Case Study – Risk Factors That Contribute to Child Abuse
What should you look for? Consider which biopsychosocial risk factors contribute to child abuse and research these if necessary.
To properly investigate a possible child abuse case, I should first inspect the number and nature of the bruises on the student’s arms and question their cause, guaranteeing medical attention if necessary. Second, I should acquire information on the biopsychosocial risk factors in the student’s home that may contribute to child maltreatment, such as parental substance misuse, domestic violence, mental health concerns, and socioeconomic pressures. Finally, while ensuring the student’s safety and comfort, I should conduct a discreet interview to gather information about their home environment, relationships with caregivers, and any potential signs of neglect or emotional abuse. I should involve relevant professionals such as school counselors and healthcare providers as needed.
Which risk factors are most highly associated with child abuse and neglect?
Parental substance misuse, domestic violence within the household, caregiver mental health concerns, a history of child maltreatment, and socioeconomic pressures such as poverty and unemployment are the risk variables most strongly related to child abuse and neglect. A lack of social support, poor parental coping skills, and isolation can all dramatically increase the likelihood of child abuse and neglect (Wang et al., 2023). In addition, a family’s lack of access to supporting community resources and adequate childcare services can amplify the risk of child abuse and neglect.
What questions could you ask the student to gather information about these risk factors?
- Question on Family Environment and Relationships: Can you tell me a little bit about your family and who you live with?
- Question on Substance Abuse in Parents: Do you ever notice your parents or caregivers using alcohol or drugs, and how does it affect them?
- Question on Domestic Conflict or Violence: Have you experienced any arguments or fighting between your parents or guardians at home?
Wang, X., Xie, R., Ding, W., Song, S., Wu, W., Wang, X., & Li, W. (2023). Childhood abuse and adolescent school bullying: The mediating roles of perceived social support and loneliness. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
We’ll write everything from scratch

Risk Factors That Contribute to Child Abuse
You work in an investigative unit of Child Protective Services. A report comes in from an 8th-grade teacher that a student may be a victim of child abuse. The teacher reports she noticed various bruises on the student’s arms one morning, and the student has a history of absences from class. You arrange to meet with the student at school as part of your investigation.
1. What should you look for? Consider which biopsychosocial risk factors contribute to child abuse and research these if necessary.
2. Which risk factors are most highly associated with child abuse and neglect?
3. What questions could you ask the student to gather information about these risk factors?