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Clinical Rotation Experience

Clinical Rotation Experience

My first experience on my first clinical rotation was an OB rotation, and I was assigned to the labor and delivery unit. Another friend from the clinical school was also assigned together with me on the labor and delivery unit. The assigned doctor, who was to instruct us, was to spend the whole day in the postpartum unit conducting deliveries. There were other students on the clinical rotation as well; hence, it was an individual effort to ensure that we followed all the instructions given during the delivery procedure. The instructor told us that she had scheduled a C-section, and I was eager to see this procedure because I wanted to gain more practical knowledge on how I could help doctors conduct C-sections when I became a registered nurse. I did not want to miss a chance to watch this.

At around 10 o’clock, the mother delivered a bouncing baby boy successfully. Since we had done several practices back at the school on Mannequins, I was not so shocked watching the whole process. However, I was amazed by how the doctor and nurses cut through the patient’s abdominal wall before reaching the uterus and removed the baby in a matter of minutes. The doctor sutured the patient’s incision, and the only thing I saw was a scar on the abdomen. I was so perplexed after watching the whole C-section step-by-step, knowing that someday I might get the responsibility of helping in the caesarian section procedures, not as a student nurse, but as a registered nurse. After the delivery, the doctor left us with other trained nurses to learn other post-natal procedures.

During that time, I realized there was a mother who had prolonged labor. I had to do something to save the lives of both the mother and her child. Knowing the effects of prolonged labor, especially to the baby, such as reduced oxygen levels, abnormal heartbeat, and even death (Rydahl et al., 2019), I asked the doctor in charge, and she prescribed some medicine for the patient. The most appropriate medication for the patient was Pitocin. Pitocin is a drug that acts the same way as the hormone oxytocin in the body (Kenkel et al., 2019). Pitocin helps in enhancing quick and robust contractions, speeding up the labor process. I administered Pitocin to the woman, and she gave birth successfully moments later.

There are many cultural considerations during the postpartum period. Many women are handled differently during the postpartum period based on their cultures and beliefs. There are many ethnically diverse societies in the United States; for instance, during this time, several cultures advise that the mother needs to eat a healthy diet for her to regain her strength. In many cultures, it is during this time that mothers need enough rest, close to weeks or months, depending on the culture (Jones et al., 2017). Another issue that affects women during the postpartum period is the care and love they get from their relatives, especially their husbands. Women who experience love and more attention from their loved ones have minimal chances of suffering from risks such as postpartum depression. Most women who develop postpartum depression occur because of feeling neglected. During the time I spent with the woman, I realized that most of her relatives had not arrived yet. The woman seemed to yearn for my attention, something that I could not give her, but luckily, her family showed up and took care of her.

I had several challenges during the clinical rotation. For instance, I had inadequate skills, especially after I was left with the patient. I could not handle her, as the general nursing profession requires. At some point, I was supposed to check the patient’s blood pressure, but I did not have much knowledge of how to handle the blood pressure machine. I remember I had the blood pressure cuff upside down around the patient’s elbow, and I got so nervous and embarrassed, but I did not want the patient to realize that I was only a student nurse. Furthermore, I also had another weakness: ineffective communication skills. I had issues when it came to communicating with the patient. There was no clear communication between the patient and me.

The clinical experience shaped my career in the best way. During this period, I worked with highly experienced doctors and clinicians. I learned so many skills from the clinical rotation; it made me feel like a real nurse. I gained the required experience from the clinical rotation; it improved my career significantly. The clinical rotation was like a transition phase from being a student to being a professional in the medical field. The clinical rotation gave me a better understanding of what my profession entailed. The experience equipped me with practical skills. Through the clinical rotation, I became accustomed to working in very stressful moments and situations. I learned various challenges that I am likely to face in my career, and I found means of overcoming them. Considering how my first experience was, I did not take good care of my patient. Over time, I realized how showing patients love is essential in the recovery process.

The clinical experience built my nursing career immensely. From working with highly experienced personnel, I gained more practical skills. My commitment as a nurse also improved as I was aware of the underlying challenges and risks involved in the profession, and I had to commit to everything regardless. I left the hospital, I was placed with a clear picture and vision of what my career entailed. Through the clinical rotation, I also explored fields in medicine other than nursing; hence, I gained skills across the board.


Jonnes, E., Lattof, R. S., & Coast, E. (2017). Interventions to provide culturally-appropriate maternity care services: factors affecting implementation. 17, 701-727. doi:10.1186/s12884-017-1449-7

Kenkel, W. M., Yee, J. R., & Carter, S. C. (2019, May 1). Behavioral and epigenetic consequences of oxytocin treatment at birth. 5(5). doi:10.1126/sciadv.aav2244

Rydahl, E., Eriksen, L., & Juhl, M. (2019). Effects of induction of labor before post-term in low-risk pregnancies: a systematic review. 17(2), 170-208. doi:10.11124/JBISRIR-2017- 003587


We’ll write everything from scratch


This is your final week of this class, Primary Healthcare of Chronic Clients/Families Across The Lifespan_ Clinical Practicum, and it is time to reflect.

Clinical Rotation Experience

Discuss your clinical experience this term, as it relates to clinical practice and some examples include situations, acquired knowledge as a nurse practitioner student, and experiences with your preceptor at your clinical medical office. Citation and reference required.



APA format with intext citations

Word count minimum of 300, not including references.

References: 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format.

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