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College Bureaucracy

College Bureaucracy

In my efforts to pursue my dream profession, I believe it’s upon me to pull my sleeves and work hard toward it. My school journey since kindergarten has not been an easy road till my current higher learning point, college. College, in itself, is highly bureaucratic. It has its own set of policies and deadlines concerning admission, financial aid, course choice, yielding of academic necessities, and registration in extracurricular schemes, among others. In my case, the initial area I encountered in this college structure was the first admission into the college as a student. Considering my observation, the admission forms used in colleges require the potential learners to fill, sign, and ensure an application form is sent at a fee and on a definite date.


Even though college institutions are meant to provide insights about the world, including offering good education to students, it has various shortcomings that hinder its operations, for instance, in the UK, which could also be an issue in other nations. Also, the government’s concern with illegitimate immigrants has been observed to stress the subject of some learners getting registered in various colleges to acquire entry visas. Consequently, they fail to avail themselves of these institutions (Martin, 2016). They, however, end up vanishing and get mixed with the general population. Such a complication may be similar in language schools, administrative colleges, and lower-level enterprises. Also, lecturers receive emails to ensure that attendance registers are completed after every lecture. However, this ignores the certainty that several hundred learners could be situated within the lecture hall, and thus, a roll call would be tedious. It ignores the confidence that such a process would be perceived as demeaning by learners harboring displeasure.

In trying to curb the issue of students failing to report to their various institutions, different strategies can be imposed. First, colleges could ensure they put in the effort of writing whether, under the existing mechanisms, their awareness regarding the failure of a learner reporting to school (Martin, 2016). Also, providing proper coaching, including guidance for lecturers, and offering support to parents. These swift changes needed in the evaluation practices of tutors presuppose that tutors establish definite competencies, including digital competencies. Special consideration should be put into ensuring the general evaluation competencies of tutors and putting particular competencies in enabling them to operate in various learning environments. Further, colleges could ensure standardization in the temporary evaluation procedures, which can be achieved through the respective college institutions communicating clearly at a district and system scope on the various evaluation procedures.

Moreover, another shortcoming involved with colleges is the lack of funds to run the institutions effectively. There have been revenue gaps observed between colleges in the communities, revealing fundamental inequities and the need for their reforms to be underscored (Yuen, 2020). For starters, colleges play critical roles in ensuring that higher education is enhanced. They offer a fundamental pathway in providing the attainment of a degree, including career and vocational coaching. Aside from serving low-income learners disproportionately, including learners of color, they also act as opportunity engines offering support to social mobility aspects. However, these colleges get $8800 less money in education proceeds per learner enrolled compared to four-year organizations based on the Center for American Progress analysis. Extensively, the gap totals $78 billion observed between both sectors. In other words, the hole in the revenues offered per student between four-year organizations and community colleges is estimated to be roughly similar to the ordinary annual proceeds taken by a college situated in the community, about $8800.

Resolving the Mentioned Shortcomings

Accordingly, addressing these emerging gaps and appropriately offering support to the community colleges needs proper action taken in the state and federal scopes to achieve one sole goal: attaining equity in resource allocation in the respective colleges. Essentially, this means that community-established colleges receive significantly more proceeds per learner than what they initially received (Yuen, 2020). Therefore, policymakers need to be deliberate in developing the most suitable ways of ensuring better funding. Such an approach can be suitably targeted by creating more considerable investments in colleges with limited resources to increase accessibility, equity, and attainment. Moreover, exploring various ways is needed to maximize local funding. States must explore practical ways to raise additional funds required by community colleges from locally established sources. Preferably, local authorities cannot offer the necessary support needed in these institutions. Nonetheless, the states could achieve this through several avenues, including income taxes earned locally, levies on property tax, and taxes on local corporations.

Significance of Social Group Memberships

Finally, the social group memberships give various individuals an advantage whenever they navigate the college bureaucracy. For instance, there is increased efficiency whereby there is increased competency; the work administered under this form of bureaucracy is efficiently performed. Further, the different set policies and guidelines ensure obedience, reducing any non-adherence scopes concerning the framework protocols. Moreover, the individuals get to experience the proficiency of administration; the proper control of the management makes it easy for adjustments to be made whenever they are required.


Martin, B. R. (2016). What is happening to our universities? Prometheus34(1), 7-24.

Yuen, V. (2020). The $78 billion community college funding shortfall. Center for American Progress, p. 7.


We’ll write everything from scratch


The textbook describes Weber’s ideal characteristics of bureaucracy. There are also eight shortcomings listed in the textbook.

Consider the bureaucracies that you come in contact with (college, work, IRS, medical offices, or the Post Office).

For the written assignment this week, pick one bureaucracy with which you are familiar, and create a 750 (or more) word, APA style paper. In your paper describe the following:

· How did you come in contact with the bureaucracy?
· What shortcomings do you see in the bureaucracy? (Select and provide evidence of at least two shortcomings)
· How would you resolve the shortcomings mentioned?
· Do social group memberships give some individuals an advantage when navigating this bureaucracy?

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