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Clinical Skills Development- Goals for Advanced Practice Nursing Growth

Clinical Skills Development- Goals for Advanced Practice Nursing Growth

A practicum course is typically planned far in advance of its start date and schedule, and it is supervised by someone capable of teaching the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner “the ropes” on how to teach, diagnose, and gain confidence in treating patients who present with mental health issues. The goal of the practicum experience is to provide a platform for students to synthesize, integrate, and formally apply empirical skills, knowledge, and training gained in courses in order to gain overall professional experience in a different public healthcare environment.

Practicum experiences allow students to observe the intricacies of the profession and thus learn from professionals in the PMHNP field. The expectation is that by being a valuable asset to the patient population and my organization, I will contribute to the development of the community while also helping to strengthen the solution of public health problems. Because I am new to the mental health field, my expectations are that this practicum experience will allow me to hone the skills I have learned thus far and lay the groundwork for gaining knowledge in a new area of specialization.

As I now understand, practicum placements and clinical sites are carefully selected to assist students in becoming excellent practitioners in their respective fields. The substance of each clinical site is important; these sites are typically chosen for the life-changing roles they are expected to play in the lives of students. Students are expected to take their practicum responsibilities seriously. Clinical sites typically aid in the formation of fundamentals and foundations for students. I’ve been on my clinical site for two weeks now, and I’m more determined than ever to become a dependable and dependable PMHNP. Being on this clinical assignment has exposed my mind to the strength of this program, and I’m looking forward to a revitalizing career.

Overall, all parties involved arrive at the objectives, activities, syllabus, directions, nature, site activities, and so on after numerous discussions and agreements.

Objects and Goals

It is critical that I am able to distinguish between my goals, objectives, and aspirations as I begin to become more acquainted with this knowledge-filled career and all of its complexities during this ten-week clinical experience. Overall, my practicum goals are limitless and include the opportunity to synthesize, integrate, and apply practical skills, consciousness, and so on. In the end, this opportunity will allow me to train, learn, and gain professional experience in a professional public health work environment. In terms of the professional aspect of this profession, I am looking forward to learning what it takes to be successful, reliable, and knowledgeable in this environment.

This Practicum Experience’s Goals and Objectives.

Goal: By the fourth week of practicum, you should have mastered advanced mental status examination skills. This goal entails the ability to distinguish between various tests as well as understanding the complexities involved in deciphering the mental status exam. As I’ve come to realize, this exam is critical in understanding my patient’s behavioral and cognitive functioning; thus, it’s critical that I not only understand the significance of this test but also know how to apply it to my patient’s presentation.

Objective: Perform a mental status examination during a meeting session during the seventh week of my practicum experience; be able to identify mental and behavioral disorders using a mental status examination; and finally, begin to develop the ability to interpret mental status examination results.

Goal: By the end of this practicum rotation, I hope to have gained enough knowledge and skills to construct psychiatric diagnoses mostly on my own. This goal is the beating heart of mental health; it entails the ability to understand what you see, the knowledge to understand the differences in what you already know, and the start of care (usually), so it is an important step that I intend to focus on during this experience.

Objectives: For this goal, I intend to decipher and comprehend advanced methods and the “how to” of performing focused assessment required for arriving at a diagnosis. I also intend to use laboratory and physical assessments, as well as the patient’s presentations, to develop a differential psychiatric diagnosis for this experience and beyond. Finally, for this goal, I will use advanced assessment skills to prioritize psychiatric diagnoses while paying close attention to all details.

Goal: By the end of the practicum experience, my third goal is to seek out and develop the skills required for selecting appropriate psychiatric screening instruments and tools. There are no tests in psychiatry or mental health that can tell me exactly where the problem is and what I’m looking at. Mental health care is far more complicated because various tools are used to arrive at a conclusion. Understanding these tests, what they represent, and their overall meanings will aid in the production of the desired practicum experience and career. As I gain experience in this area, I look forward to selecting the appropriate scales/tools for my patients’ presentations.

