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Causes of Tailbone Pain and Recommendations

Causes of Tailbone Pain and Recommendations

The tailbone is synonymous with the coccyx. The severity of tailbone pain is dependent on the aetiology. The intensity of the pain is worsened by various activities such as sitting, standing, bending forward, coitus, or when squatting (Al-azzawi, 2021). Severe pain impedes a person’s ability to complete activities of daily living. Furthermore, tailbone pain is accompanied by other symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia (Al-azzawi, 2021).

Tailbone pain is caused by a myriad of factors. Firstly, acute trauma on the coccyx bones can cause tailbone pain (Mohammed, 2022). The pain emanates from fractures or bruises to the bones. This can happen when a person falls in their sacrococcygeal region (Mohammed, 2022). Secondly, repetitive stress injury (RSI) increases the risk of tailbone pain. Activities associated with RSI include cycling, prolonged sitting, rowing, and horse riding (Al-azzawi, 2021). The activities exert continuous friction on the coccyx, hence causing tailbone pain. Thirdly, vaginal delivery is likely to exert pressure and stretch the coccygeal region (Mohammed, 2022), which increases the likelihood of pain. Fourthly, some medical conditions predispose people to tailbone pain (TBP). To begin with, referred pain from degenerative disc disease can cause TBP (Mohammed, 2022). Also, conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroids, endometriosis, and prostatitis are likely to cause pain around the coccyx (Al-azzawi, 2021).  Furthermore, metastasis of tumours of the prostate, ovary, cervix, and colon can present with TBP (Mohammed, 2022). In addition, the pilonidal cyst causes inflammation around the coccyx, hence TBP (Mohammed, 2022). Bony spurs and scoliosis are the other medical conditions that increase the risk of TBP (Al-azzawi, 2021). Fifthly, obesity increases the risk of TBP by exerting a lot of weight and pressure on the coccyx. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Mohammed (2022) reports that the diagnosis of tailbone pain can be accomplished via plain radiographs, computed tomography (CT) scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvic region. CT scans and MRIs can be used to rule out underlying medical conditions such as cervical, prorate, and colon cancer (Mohammed, 2022). CT scans can also be used to identify bony spurs. On the other hand, plain radiographs are used to identify fractures, dislocations, or abnormal curvatures (Mohammed, 2022).

Various techniques can be used to manage tailbone pain. Firstly, lifestyle modification should be embraced. This entails physical therapy and avoidance of risk factors. Physical therapy targets muscles around the coccyx, such as the piriformis and levator ani (Al-azzawi, 2021). In addition, physical therapy embraces techniques such as myofascial release therapy, reverse kegels, and exercises that relax the pelvic floors (Al-azzawi, 2021). Patients should avoid sitting for prolonged durations. Also, they should avoid constipation by modifying their diets. Furthermore, patients should avoid activities associated with repetitive stress injuries. Examples of these activities include cycling, horseback riding, and rowing (Mohammed, 2022).

Secondly, pharmacological approaches should be used to manage tailbone pain. Chronic tailbone pain warrants a multimodal approach that embraces oral and parental medications. Examples of medications used include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen, narcotic analgesics, and anticonvulsants such as gabapentin (Mohammed, 2022). Furthermore, corticosteroids and local anaesthetics can be administered to relieve tailbone pain (Mohammed, 2022).

Thirdly, surgical approaches can be explored to manage tailbone pain. Coccygectomy entails partial or absolute resection of the coccyx (Al-azzawi, 2021). This surgical approach is effective but requires close patient follow-up to avoid wound infections. Blockade of nerves at the ganglion impar relieves tailbone pain (Foye et al., 2020). Local anaesthetic injections are used to achieve this blockade (Foye et al., 2020). Nerve ablation should be considered in patients with inadequate pain control from other pharmacological and surgical (Foye et al., 2020). Notably, nerve ablation provides long-lasting analgesia.


Al-Azzaw, A. T. H. (2021). Update options in the treatment of coccydina (tail bone pain): Article review. Muthanna Medical Journal, 8(1).

Foye, P. M., Araujo, M. R., & Sidhu, G. J. S. (2020). Steroids further improve ganglion-impaired blocks for coccyx pain (tailbone pain). Korean Journal of Pain, 33(4), 400–401.

Mohammed, R. A. (2022). Management and treatment of coccydina (tailbone pain). European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, 9(7), 2496–2504.


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Week 6
Discuss the possible causes of pain tailbone pain and provide recommendations for recovery for a client who is suffering from tailbone pain.

Causes of Tailbone Pain and Recommendations

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