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Car Accident Narrative Essay

Car Accident Narrative Essay

Sometimes, it takes something terrible to realize the importance of friends. Friends are important as they make life more enjoyable. However, one might not appreciate this until you find yourself in a terrible situation that separates them from you and, to make matters worse, knowing that you will never see them in your life again. Friends are like flowers; they make our lives beautiful, but we may not know this until we are no longer with them.

Jimmy was my childhood friend who lived in our neighborhood. We grew up together and attended the same high school. We were so used to each other that people confused us as relatives. One day, he came to our home with a new car that his dad had bought for him. It was a black convertible, Mercedes. He requested me to join him and his two friends on a road trip that would completely change my life. I accepted the offer, and I was given a chance to drive it. I felt like I was driving a Ferrari. The car’s acceleration was amazing, and it went from 0 to 60 miles per hour in just a few seconds. I had never driven a car that was peaking so fast in my entire life, and I was tempted to continue pressing the gas pedal. We went and took his two friends and continued with the road trip. This time, he was the one driving, and I admired how he was speeding and overtaking vehicles on the highway. He was not following even the speed limit post signs.

After reaching our destination about fifteen minutes to one, we all partied as much as we could. It was a weekend, and we were in a park full of people who had also come to enjoy themselves. I came to learn later that Jimmy had organized a big party at the park. He wanted to propose to his girlfriend. We ate and drank as if that was the last party we would attend for the rest of our lives. On my side, I never drank too much because I was worried about the journey back home. Jimmy was almost blackening out from overdrinking. He had given me the car keys and seemed to have much confidence in me.

The party ended in the evening, some minutes to six, and everyone started leaving one by one. I had a hard time carrying three people who had blacked out. The mood in the car was somber. I was the only person alive, and the music seemed not to entertain me. Besides, I was not familiar with the route we followed and thus had to be extra keen. Being a little tipsy, I could feel I was not driving properly. I kept changing lanes carelessly, and the hooting of other motorists behind me shocked me even more. Despite considering myself a pro, that day, I felt like a learner. I have not told you I don’t see clearly at night, and the darkness was approaching. My hands trembled, knowing that I was the only one and the danger that could arise from darkness approaching was lethal.

Once I reached the highway that I was at least familiar with, I decided to press the gas pedal nicely so that we would reach home before darkness. I was doing over 100mph, and I overtook other vehicles on the road as if they were stationary. Now, I was sure that we would reach home before dark. I was lonely in the car as the other three people were snoring. I noticed that Jim leaned on the gear lever, and it would be hard for me to change the gears. I decided to push him at least, so that he could sit upright. My mind shifted from the road to Jimmy. As I tried to push him, I lost control, and I tried to regain control; it was already too late. The speed at which the car was moving could not allow any control at that point. I braked hard, and the car struck the curb and rolled several times to the opposite side of the road, landing on the side of the highway. I was unconscious for some minutes and woke up lying on the side of the road. About three people stood next to me, and a few others gathered a few meters from where I was. I strained to stand and walked towards the small group. Jimmy and the girls lay there unconscious; his head was bleeding, and he appeared to be heavily wounded. I was overwhelmed and dropped to the ground. The last thing I remember is seeing police sirens and an ambulance approaching us.

I woke up in a hospital three days later, and my mum was there next to me. I was in distress. The images of my friends were still fresh in my mind. I later realized that Jimmy didn’t make it; he succumbed to the injuries. The two girls were admitted to the same hospital with serious injuries. I had lost my friend in a car accident. Many days after leaving the hospital, I was so lonely at home. I did not have a friend to visit. Jimmy’s death was still haunting me. That is when I learned the importance of friends in life.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Car Accident Narrative Essay

Directions: For your first essay, you will choose a photograph or a series of photographs that have personal meaning. You will then write a narrative essay (use chronological order to describe an event) based on the photograph/s. Your personal narrative should be a complete story about a life event– include a beginning, middle, and end. It should also have purpose and meaning. Choose a significant event in your life for a specific reason. Perhaps it changed your way of viewing the world or made you realize something important about life.

Chosen topic: Car accident (See short description and picture attached to have an idea of what happened)

You also want to choose a topic that you can describe in detail using sensory details and figurative language techniques (this is what makes it descriptive). Do not simply “tell” what happened; “show” the reader what happened! The goal is to create a visual image in the reader’s mind of the event and why it was so significant in your life. It should represent you as a person.Your essay should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs with a clear essay structure.

*Basic qualities of a narrative essay:

  • A narrative essay is a piece of writing that recreates an experience through time.
  • Unlike other essays, you may write in the first person (I, me, we) because it is a story about YOU!
  • In addition to telling a story, a narrative essay also communicates a main idea or a lesson learned.

*First steps for writing a narrative essay:

  • Identify the experience that you want to write about.
  • Think about why the experience is significant.
  • Spend a good deal of time drafting your recollections about the details of the experience.
  • Create an outline of the basic parts of your narrative.

*Writing about the experience:

  • Using your outline, describe each part of your narrative.
  • Rather than telling your readers what happened, use vivid details and descriptions to actually recreate the experience for your readers.

    Car Accident Narrative Essay

    Car Accident Narrative Essay

  • Use descriptive language. This is made possible by using figurative language (similes, metaphors, personification), sensory words (words using your 5 senses), and vivid words (“the author ‘stood timidly,’ or “my grandmother looked at me with great concern as if I were the only person in the world that mattered.)
  • Don’t tell. Show. It’s not interesting to read about the garage sale. But it is fascinating to see, feel, and experience one. Don’t be greedy on details.
  • Think like your readers. Try to remember that the information you present is the only information your readers have about the experiences.
  • Always keep in mind that all of the small and seemingly unimportant details known to you are not necessarily known to your readers.

Basic Format of a Narrative Essay
Paragraph #1-The Introduction

  1. Begin with an attention grabber that captures your reader’s interest.
    • Ex: Sometimes it takes something terrible to realize what is important in life.
  2. Follow with 2-3 sentences that lead up to your thesis statement (background information that will set the context). Growing up, I sometimes loved and sometimes hated my older sister, Anne. We are three years apart in age, which often felt more like one hundred years! She was the perfect oldest child; a straight-A student, responsible, trustworthy, and bossy. I, on the other hand, was impulsive, free-spirited and a tomboy who hated to follow rules. We frequently fought like cats and dogs, but as we grew into adulthood learned how to get along and tolerate each other.
  3. State your thesis statement-this should clearly state the experience or event that you will describe and its significance. Do not begin telling the details of your story yet.
    • Example: Although my sister and I have sometimes not seen eye-to-eye at times, it took her being horribly sick to make me realize how much she truly means to me.

Paragraph #2-4 Body Paragraphs-Your story.

  1. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence. Begin this sentence with a TRANSITION that shows the order that the events occurred (First, Later, In the end, Second, Third, etc.) and the details of your story.
    • Examples:
      • The day first began like any other day.
      • Later that day, my sister began to feel worse and my family and I began to worry.
      • After a day of much distress, my sister finally began to feel better.
  2. This is where you tell your story. Just like any story you read, you need to make sure to have a clear beginning, middle, and an end. Make sure to describe people and places involved with vivid details.

Paragraph #5: The Conclusion
The Conclusion is just as important as the Introduction; It is the last impression your reader will get of your story.

  1. Begin by re-stressing the importance of your thesis. Be careful not to use the same wording.
    • Example: Although the day my sister fell ill was a horrible day for my family, it made us all realize how important we are to each other.
  2. Summarize the basic events of your story.
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