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Classical Experimental Design Outline – Substance Abuse

Classical Experimental Design Outline – Substance Abuse

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  1. Introduction – The 12-step program designed by Alcoholics Anonymous represents powerful support groups that assist people in their recovery from disorders that emanate from substance use (Kelly et al., 2020).
  2. Purpose of the 12-step program- Offers guidelines that assist in overcoming alcohol and substance addiction and/or abuse. The 12-step program is based on spiritual and religious principles (Kelly et al., 2020).
  3. Identifying the patients’ personal details, medical history, and substance use history.
  4. Identifying the factors that led to the addiction; stress, peer pressure, depression, recreational activities, etc.
  5. Identifying the extent of damage caused.
  6. Initiating dialogue that highlights the 12-step program.
  7. Sensitizing the importance of making sound and conclusive decisions.
  8. Communicating with members of the family as members of a support group.
  9. Communicating Drug Addiction Symptoms such as;
  1. Communicating with family members on how to recognize unhealthy drug use in the family members such as:
  1. Coming up with proper interventions such as
  1. Creating goals together with the patient.
  2. Creating a follow-up schedule.
  3. Conclusion


Kazemi, D. M., Borsari, B., Levine, M. J., Li, S., Lamberson, K. A., & Matta, L. A. (2017). A systematic review of the mHealth interventions to prevent alcohol and substance abuse. Journal of health communication22(5), 413-432.

Kelly, J. F., Humphreys, K., & Ferri, M. (2020). Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12‐step programs for alcohol use disorder. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3).

Merrow, J. (2017). Addicted to Reform: A 12-step program to rescue public education. The New Press.


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Classical Experimental Design Outline – Substance Abuse

Decide on a classical experimental design you would be interested in conducting. Develop an outline of the steps you would take if you were to conduct this experiment. Use an outline format and cite any resources used. Use APA formatting.

  • Foundations of Social Work Research
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