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Causes of Conflict

Causes of Conflict

Conflict is a situation with a significant dispute or disagreement about certain things perceived as important or valued by one party or disagreed by another. The roles of people, usage of scarce resources, diversity, attitudes, interpersonal relationships, and tasks are the major causes of conflicts [ CITATION Hot10 \l 1033 ]


Hotepo, O. M., Asokere, A. S., Abdul-Azeez, I. A., & Ajemunigbohur, S. A. (2010). Empirical Study Of The Effect Of Conflict On Organizational Performance in Nigeria. Business And Economics Journal.


Conflicts are common in a workplace with huge diversity and differences in personalities, beliefs, values, and attitudes. Conflict is a dispute or disagreement between two or more parties because of their differences. From the current study, we can understand that conflicts are classified into two types, i.e., personal and organizational. These two types of conflicts arise for several reasons and significantly impact individuals and groups, leading to functional and dysfunctional consequences based on how these conflicts are managed. Several factors, like communication, goals, perceptions, morale, productivity, personalities, resources, etc., cause conflicts, and hypotheses are developed to identify the relationship between these factors and the causes of conflicts. Further to the detailed study and analysis, we can understand a significant relationship between the abovementioned factors and the causes of conflicts. It is observed that the causes of conflicts change according to the situations that stand as a source of conflicts in the workplace.


Kamran Khan authored the Conflict Management paper Causes, Effects, and Remedies. He is the assistant professor of the Marketing, Management and Supply Chain Department at KASB Institute of Technology, Karachi, Pakistan. So far, he had 12 journal publications and 18 citations, and his areas of skills and expertise are in research methodology, academic writing, quantitative analysis, and methodology. His major contributions are conflict management, HRIS implementation, customer attention, customer value, consumer behavior, etc. In the current article, he has contributed extensively to differentiate personal and organizational conflicts, highlight the root causes, and develop hypotheses that help us understand the relationship between different factors and causes of conflicts.


 Conflicts are disputes or disagreements that exist between different groups because of several reasons. In the current era, the workplace has employees with different personalities, attitudes, values, beliefs, opinions, experiences, etc. Because of these differences, people would have disagreements, resulting in functional and dysfunctional consequences. We understand that an organization needs employees to collaborate, develop cordial relationships and achieve the objectives [ CITATION Tur08 \l 1033 ]. Several years ago, conflicts were considered poor management and believed to be something that must be avoided. Now, conflicts are important for organizations, and when managed properly, they result in increased creativity, performance, better solutions, and increased organizational productivity. Several situations cause conflicts and are categorized into two types, i.e., personal and organizational conflicts. It is observed that personal conflicts are caused because of differences between personality traits of people, and the other one known as organizational conflicts arise because of the scarce resources, design and characteristics of an organization that includes budgeting,  planning,  compensation plans,  and decision making   [ CITATION Spa13 \l 1033 ]. Commonly, employees have disagreements on several things, like when using limited resources in the office, differences in opinions that influence decision-making, certain behaviors that differ from others’ perceptions, etc. People have different values, attitudes, behaviors, workstyles, experiences, opinions, beliefs, etc., which create a huge diversity in the workplace, leading to many conflicts. Organizations must identify the root cause of the conflicts and devise effective conflict management strategies to turn the outcomes into functional or positive outcomes. We understand that there are several reasons for conflicts, and a significant relationship exists between some important factors and causes of conflicts. The current paper helps us understand different hypotheses developed between poor communication, differences in goals, negative perception, low morale, communication breakdown, low productivity, etc. and causes of conflicts [ CITATION Kha17 \l 1033 ]. We understand that there is a strong relationship between all the factors mentioned above, and they stand as the strong reasons for the causes of conflicts. Poor communication between employees will lead to misunderstandings, wrong perceptions, ambiguities, and conflicts. Communication breakdown is when people avoid communicating with others, creating a communication bottleneck and causing conflicts. Negative perceptions about the system and people will lead to negative opinions and images, resulting in conflicts. Similarly, low morale causes conflicts because when employees face challenges performing their jobs and experience low motivation, it is a source of disputes between employees and management. When employees cannot focus on their jobs and give their best, there would be conflicts within the teams and employees, as low productivity negatively impacts the organization’s goals and objectives.


Khan, K., Hussainy, S. K., & Iqbal, Y. (2017). Causes, effects, and remedies in conflict management. The South East Asian Journal of Management.

Spaho, K. (2013). Organizational Communication And Conflict Management. 18,107.

Turkalj, Ž., Fosić, I., & Dujak, D. (2008). Conflict Management In Organization. Regional University, 506.


We’ll write everything from scratch


We will be covering 12 chapters in class. Within each chapter, there are italicized key terms. Each student will select one of the key terms from the assigned chapter(s) and search online Library resources to find 1 recent peer-reviewed article (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to the concept. Your submission must include the following information in the following format:

Causes of Conflict

Causes of Conflict

Key terms:

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 250-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, their credentials and why we should put any weight behind their opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.

ANALYSIS: Using at least 350 words, write a brief analysis, in your own words, of how the article relates to the selected chapter’s Key Term. An analysis is not rehashing what was already stated in the article but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES: All references must be listed in APA format at the bottom of the submission.

(continued) Use the headers in your submission to ensure all assignment aspects are completed as required.

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