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Collaboration and Reflection Leadership

Collaboration and Reflection Leadership

Hello and welcome. My name is Nelsa Masog, and today, I will reflect on my interprofessional collaboration experiences. So, during my practice, I participated in a pilot project that targeted diabetic patients. The project entailed regular screening, active patient education, and routine follow-ups. The interdisciplinary team involved in the project comprised nurses, physicians, nutritionists, pharmacists, laboratory technologists, and community health workers. The project kicked off well during the first few months. However, the teamwork and morale dwindled, and patients were lost to follow-up.

Regular training, performance feedback, and remuneration of the best-performing department promoted the project’s success. Nutritionists provided relevant dietary information to patients. Pharmacists provided critical medication information such as correct dosages and dosing frequencies, possible side effects, and potential pharmacological and nonpharmacological interactions. Nurses and physicians participated in screening patients to establish the prognosis of the disease based on the laboratory values. Nurses ensured that correct medications were administered to the patient as prescribed. Pharmacists, nurses, and physicians emphasized the importance of lifestyle modifications. Community health workers were involved in patient follow-up activities. Laboratory technologists ensured timely delivery of test results.

The etiologies for the project’s failure involved the abrupt cessation of the training programs, the end of the reward system, and inconsistent feedback mechanisms. The lack of regular performance evaluation and feedback delivery created laxity. A lot of training programs led to diminished interest in the pilot program. Elimination of rewards compounded the problem. Delays were experienced in receiving laboratory results, and patients were lost to follow-up, thus the project’s failure.

Poor interprofessional collaboration causes inefficiency in the management of human and financial resources. Belrhiti et al. (2021) argue that it hinders open and proper communication and eliminates governance. According to Rachma Sari et al. (2018), communication is essential for establishing goals, objectives, and performance indicators that are important in managing human and financial resources. Communication is also needed to create transparency and trust where evaluation and feedback are provided regularly. Belrhiti et al. (2021) add that poor collaboration creates unwarranted competition among team members. This disharmony limits the exchange of ideas and hinders the management of human and financial resources. Competition among team members reflects poor engagement and diminishes the likelihood of achieving goals and objectives.

Various leadership strategies can be used to ensure that the interdisciplinary team achieves goals. Folkman et al. (2019) note that the first strategy is the utility of self-governance. Each team member should be independent and confident in their role. Consequently, this increases the likelihood of social interaction and sharing information with other team members. The second strategy is appreciative inquiry (Folkman et al., 2019). This requires the leader to appreciate the team’s involvement in decision-making. As a result, this can lead to better engagements and the realization of novel ideas that create an innovative culture. The third strategy is co-governance (Folkman et al., 2019). This requires the leader to collaborate with team members. Leaders should encourage open communication and exercise emotional intelligence and reflective practice (Folkman et al., 2019). Applying the three strategies can help achieve goals established by the interprofessional team.

Teams can adopt various interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to help them realize their goals. Open communications should be upheld. They help formulate clear goals and objectives and provide feedback after performance evaluation (Buljac-Samardzic et al., 2020). It also helps to relieve any existential tension among team members. The second strategy is recognition and rewards. A reward system is essential because it increases the morale of team members (Buljac-Samardzic et al., 2020).

Consequently, this increases their efforts to ensure successful collaborative experiences and achieve goals and objectives. The other strategy is encouraging social interaction. Social interaction enables team members to know each other and increases the likelihood of collaboration. The different methods are continuous training and utilizing other team-building resources (Buljac-Samardzic et al., 2020). Training guarantees competency, while team-building promotes critical and creative thinking. Essentially, this is important for interprofessional collaboration.

Poor collaboration hinders open and proper communication and eliminates governance. This causes inefficiency in the management of human and financial resources. Self-governance, appreciative inquiry, and co-governance are leadership strategies that promote interprofessional collaboration. In conclusion, interprofessional teams should adopt open communication to help them achieve their goals.

Thank you!


Belrhiti, Z., Van Belle, S., & Criel, B. (2021). How Medical Dominance and Interprofessional Conflicts Undermine Patient-Centred Care in Hospitals: Historical Analysis and Multiple Embedded Case Study in Morocco. BMJ Global Health, 6(7).

Buljac-Samardzic, M., Doekhie, K. D., & Van Wijngaarden, J. D. H. (2020). Interventions to Improve Team Effectiveness within Health Care: A Systematic Review of the Past Decade. Human Resources for Health, 18(1), 1–42.

Folkman, A. K., Tveit, B., & Sverdrup, S. (2019). Leadership in Interprofessional Collaboration in Health Care. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 12, 97–107.

Rachma Sari, V., Hariyati, R. T. S., & Syuhaimie Hamid, A. Y. (2018). The Association between Stereotyping and Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. Enfermeria Clinica, 28(June), 134–138.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Hello.Thank you for all you do. I started a new course, and this is my first assignment. This is a reflection video. Please write in an essay form so I can read it while doing the video since my face is required. Please include references in the paper so I can state them in the video. The video is 5-10 minutes, so you can write only what is necessary while covering all the information required. I have attached the case scenarios. I cannot connect two docs at a time so I will send the rubric via a message or email. At the end of the case scenario, there are three questions for you to type short responses. An ApA reference is also required. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Collaboration and Reflection Leadership

For this assessment, you will create a 5-10 minute video reflection on an interprofessional collaboration experience and a brief discussion of an interprofessional collaboration scenario and how it could have been better approached.

