email message from your manager. Also, review the to-do items that need to be completed and their deadlines in the chart below.
Goal | Task | Due Date | Status |
Inform customer | Email Renee Colon | Monday | To do |
Inform relevant departments | Contact Accounts Receivable (AR) | Monday (end of day)
To do |
Contact Shipping | Monday (end of day) | To do | |
Refund customer | AR issues a refund to the customer | Tuesday | To do |
AR does not charge for replacement. | Tuesday | To do | |
AR send confirmation to the customer. | Tuesday | To do | |
Ship replacement package | Package is expedited | Wednesday | To do |
Tracking info sent to customer | Wednesday | To do |
STEP 2: Based on this information, you will need to communicate an internal plan regarding the refund and redelivery of the shipment by drafting a message to your colleagues in the Accounts Receivable and Shipping Departments. Your letter should clearly identify who has what task and the time frame for completion.
Select an appropriate tool from the following list to communicate this message to your colleagues. Explain why this would be an effective tool for this purpose.
Tool Options (Select one):
- Chat message (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams)
- Email (e.g., Microsoft Outlook)
- Video Message (e.g., Webex, Zoom)
- Text message (e.g., Android or iOS text messaging)
- Voicemail (e.g., Conference phone, cell phones/smartphones, Google Voice)
Tool Selected | Chat Message (Microsoft Teams) |
Why is this an effective tool for the message? | Chat messages are effective because they allow for quick and easy communication between colleagues. Fast and easy communication is essential when coordinating tasks that need to be completed in a timely manner. Chat messages also provide a written record of the conversation, which can be referenced later if needed. Slack and Microsoft Teams are both chat platforms that can be used to serve this purpose. In this case, Microsoft Teams would be the more appropriate tool to use, as the company is already using it. Colleagues in the Accounts Receivable and Shipping Departments can be easily contacted via Microsoft Teams, and the message can be quickly conveyed. |
STEP 3: Use the following template to construct your message. Format it appropriately for the tool you have selected. If you set a video message or voicemail tool, provide a written transcript of your message below. Your notice should be limited to no more than 12 sentences or 200 words.
Hello, Accounts Receivable and Shipping Departments,
We are currently working on a customer service issue regarding a shipment that did not arrive last Friday. Renee Colon, our client, initiated a complaint this morning, and we need to resolve the matter as soon as possible. The tracking number is 1234-ABCD. I have created a task force consisting of members from the Accounts Receivable and Shipping Departments in order to address the problem and come up with a solution. Our goal is to have everything resolved by the end of business today. The tasks that need to be completed are as follows: · Accounts Receivable will issue a refund to the customer by Tuesday and send confirmation of the refund via email. It would be best if you did not charge for the replacement shipment. · Shipping will expedite the replacement shipment and send tracking information to the customer by Wednesday. We should not charge for the replacement shipment. Let the client know that we are processing a refund for the delivery costs. Make sure to CC your manager on all email correspondence. We appreciate your help in resolving this matter as soon as possible. Thank you, Alex Star. |
STEP 4: Review your message and make edits to ensure that:
- It clearly identifies who has what to do and by what time it needs to be completed.
- It emphasizes essential points.
- It uses professional language and tone appropriate for internal communication with coworkers.
We’ll write everything from scratch
This assignment has two parts. The first part is to prepare a clear and concise email communication (no more than two paragraphs in the body of the email) to the customer that will inform them about the new delivery date and the refund to compensate for the inconvenience.

Communication at Work
The second part is to communicate an internal plan regarding the refunding and redelivery of the shipment. You will draft a message to your colleagues in the Accounts Receivable and Shipping departments about the time frame of each task that clearly identifies who has which job and by what time it needs to be completed. You will need to select an appropriate tool to communicate this message to your colleagues and explain why this would be an effective tool for this purpose.
For this assignment, you will:
Demonstrate your ability to craft messages for the appropriate purpose, tone, structure, and audience.
Be sure to include all the essential information you need to communicate.
Select an appropriate tool for workplace communication.
Edit your messages for organization and style, ensuring professionalism with respect to formatting, spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
A. Assignment Guidelines
DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Please do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.
1. Email to the Customer
❒ Have you communicated all essential information to the customer regarding the actions you will take?
❒ Have you chosen the appropriate language and tone for this audience?
2. Message to Your Team
❒ Have you communicated all essential information to your team regarding the tasks and timeline?
❒ Have you clearly designated roles and responsibilities relating to the functions?
❒ Have you identified the tool from the list provided on the template that you will use to deliver your message?
❒ Have you explained your reasons for choosing this tool?
❒ Have you structured your message with this specific tool in mind?
3. Formatting and Conventions
❒ Have you formatted both messages using the Touchstone template provided?
❒ Have you revised, edited, and proofread your notifications to ensure they are clear and error-free?
C. Requirements
The following requirements must be met for your submission to be graded:
Each email message should be limited to no more than 12 sentences or 200 words.
Use a readable 12-point font.
All writing must be appropriate for an academic context.
Composition must be original and written for this assignment.
Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.
Submission must include your name and the date.
Include all of the assignment components in a single file.
Acceptable file formats include .doc and .docx.