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Children’s Temperament

Children’s Temperament

Various elements or traits determine the temperament of a child. Each child’s character determines their behaviors. Understanding a child’s personality is essential in ensuring the parties around the child understand their behaviors. They are also able to provide the necessary support. Determining a child’s temperament is also important because it reduces challenges when a child does not adjust to their environment (Rymanowicz, 2017). Factors that include activity level, approach and withdrawal, adaptability, mood, intensity, attention span, distractibility, and sensory threshold are essential in identifying the child’s temperament (PennState Extension, 2013).

A child’s temperament can be easy/flexible, active/aggressive, or cautious. A child with an easy or flexible character is primarily calm, happy, easy-going, and adaptable and demonstrates regular eating and sleeping habits. A child with an active character tends to be fussy and physically active, shows intense negative or positive reactions to different situations, and has irregular eating and sleeping habits (CCTAN, 2020). The cautious child is hesitant in unfamiliar circumstances. They also slowly adapt to new possibilities and oversee a unique situation before joining. Changes such as new caregivers are challenging for such children.

The clear demarcation of the three temperaments does not mean children fall into only one. Instead, children may demonstrate behaviors within multiple characters (PennState Extension, 2013). For instance, a cautious child may only behave so when in new situations. However, they can be active in familiar environments and hardly sit for long periods. The same child may hold their attention for a longer span when engaging in activities that they enjoy. Therefore, this information is critical because it enables the parents and caregivers to offer the required support at each instance.


CCTAN. (2020). Planning for Infants and Toddlers. Retrieved from Child Care Technical Assistance Network:

PennState Extension. (2013). Temperament – What is it? Retrieved from PennState Extension:

Rymanowicz, K. (2017). The nine traits of temperament. Retrieved from Michigan State University:


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Children’s Temperament

Referring to the nine temperament categories that an infant might present to determine the child’s temperament, describe the different characteristics a child may have. Present your justification for each choice.

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