Interprofessional collaboration is a critical aspect of a nurse’s work. Through interprofessional collaboration, practitioners and patients share information and consider each other’s perspectives to better understand and address the many factors contributing to health and well-being (Sullivan et al., 2015). By collaborating, healthcare practitioners and patients can have better health outcomes. Nurses, who are often at the frontlines of interacting with various groups and records, are full partners in this approach to health care.

Reflection is vital to building interprofessional competence, allowing you to look critically at experiences and actions through specific lenses. From the standpoint of interprofessional collaboration, meditation can help you consider potential reasons for and causes of people’s actions and behaviors (Saunders et al., 2016). It also can provide opportunities to examine team members’ roles in a given situation, and the team could have worked more effectively.

As you prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the What is Reflective Practice? Activity. The activity consists of five questions that will allow you to practice self-reflection. The information gained from completing this formative will help with your success on the Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video assessment. Completing formatives is also a way to demonstrate course engagement.

Note: The Example Kaltura Reflection demonstrates how to cite sources appropriately in an oral presentation/video. The Example, the Kaltura Reflection video, does not reflect on the Vila Health activity. Your reflection assessment will focus on your professional experience and the Vila Health activity described in the scenario.

Saunders, R., Singer, R., Dugmore, H., Seaman, K., & Lake, F. (2016). Nursing students’ reflections on an interprofessional placement in ambulatory care. Reflective Practice, 17(4), 393–402.

Sullivan, M., Kiovsky, R., Mason, D., Hill, C., Duke, C. (2015). Interprofessional collaboration and education. American Journal of Nursing, 115(3), 47–54.

Demonstration of Proficiency

Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.
Identify how poor collaboration can result in inefficient management of human and financial resources supported by evidence from the literature.
Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and system outcomes.
Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience, noting how it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes.
Identify best-practice interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to help a team to achieve its goals and work more effectively together.
Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals.
Identify best-practice leadership strategies from the literature to improve an interdisciplinary team’s ability to achieve its goals.
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
Communicate via video with clear sound and light.
The complete reference list is from relevant and evidence-based (published within five years) sources, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.
Professional Context

This assessment will help you to become a reflective practitioner. Considering your successes and shortcomings in interprofessional collaboration will increase awareness of your problem-solving abilities. You will create a video of your reflections, including a discussion of best practices of interprofessional collaboration and leadership strategies cited in the literature.


As part of an initiative to build effective collaboration at your Vila Health site, where you are a nurse, you have been asked to reflect on a project or experience in which you collaborated with interprofessionals and examine what happened during the collaboration, identifying positive aspects and areas for improvement.

You have also been asked to review a series of events at another Vila Health location, research interprofessional collaboration best practices, and use the lessons learned from your experiences to make recommendations for improving interprofessional collaboration among their team. Your task is to create a 5–10 minute video reflection with suggestions for the Vila Health team that can be shared with leadership and Vila Health colleagues at your site. Note: If you require assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please get in touch with to request accommodations. If, for some reason, you are unable to record a video, please get in touch with your faculty member as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment.


Using Kaltura, record a 5–10 minute video reflection on an interprofessional collaboration experience from your practice, proposing suggestions on improving the collaboration presented in the Vila Health: Collaboration for Change activity.

Be sure that your assessment addresses the following criteria. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you will know what is needed for a distinguished score:

Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience, noting how it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes.
Identify how poor collaboration can result in inefficient management of human and financial resources, citing supporting evidence from the literature.
Identify best-practice leadership strategies from the literature that would improve an interdisciplinary team’s ability to achieve its goals, citing at least one author from the literature.
Identify best-practice interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to help a team achieve its goals and work together, citing the work of at least one author.
Communicate professionally, are easily audible, and use proper grammar. Format reference list in current APA style.
You will need to relate your experience collaborating on a project. This could be at your current or former place of practice or another relevant project that will enable you to address the requirements. In addition to describing your experience, you should explain aspects of the collaboration that helped the team progress toward relevant goals or outcomes and elements of the partnership that could have been improved.

A simplified gap-analysis approach may be helpful:

What happened?
What went well?
What did not go well?
What should have happened?
After your reflection, examine the scenario in the Vila Health activity and discuss how the interdisciplinary team did not collaborate effectively and the negative implications for the human and financial resources of the multidisciplinary team and the organization.

Building on this investigation, identify at least one leadership best practice or strategy that would improve the team’s ability to achieve its goals. Be sure to place the system and its source or author and provide a brief rationale for your design choice.

Identify at least one interdisciplinary collaboration best practice or strategy to help the team achieve its goals and work more effectively together. Again, remember the system, its source, and why you think it will be effective.

You are encouraged to integrate lessons learned from your self-reflection to support and enrich your discussion of the Vila Health activity.

You must submit an APA-formatted reference list for any sources you cited explicitly in your video or used to inform your presentation. The Example Kaltura Reflection will show you how to cite scholarly sources in the context of an oral presentation.

Refer to the Campus tutorial Using Kaltura [PDF] as needed to record and upload your reflection.

Additional Requirements

References: Cite at least three professional or scholarly sources of evidence to support the assertions you make in your video. Include additional properly cited references as necessary to keep your statements.
APA Reference Page: Submit a correctly formatted APA reference page that shows all the sources you used to create and deliver your video.
You may refer to the Campus APA Module for more information on applying APA style.
Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final Capstone course.

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