Objective: Apply advanced techniques and effective evidence-based communication skills in interviewing patients, as well as the ability to use advanced knowledge in understanding various psychiatric screening instruments. Finally, demonstrates advanced techniques in implementing psychiatric screening instruments for essential treatment plans and care. I will have gained confidence and will be able to use the technology system in my facility when providing patient care by the end of this practicum experience.

Assessment Modes and General Skill Acquisition

The data gathered from these practicums will be recorded in Meditrek. I will also use the clinical site administrator and my preceptor to determine and gather vital information that will help propel me to acquire the knowledge needed to succeed in this profession. By the end of this practicum experience, my goal is to have gained enough confidence to use relevant research in my interactions with various patients and to provide and prescribe treatment using the most up-to-date information.

Planned Activities: Ascertain and rate my decisions and materials based on my plan of care and my patient’s presentation using available evidence-based practice journals and articles.

Nursing Concepts

“Nursing theories also enable nurses to positively influence the health and well-being of their patients beyond the bedside. Nursing theory-guided practice improves the quality of care provided and contributes to the advancement of the nursing profession into the twenty-first century” (Keeling A. W. (2015).

Nursing theories aid in the direction of evidence-based research, which then leads to the application of the best applicable practices and policies. Overall, there are three theories: grand theory, middle-range theory, and practice-level theory. I’m going to use Grand Theory for this assignment. Grand Theories examine the nursing experience from a variety of perspectives; it seek out the most dependable, functional, safe, and attainable nursing practice and attempt to instill these skills into nursing practice in a safe, dependable, and purposeful manner for the benefit of the nursing community, the healthcare system, and our patients at large (Kislov, R.,2019)

Overall, advanced practice nurses, nurse scholars, nurse educators, and nurse researchers stand to benefit the most from the Grand theory’s application. The majority of Grand Theories users are Advanced Nurses who use the broadest scope to address a wide range of concepts and issues that healthcare clinicians may encounter while providing care. This theory has remained a reliable model, providing a conceptual framework for defining clinical practice in complex situations (Kislov, R., 2019).

Theory of counseling

“Psychotherapy theories provide a framework for therapists and counselors to interpret a client’s behavior, thoughts, and feelings, and to assist them in navigating a client’s journey from diagnosis to post-treatment” (Lor, M., 2017). Overall, the goals of these theories are to help nurses improve their fundamental understanding of theory-guided research. By doing so, clinicians will be better equipped to assess, select, and apply theory-guided interventions in their overall care and practices.

The three main theories are psychodynamic, humanistic, and behavioral, but they are further classified as humanistic, cognitive, behavioral, psychoanalytic, constructionist, and systemic. For this assignment, I will use behavioral theory. Dorothy E. Johnson created the Behavior System Model of Nursing. The components and significance of research-based knowledge on proactive nursing care are the focus of this theory. It emphasizes the ongoing need for research, accountability, and overall development. As healthcare evolves, research is the only path that can help balance new knowledge, scout reliable science, and improve patient care.


References Barnes H. (2015). Nurse Practitioner Role Transition: A Concept Analysis.

Nursing Forum, 50(3), 137–146. Keeling A. W. (2015).

Historical Perspectives on an Expanded Role for Nursing. Online journal of issues in nursing, 20(2), 2. Poghosyan, L., & Bernhardt, J. (2018).

Transformational leadership to promote nurse practitioner practice in primary care.

Journal of Nursing Management, 26(8), 1066–1073. Kislov, R., Pope, C., Martin, G. P., & Wilson, P. M. (2019). Harnessing the power of theorizing in implementation science. Implementation science: IS, 14(1), 103.

Lor, M., Backonja, U., & Lauver, D. R. (2017). How Could Nurse Researchers Apply Theory to Generate Knowledge More Efficiently? Journal of Nursing Scholarship: an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 49(5), 580–589.


We’ll write everything from scratch


view your Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form you submitted last week and think about areas for which you would like to gain application-level experience and/or continued growth as an advanced practice nurse. How can your experiences in the practicum help you achieve these aims?

Practicum Experience Plan (PEP)

Review the information related to developing objectives provided in this week’s Learning Resources. Your practicum learning objectives that you want to achieve during your practicum experience must be:

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