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Classroom Design and Description

Classroom Design and Description

Classroom Description

Educational Philosophy and Age Group

Equality in the classroom is my essential teaching philosophy that drives my actions, teaching practices, and strategies to address the learning needs of all students. My teaching drive depends on all learners having equal opportunities for quality education and a supportive learning environment to enhance their academic skills. My ideal classroom comprises children aged 0 to 5. The class will ensure equal gender distribution. The class will further promote equality and inclusivity by embracing students with special educational needs. This will influence my teaching approaches and strategies to foster an inclusive learning environment and meet each student’s learning needs. Equality in education involves providing all students with essential learning resources and incorporating effective teaching strategies that align with the student’s learning needs. Equality in education reduces the educational gaps between privileged and underrepresented students through access to learning materials and resources.

Teachers achieve equality in the classroom by incorporating effective strategies and adhering to fundamental theories in the learning environment. Also, the teacher must treat all learners fairly and justly, boosting students’ self-esteem and building a sense of identity and ownership of the learning activities. Notably, students emulate their teacher’s character and learn to appreciate their peers’ different abilities, preferences, and appearances, fostering a friendly learning environment for all learners. Further, teachers model students’ behavior, which supports an effective learning process and achieving the class objectives within the scheduled time. Misconduct disrupts leveling and negatively influences time management since the teacher has to address the indiscipline cases to implement the learning objectives effectively. Nonetheless, learning institutions motivate teachers through rewards and achievements in every class. Subsequently, a motivated teacher positively influences the learning process and encourages learners’ engagement and participation in the learning activities.

Design Rationale

The ideal early childhood classroom will incorporate various activity centers, providing learners with numerous learning materials and resources to support their learning needs. The classroom walls will have light blue paintings, which create a fantastic learning atmosphere. The class will have different centers, including the block area, dramatic play area, library center, science area, and art center. In each activity center, there will be corresponding resources that support each learning activity. I will place different objects, items, and manipulatives in the block area, which will help learners integrate their learning activities, including math and English language demonstration activities. In the library area, books will appear according to their subject. Students will allocate specific materials from the library center with less difficulty due to the chronological arrangement. Furthermore, students will plant different plants in the science center through my guidance on conducting each experiment. The art center will have numerous drawings and paintings on wall charts. Classroom word walls will contain different subjects to guide students’ learning activities. Students’ tables will be arranged adjacent to each other around the class, leaving adequate space to enhance effective movement. Beside each table, there will be two chairs for each student. The seats and tables will be sky blue to give students an appealing look. The room will also be well-lit, with multiple bulbs on.

Early childhood theories aligning with my teaching philosophy influenced this ideal classroom design. The theories I incorporated include the theory of justice, behaviorism, and motivation. John Rawls advocates the significance of promoting justice in the education system to improve social justice and achieve equality through fairness (Said & Nurhayati, 2021). The theory of justice will guide my teaching strategies and practices to avoid overlooking the ability of any learner regardless of their learning needs and give them access to effective resources and materials to meet their learning needs. The behaviorist theory by Edward Thorndike, which advocates the use of behaviorist approaches to manage class operations (Yusra et al., 2022), also influenced my classroom design. Behavioral strategies encourage students to adhere to the class rules and regulations and avoid time mismanagement in achieving the class goals. I will acknowledge good behavior by appreciating and rewarding the students. Also, I will control negative behavior by giving students immediate feedback on how to conduct themselves.

The behavioral theory will help me to align my teaching philosophy to the teaching practices by fostering a conducive learning environment that addresses the learning needs of all students. Lastly, Stacey Adam’s motivation theory also influenced my classroom design. The theory of motivation involves appreciating efforts to propel better outcomes (Watters, 2021). Notably, learning institutions provide professional training programs to equip teachers with effective skills to integrate class activities. Also, these institutions reward educators, enhancing their commitment to integrating learning objectives and ensuring all students are at the same learning level. As such, as a motivated teacher, I will motivate students’ learning and help them achieve their full learning potential.

I will incorporate differentiated instructions and multisensory teaching approaches throughout the learning activities. My teaching goal is to foster an inclusive learning environment, addressing students’ different learning needs, styles, abilities, and preferences. Giving differentiated instructions will address the classroom’s learning differences and ensure students develop a sense of belonging in the learning environment. I will evaluate each student’s learning needs and provide them with effective directions and instructions that help meet their learning needs. Multisensory teaching strategies are effective techniques that help to promote equality in the classroom by providing the students with different learning strategies. Students utilize the most effective strategy that aligns with their learning preferences to obtain learning knowledge. Also, a multisensory technique conveys information using visual, auditory, and kinesthetic aspects. Students incorporate two or more senses in internalizing information. Multisensory techniques also increase retention by associating learned skills and how information is delivered. Further, multisensory strategies foster an inclusive learning environment since students with and without special educational needs can learn effectively in a common learning environment.

