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Clinical Practice

Clinical Practice

Drennan, V., & Ross, F. (2019). Global Nurse Shortages-The Facts, The Impact And Action For Change, Vol 130(1). Pub Med Bull, 25-37.

In this article, through a scoping review, the author investigated the available information concerning the current nurse shortages around the world and reflected on ways of dealing with such shortages. The author used published works from international organizations related to nursing workforces, published reviews, and key author searches as the source of data to write the review. Findings in the article demonstrated that addressing nurse shortages needs a data-informed, nation-specific model of supply and demand routes. The author thinks there is also a need for evidence-informed policies and distribution of resources at national, sub-national, and organization levels. As the demand for nurses keeps increasing all over the world, better nursing workforce planning is vital for reducing health inequalities and guaranteeing reliable and sustainable health systems. Do you need urgent assignment help ?  Our homework help will you tons of energy and time required for your homework papers.

Lin, L., Guoping, H., & Yan, J. (2018). The Effects of a Modified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program for Nurses: A Randomized Controlled Trial: Vol 67, Issue 3. PubMed.

During the study, one hundred and ten nurses were randomly allotted to the intervention group versus control groups. All subjects were evaluated using questionnaires after the intervention and reevaluated again three months later. The intervention group demonstrated decreased stress and negative distress and increased positivity and resilience after the intervention. While the trends of the data theorized that job satisfaction among the subjects would progress, there were no observations on job satisfaction improvements. Nursing professionals encounter many stressors in their working environment due to workload, the emotional burden of providing care, lack of rewards and shift rotation, and complexities in interpersonal relationships. Such stressors may negatively affect the mental and physical health of nursing professionals and their work activities and performances.

Westfall, M., Stockwell, D., & Landrigan, C. (2019). Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Disparities in Patient Safety Events for Hospitalized Children: Vol 9 (1). Hospital Pediatrics, 1-5.

This was done by using the GAPPS (Global Assessment of Pediatric Patient Safety) Trigger Tool, which was run on medical accounts of random pediatric patients who were discharged from selected across four US regions. Disparities in adversative occurrences for hospitalized children were classified in terms of the patient’s race or ethnicity (black, white, Latino, or other). The results showed that hospitalized Latino patients showed elevated rates of all adversative occurrences compared with white (non-Latino) hospitalized patients. Publicly insured patients demonstrated higher rates of adversities that could be prevented compared to privately insured patients. The GAPPS analysis discovered racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in adversative occurrence rates experienced by hospitalized patients in broad geographic and healthcare settings. This study is important in the field of Nursing study since disparities in processes of care and outcomes connected to ethnicity, race, spoken language, and insurance coverage are common throughout the healthcare system.

Martinez, E. (2018 ). Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities for Student Services at One Baccalaureate Degree-Granting Community College: Vol 46, Issue 1. SAGE Journals.

In this study, the objective was to explore organizational changes within the student service area at a degree-awarding college. The researcher collected data by use of in-depth semi-structured face-to-face interviews with the faculty and administrators, observations, and documents pushed by reputable organizations. The results of this study revealed extensive policies and practice changes related to (i) academic support, (ii) academic advisory, (ii) financial support, and (iv) student activities. These changes were sluggish and problematic and were resisted internally and externally. Besides understanding how the degree institutionalization at the community college affects students, this study emphasizes the significance of institutional policy and planning.

Thi, H. T. (2019). Challenges for Nursing Students in the Clinical Learning Environment. Master’s Theses, 104.

This study explores the experiences of nursing students in clinical learning environments and how they respond to these experiences. The study was conducted on a qualitative research design basis of the grounded theory at nursing schools in academic settings in the Republic of Iran. The participants, nineteen nursing students, four nursing tutors, and three clinical nurses, were interviewed using semi-structured interviews, notes, and observation, and Strauss and Corbin’s approach was used to analyze the data. The result demonstrated that the students demonstrated ‘confusion of identity due to an inadequate educational environment. This is a very informative article, particularly for all nursing students, as it highlights the challenges that a nursing student may encounter in the course of their journey to becoming a nurse.


Drennan, V., & Ross, F. (2019). Global nurse shortages-the facts, the impact, and action for change, Vol 130(1). Pub Med Bull, 25-37.

Lin, L., Guoping, H., & Yan, J. (2018). The Effects of a Modified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program for Nurses: A Randomized Controlled Trial: Vol 67, Issue 3. PubMed.

Martinez, E. (2018 ). Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities for Student Services at One Baccalaureate Degree-Granting Community College: Vol 46, Issue 1. SAGE Journals.

Thi, H. T. (2019). Challenges for Nursing Students in the Clinical Learning Environment Environment. Master’s Theses, 104.

Westfall, M., Stockwell, D., & Landrigan, C. (2019). Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Disparities in Patient Safety Events for Hospitalized Children: Vol 9 (1). Hospital Pediatrics, 1-5.


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Annotated Bibliography

Goal: Compile an annotated bibliography. Your bibliography should be based on the Weekly Article Summary related to clinical practice from week 1 through week 6 and should include the following:

Clinical Practice

1. a template to document useful data.
2. a brief overview of each article, including the research type, major findings, and conclusions.
3. a description of relevance of each article for clinical practice.

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