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Co-Teaching Interventions

Co-Teaching Interventions

Summary of the Three Co-Teaching Models I Could Use to Deliver the Lesson

Teachers need to have different co-teaching models. This helps them decide on the best teaching approach based on their learners and class objectives. From the many co-teaching models, I would use the one-teach-one observe model, parallel teaching approach, and one-teach-one assist model. The reason for choosing these three models is they are simple to use, and they are the most effective for teaching learners because they allow collaboration between two teachers.

For the one-teach-one-observe model, I would work with another tutor for the lesson where one of us will observe, and the other will teach. One teacher would start the class while the other would observe the learner’s concentration and behavior. The other approach is the parallel teaching model, which requires me to collaborate with a fellow tutor. With the model, we will separate the class into two groups; each teacher will take one group. Both teachers will then conduct teaching, observation and other essential roles expected from them as class tutors. The last model I will use is the one-teach-one-assist model, which will also require me to work with another tutor and decide amongst us who will assist and who will teach. This way, during the lesson, the teacher who will be teaching will begin the lesson as the assisting teacher helps the learners through the learning process (Dove & Honigsfeld, 2018). Do you need help with your assignment ? Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

How the Co-Teaching Models Apply Elements of Effective Collaboration to Support Learning for Students with Disabilities.

Learners with disabilities have special needs that can effectively be met through collaboration between teachers because it will ensure no single learner is left behind and the needs of all learners, including those with disabilities, are met equally (Cook & McDuffie-Landrum, 2020). Therefore, when the one-teach-one assist model is used, it will benefit students with disabilities because as one teacher teaches and the other assists the student, the students who will not have understood the taught concept will be helped by the teachers in charge of assisting by either re-teaching the concept or helping the student to understand it. Therefore, this model will be very effective for assisting learners with disabilities. Consistently, suppose the assisting teacher realizes that a learner with a disability in the class is having difficulty concentrating. In that case, the teacher can assist the learner in concentrating as the teacher teaches.

Undeniably, the parallel teaching approach is also instrumental in supporting learners with disabilities. It will allow the teachers to group the learners in two groups for effective teaching. For instance, if one teacher taught a lesson and realized half of the class struggled to understand, and the other half understood the concept, then teachers can decide to co-teach by dividing the class into two groups: those who have understood and the struggling learners, who possibly are the learners with disabilities. The teacher teaching the struggling learners can then re-teach the concept as the other teacher improves mastery of content for the learners who understand the concept (Cook & McDuffie-Landrum, 2020).

Finally, the one-teach-one-observe model will also help in teaching learners with disabilities. For example, as one teacher teaches, the other observes behavioral problems, concentration, and lack of understanding. Then, the two teachers can discuss how to improve or work on the issues affecting their class delivery. This will be helpful because most learners with disability have concentration and behavior issues, which can only be effectively worked using this model.

How Each Co-Teaching Model Would Be Applied by Describing What It Would Look Like When Being Implemented in The Classroom.

 The parallel teaching model can be implemented easily because my collaborating teacher and I will divide the class into two equal groups. Then, we would space the groups from the farthest corner of the class to the other. This spacing would reduce interruptions. Afterward, every teacher will begin teaching the learners in their respective groups. Dove & Honigsfeld (2017) state that this teaching model is easy to execute if the learners in every group are kept active and focused in their learning station.

In the one-teach-one-observe model, both teachers will plan for a lesson; one will be the primary instructor, and the other will be an observer. Therefore, when they arrive in class, the primary instructor will remain in front to begin the lesson while the observer stands in the middle or at the back of the class to observe the students. This model type is effective as it ensures learners’ concentration is apt because learners are aware that another teacher is observing them; this way, misconduct is limited.

Finally, the one-teach-one assist model can be implemented easily in a classroom. For example, in this model, the teacher prepares the lesson. One of the tutors becomes the primary teacher, and the other becomes the assisting tutor so that while the primary teacher teaches, the assisting teacher supports and assists learners in understanding the concept better or ensuring they concentrate on learning. For instance, if I were the primary teacher and requested the students to open page 10 and one student appeared to be having trouble doing so, the supporting teacher would assist the student in doing so.

Justification of How the use of the Co-Teaching Model Could Benefit the Students That Make Up the Small Group.

These three co-teaching models are very beneficial to students. The parallel teaching approach helps improve learners’ understanding of a topic or concept. It is because they help make up small groups within a class, and by dividing a class into two groups, one teacher can reinforce the already understood concept, and the other re-teach the concept for the other learners who did not understand the concept to understand it better. Dove & Honigsfeld (2018) state that the parallel co-teaching model creates a sense of independence among learners when learners are grouped. Teaching learners in a large group makes them over-depend on their fellow learners, making it even harder to spot their peculiar behaviors. However, when separated, it is easy to observe how every learner performs individually (Scruggs & Mastropieri, 2017). Consistently, the one-teach-one-observe approach is also valuable to learners. This is because, when teachers collaborate, one takes the role of the teacher and the other the observer. The observing tutor can spot and determine the learner’s issues in class, such as concentration, and then they can discuss and find a way to solve this problem.

Finally, the one-teach, one-assist model is helpful to learners because it ensures that each student within the class receives help when needed. This model ensures that even the learners who do not ask for help will get it because the assisting tutor will observe and ensure everyone is attended to by one of the tutors.


Cook, S. C., & McDuffie-Landrum, K. (2020). Integrating effective practices into co-teaching: Increasing outcomes for students with disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 55(4), 221-229.

Dove, M. G., & Honigsfeld, A. (2018). Co-teaching for English learners: A guide to collaborative planning, instruction, assessment, and reflection. Corwin Press.

Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (2017). Making inclusion work with co-teaching. Teaching Exceptional Children, 49(4), 284-293.


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Assessment Description
Collaborating with another teacher or a paraprofessional to co-teach helps to meet the unique needs of all students in an integrated setting. Learning how to develop positive relationships, share responsibilities, plan, and implement instructional delivery together can be challenging but has a multitude of benefits. How teachers make decisions about behavior management, classroom routines, and delivery of instruction can directly affect the learning of the students as well as the overall classroom climate.

Co-Teaching Interventions

For this assignment, refer back to the deliverable for the Topic 5 “Differentiating Instruction” assignment. In that assignment, you identified a small group of students that could benefit from specific differentiation/UDL strategies, and you selected and justified differentiation strategies for instruction and assessment. In the reflection, you discussed how the lesson plan could be adjusted when co-teaching and collaborating with another teacher.

Using what you have learned about various co-teaching models, think about how each of those models could be applied to the small group of students you identified for the Topic 5 assignment and how the use of each co-teaching technique could benefit the students in the group.

In a 500-750 word narrative, discuss the following:

Summarize three co-teaching models you could use to deliver the lesson.
Explain how the use of each co-teaching model applies elements of effective collaboration to support learning for students with disabilities.
Explain how each co-teaching model would be applied by describing what it would look like when being implemented in the classroom.
Justify how the use of each co-teaching model could benefit the students that make up the small group.
Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

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