The classroom design aligns with early childhood learning effectively. Early childhood students learn and acquire knowledge in a friendly and supportive learning environment. The classroom design fosters an interactive learning environment where learners participate in the learning activities, boosting their ability to develop academic skills. The multiple centers in the classroom give the early childhood students a friendly and interactive learning environment, which helps them achieve their learning needs. Students engage in practical activities, which enhances their skills development and supports an interactive learning environment. The classroom setting and positioning provide adequate space for movement and engagement in the learning activities. Also, the classroom lighting and painting foster a conducive learning atmosphere and encourage students to remain focused on the learning activities. The visual learning materials, including the word walls and charts with paintings and drawings, increase the student’s learning ability retention and act as reference materials when integrating learning objectives for each class.

Letter to Families

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Partnering with you in your children’s academic journey is an honor and a great privilege. Learning has succeeded following your commitment, contribution, and engagement in critical issues influencing students’ academic performance. We are writing to inform you of significant aspects that have contributed to the continuous success of the students. We also acknowledge your determination to make the learning process a success for your children and encourage you to continue supporting and attending to their needs, which fosters a conducive learning environment in the classroom.

Our classroom design has a significant impact on students’ academic success. The classroom setting, position, and design, including lighting and painting, create an enabling learning atmosphere for the learners. For instance, the classroom walls will be light blue to create a calm atmosphere and increase students’ concentration on the learning activities. The lighting brightens the classroom and improves visibility. Children can see everything from a distance and easily access learning materials and tools. Our classroom has five tables with three chairs around each table, painted sky blue to make them appealing to students. Students’ tables will be adjacent, leaving enough space for movement around the class. The classroom will have different centers, including a library area, science area, block center, art center, and dramatic play area. Each center contains materials, resources, and artifacts that align with the learning objectives in each part. Students interact with the materials in each center, increasing their hands-on skills in learning activities.

The classroom design appropriately aligns with the teaching philosophy of equality in education. This design fosters an interactive and inclusive learning environment where students with different learning needs interact and collaborate in the learning activities. Resources and materials within the classroom environment expose students to effective learning practices, which increases their skills development and improves the learning process. In addition, the classroom environment enhances the development of students’ social skills. The class population comprises students from different backgrounds and learning needs. Students interact during learning activities, encouraging them to value and appreciate their differences. Students also support each other through shared ideas on integrating a specific learning objective, especially during the art and dramatic play activities. Our staff collaborate to help address the learning needs of all students. The learning institutions motivate commitment to the teaching practices through rewards and appreciation. Also, our staff attends regular professional development programs to improve their teaching practices and equip them with skills and best teaching strategies to improve every child’s performance.

Most importantly, we believe the home environment influences children’s academic performance. As such, we encourage supporting a learning environment at home where students can practice and exercise the skills acquired at school. We further encourage you to continue sparing adequate time to guide students as they tackle the home assignments provided. Also, supporting the development of appropriate behavior among children will help them conform to the behavior within the school environment. It is everybody’s responsibility to address discipline issues in the classroom and home environment, to model a holistic person, and to ensure students are responsible for their conduct in any environment.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership in the students’ education.


Yours sincerely,



Said, M. Y., & Nurhayati, Y. (2021). A review of Rawls’ Theory of Justice. International Journal of Law, Environment, and Natural Resources1(1), 29-36.

Watters, E. R. (2021). Factors in employee motivation: Expectancy and equity theories. Journal of Colorado Policing6(1), 4-8.

Yusra, A., Neviyarni, S., & Erianjoni, E. (2022). A Review of Behaviorist Learning Theory and its Impact on the Learning Process in Schools. International Journal of Educational Dynamics5(1), 81-91.

• Final Project-Classroom Design & Description Paper/Presentation (30 points)
Based on an amalgam of the topics covered in class, research papers, homework readings, and class discussions, you will design your “ideal” classroom space.


We’ll write everything from scratch


¬ The classroom design:
• Your classroom design can be on poster board, tri-fold poster board, construction paper, a 3-D model, virtual model…
• Be creative….it is your IDEAL classroom…the sky is the limit!
¬ Description Paper & Letter to Families (6 pages, typed and double-spaced, APA format)
⇒ The first 3-4 pages must include:
• Your educational philosophy

Classroom Design and Description

Classroom Design and Description

• Age group for your classroom design
• Rationale for your design: did you choose to design your classroom the way you did? What early childhood theorists influenced your design? How? What is your “approach/model/curriculum”? Why did you choose this particular approach/model/curriculum? Why? In what ways is the design of your classroom, including its materials, appropriate to the age group for which it is intended?
• List ALL of the elements of your classroom design i.e. “indoor garden”, “discovery zone”, “math center”…
⇒ Letter to Families (2-3 pages):
• Using “lay” terms, you will write a letter to the families whose children will be in your “classroom” describing for the families the classroom design, the rationale for that design, and the ways in which your classroom design supports children’s development and learning. In addition, your letter to families must also include some examples of the ways in which the home environment & classroom environment will be interconnected.

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