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Change Models Applied in Real-Life Change

Change Models Applied in Real-Life Change

Kurt Lewin developed a change model that recommends the implementation of change processes in three simple steps. These steps include the process of unfreezing the old systems, the implementation of the actual change, and the process of freezing the new systems implemented in the change process (Hayes, 2018; Rothwell, Stavros, & Sullivan, 2015). Due to the simplicity of Lewin’s change model, it is the one that I am most likely to apply in changes that I implement in my life.

A significant change that I have undergone is a drastic change in work environments. I was working from home for a significant amount of time. I was used to the flexible schedules associated with working at home. Suddenly, I had to change my work environment to a formal office. This would cause drastic routine changes such as waking up earlier, spending time in traffic, and having less time to perform home-based tasks. I applied Lewin’s change model to make the transition easier. In the freezing phase, I had to change my routines while still at home. I started waking up earlier every day to get used to the routine when I started the new job. The implementation phase was when I started actually changing my routines by going to the new job environment. I froze the new routine by maintaining discipline in the process of change. I avoided being late and made my wake-up time early, even when I was not going to work.

Change is not easy, but with the right principles, one can transition more easily. Applying Lewin’s model made the transition easier for me. It may have also been why I succeeded with the change process.


Hayes, J. (2018). The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave.

Rothwell, W. J., Stavros, J. M., & Sullivan, R. L. (Eds.). (2015). Practicing organization development: Leading transformation and change. John Wiley & Sons.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Change Models Applied in Real-Life Change

Analysis of Large-Scale Change Principles

Large Group Method

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