Christian Worldview on Internal and External Dynamics of Quality Measurement
Biblical worldview refers to a framework based on solid belief in God’s word. If an individual believes that the Bible is entirely accurate and allows the word in the Bible to be the foundation of everything they do, it means they have a biblical worldview. Quality measurement is a technique that is implemented and used constantly to get the same outcome. Institutions use quality measurement to achieve their set goals and objectives. It is split into internal and external dynamics (Van der Walt, 2017). This paper discusses how the quality measurement in religion frames the Christian worldview.
Quality usually emanates from within before being expressed onto the outside. External aspects of persons tell more about their internal characteristics. It shows how these dynamics depend on one another when gauging one’s traits. External aspects are essential when others want to understand a person and their perspectives on specific issues. Internal dynamics are what individuals use to define themselves, such as knowing who they are. According to Christianity, quality can be seen if individuals depict the truth in what they preach and their actions (Prasetyo et al., 2019). For example, what they preach in their sermons should also be evident in their everyday activities.
According to the Christian worldview, quality can only be seen if there is absolute integrity, trustworthiness, and reality among the believers who share the same values and beliefs. It needs one to behave or act in a way non-believers cannot understand and depict the natural approaches. This means that quality is only available when the believers’ actions can be explained using the perceptions provided by supernatural powers. Therefore the believers are supposed to engage in irrational activities with those in the natural world. However, they should be able to preach their beliefs to the non-believers to turn their ways of living life full of sin and listen to the word of God that will help them attain eternal life in the kingdom of God.
In the Christian worldview, quality is only present if individuals can guide others to identify and associate what is visible and invisible in the natural world. A person is expected to help others agree intellectually on what is visible and guide them on how to act (Bavinck & Nathaniel Gray Sutanto, 2019). Christians should not be ashamed of making choices about the invisible world that others, especially non-believers, may deem useless. Christians must show how quality can’t be measured since it surpasses all tools and units of measurement. Christians imagine they acquire more in the invisible world than misfortunes in the visible world.
The biblical worldview is distinctive and different from the insights of other naturalists. According to the Christian world, view quality should not surpass what is familiar to everyone. Christianity is consistent and factual because it supports and believes in truth and moral values. This paper clearly shows how quality measurement’s external and internal factors frame the Christian worldview.
Van der Walt, B. J. (2017. Sharing an integral Christian worldview with a younger generation: Why and how should it be done and received? In Die Skriflig/in Luce Verbi, 51(1).
Prasetyo, W., Juanda, J., Permana, S., & Wibowo, D. A. (2019). Measuring the Quality of God’s Servants According to Acts 6:3, At the Surabaya City Tabernacle Pentecostal Church. Journal KERUGMA, 2(1), 24–33.
Bavinck, H., & Nathaniel Gray Sutanto. (2019). Christian worldview. Crossway.
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Christian Worldview on Internal and External Dynamics of Quality Measurement
How does the Christian worldview frame quality measurement’s internal and external dynamics?
Requirements: APA-compliant, 500-word minimum