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Changes in The Indian Federal Policy Over The Course of the 20th Century

Changes in The Indian Federal Policy Over The Course of the 20th Century

In the early to mid-20th century, the federal Indian policy’s main goal was to assimilate Native Americans into American society. This involved a series of policies, including the General Allotment Act and the Indian Termination Act, which were implemented after the government decided that tribes, despite existing for thousands of years, would not exist anymore. Such policies mostly brought negative impacts on the Native Americans, such as the loss of more land and withdrawal of federal support, which catered for education, health care, police and fire departments, and other utility services. Do you need help with your assignment ? Contact us at

In the late 20th century, however, there was a shift in the policies that favored the tribes. This era started off the self-determination period for these communities. In this period, they were given approximately forty million acres of land and other resources and freedom from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. In 1968, an act that recognized Native American tribes as sovereign nations was passed (Byram, 2000). Lastly, one significant policy implemented in 1975 was the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act which enabled the tribes to have more control over their federally subsidized programs (Veile, 1989). The Indian protest movement played a significant role by protesting against the federal government violating the treaties made, especially those of reserved land for Indians only. In several civil rights movements, Indian activists brought their issues to the capital, sometimes even leading to policy changes.


Byram, J. S. (2000). Civil Rights on Reservations: The Indian Civil Rights Act and Tribal Sovereignty. Okla. City UL Rev.25, 491.

Veile, B. (1989). Indian self-determination and education assistance act (Public Law 93-638) from 1975 to 1989: A look at educational aspects. The University of Arizona.


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Changes in The Indian Federal Policy

Changes in The Indian Federal Policy

How did federal Indian policy change over the course of the 20th century? What effects did these changes have on the tribes? Which changes were more beneficial? Why? What was the role of the Indian protest movement in shaping these policies?

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